| Heart, Palpitation and dyspnoea in organic heart disease, WORSE, when thinking of it | Pulse feeble | Precordial pains which dart to the left shoulder | Aortic insufficiency. | chest, heart, angina pectoris; | chest, pain; | chest, pain, lower chest, left; | chest, pain, stitching, sudden, sharp, lower part, left; | Heart symptoms alternate with aphonia, Angina pectoris, sharp, lancinating pain in left lung coming on suddenly, depriving of breath | Nervous aphonia with cardiac derangement ( Coca, Hydrocy-ac.) Burning sensation from throat down | Breathing spasmodic, with constriction of larynx and chest | Hoarseness | left lung painful | aphonia | Paralysis of the tensors of vocal cord | Dyspnoea, short, jerking inspirations | Sharp pain through lower region of left lung, extending down to epigastrium. | respiration, jerking, breathing in; |