| Great lowness of spirits | Easily vexed | Fearfulness, as if something were creeping out of every corner | Clairvoyant state | Great tendency to start | Over-sensitive to external impressions | Loss of memory | Paralysis of the insane | Ecstasy | Dread of death when alone | Brain feels tired | Insanity, with an exaggerated idea of one’s own importance | Excitable, produces heat all over | Restless, fidgety | HYPO-sensitive, indifferent. | mind, aversions, dislikes, thinking; | mind, aversions, dislikes, aversion to mental work; | mind, behaviour, inclination to sit; | mind, dazed; | mind, delirium, muttering; | mind, desires, wants, company; | mind, desires, wants, company, while alone; | mind, desires, wants, desires to be mesmerised; | mind, desires, wants, sex, lustful; | mind, symptoms follow intense emotions, fright; | mind, excitement; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, boredom, dissatisfaction (see loathing of life), weary of life (see boredom, dissatisfaction, loathing, etc.); | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, ecstatic; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc.; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., during chill; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., to loved ones; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., to relationships; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, indifference, apathy, etc., her children; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, irritability; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, loathing, life (see desires, death); | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, sensitive, oversensitive; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, sensitive, oversensitive, to light; | mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, sympathetic; | mind, intellectual faculties, bright, intelligent, clear, abundant ideas, clearness of mind; | mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, difficulty concentrating; | mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish; | mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish, unable to think for long; | mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, dull, sluggish, on waking; | mind, intellectual faculties, impaired thinking, weakness of mind; | mind, intellectual faculties, ideas, abundant ideas, clearness of mind; | mind, intellectual faculties, ideas, deficiency of ideas; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, morning; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, when alone; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, about future; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, hypochondriac - worrying about imagined illness; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, while lying down, on left side; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, during a thunder storm; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, of being alone (see company); | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, of death; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, of disease; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, something will happen; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, fear, of thunderstorm; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, frightened easily, starting, startled, easily; | mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, timidity; | mind, memory, forgetful; | mind, memory, weakness of memory; | mind, perception, senses, acute; | mind, preoccupied; | mind, mental symptoms from sexual excesses; | mind, shameless; | mind, slowness; | mind, slowness, in movement; | mind, sleep-walking; | mind, talking, conversation, answers not lucid, irrelevantly; | mind, talking, conversation, answers not lucid, refuses to answer; | mind, talking, conversation, answers not lucid, slowly; | mind, talking, conversation, dislike of talking, desire to be silent, taciturn; | mind, talking, conversation, speech, incoherent; |