Secale Cornutum

The following are the indications of Secale Cornutum, as it relates to this part. Strongest indications are in bold, the next strongest are in italics, and the remaining indications are in a plain typeface.
mind, delirium;
mind, delirium, raging, raving;
mind, emotions, feelings, attitude, disposition, suspicious;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety;
mind, insecure, uncertain, scared, anxiety, with fear;
mind, restlessness, nervousness;
mind, shameless;
vertigo, dizziness;
Head drawn back
Nosebleed, dark, oozing.
Passive, congestive pain (rises from back of head), with pale face
head, pain, headache, pressing (see bursting, pulling), back of head (occiput);
Falling of hair, dry and gray
Pupils dilated
Incipient cataract, senile especially in women
Eyes sunken and surrounded by a blue margin.
eye, inflammation, wounds, conjunctiva (external lining of eye), oozing pus (including cornea);
eye, paralysis, optic nerve, total blindness, without eye damage (amaurosis);
eye, protrusion, protruding eye balls;
eye, pupils, dilated;
eye, staring;
eye, sunken;
hearing, impaired;
Pale, pinched, sunken
Cramps commence in face and spread over whole body
Livid spots on face
Spasmodic distortion.
face, appearance as if dead (see sunken);
face, skin, discoloration, bluish, circles around eyes;
face, skin, discoloration, pale;
face, skin, discoloration, pale, morning;
face, skin, drawn, pulled;
face, skin, like insects crawling on skin (see skin);
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, leprous spots;
face, skin, out-breaks on skin, red, erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour), gangrenous;
face, sunken;
nose, nose bleed;
nose, nose bleed, clotted, coagulated blood;
nose, nose bleed, dark, black blood;
nose, nose bleed, dark, black blood, and thin;
nose, nose bleed, fluid blood;
nose, nose bleed, in alcoholics;
nose, nose bleed, in women, in young women;
nose, nose bleed, aged people;
mouth, crawling, gums;
Tongue dry, Cracked, blood like ink exudes, coated thick, viscid, yellowish, cold livid
Tingling of tip of tongue, which is stiff
Tongue swollen, paralyzed.
mouth, discoloration, tongue, brown;
throat, paralysis;
throat, paralysis, after diphtheria;
Angina pectoris
Dyspnoea and oppression, with cramp in diaphragm
Boring pain in chest
Precordial tenderness
Palpitation, with contracted and intermittent pulse.
chest, lungs, haemorrhage (see expectoration);
respiration, sighing;
expectoration, bloody, spitting of blood (see chest haemorrhage);
expectoration, mucous, bloody;
Shriveled, numb, mottled dusky-blue tinge
Scleraema and oedema neonatorum
Raynaud’s disease
Blue color
Dry gangrene, developing slowly
Varicose ulcers
burning sensation, better by cold, Wants parts uncovered, though cold to touch
Formication, petechiae
Slight wounds continue to bleed
Livid spots
Boils, small, painful, with green contents, mature slowly
Skin feels cold to touch, yet covering is not tolerated
Great aversion to heat
formication under skin.
skin, coldness;
skin, discoloration, blackish;
skin, discoloration, bluish, spots;
skin, discoloration, pale;
skin, discoloration, purple (purpura haemorrhagica purplish spots or patches from haemorrhage under skin);
skin, discoloration, purple (purpura haemorrhagica purplish spots or patches from haemorrhage under skin), in aged people;
skin, dry;
skin, gangrene, from burns or gangrenous sores;
skin, gangrene, cold;
skin, gangrene, in aged persons;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, black;
skin, abnormal growths, ulcers, gangrenous;
skin, abnormal growths, warts, withered;
skin, abnormal growths, warts, wrinkled, shrivelled;
skin, inflammation, skin erysipelas (inflamed from infection, deep red colour), gangrenous;
skin, like insects crawling on skin;
skin, numbness;
skin, out-breaks on skin, leprosy;
skin, pain, like bruising;
skin, pain, burning, as from sparks;
skin, pain, sensation as from electric sparks;
Spinal irritation, tingling of lower extremities, can bear only slightest covering
Locomotor ataxia
Formication and numbness
back, pain, burning, spine;
back, skin, like insects crawling on skin;
Stomach, Unnatural ravenous appetite, craves acids
THIRST unquenchable
Burning in stomach and abdomen, tympanites
abdomen, heaviness, lower part of abdomen;
abdomen, pain, lower part of abdomen, during period;
abdomen, pain, dragging, bearing down, during period;
abdomen, pain, pressing, lower part of abdomen, during period;
abdomen, kidneys, suppression of urine;
Eructations of bad odor.
Singultus, nausea, vomiting of blood and coffee-grounds fluid
rectum, flatulence, during stool;
rectum, involuntary stool;
rectum, paralysis (see inactivity);
Cholera-like stools, with coldness and cramps
Olive-green, thin, putrid, bloody, with icy coldness and intolerance of being covered, with great exhaustion
involuntary stools, no sensation of passing faeces, anus wide open.
stool, brown;
stool, copious;
stool, forcible, sudden, gushing;
stool, green;
stool, green, olive green;
stool, thin, liquid, pouring out;
stool, watery;
stool, yellow;
Paralysis of bladder
Retention, with unsuccessful urging
Discharge of black blood from bladder
Enuresis in old people.
urine, bloody;
genitals, male, tingling, like insects crawling on skin, penis;
genitals, male, tingling, like insects crawling on skin, scrotum;
Burning pains in uterus
genitals, female, gangrene, womb;
genitals, female, inflammation, womb;
genitals, female, pain, bearing down, womb, and region of womb (see labour-like pains, also pains in abdomen);
Female, Menstrual colic, with coldness and intolerance of heat
Passive hemorrhages in feeble, cachetic women
Brownish, offensive leucorrhoea
Threatened abortion about the THIRD month ( Sab.) During labor no expulsive action, though everything is relaxed
Suppression of milk, breasts do not fill properly
Dark, offensive lochia
Puerperal fever, putrid discharges, tympanitis, coldness, suppressed urine.
genitals, male, tingling, like insects crawling on skin;
genitals, female, after-birth, dark;
genitals, female, after-birth, offensive smelling;
genitals, female, after-birth, protracted;
genitals, female, after-birth, scanty;
genitals, female, miscarriage;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding);
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), active;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), with convulsions;
genitals, female, metrorrhagia (non-menstrual bleeding), during and after labour;
genitals, female, pain, pains after giving birth;
genitals, female, pain, labour-like;
genitals, female, pain, labour pains, ceasing;
genitals, female, pain, labour pains, prolonged;
genitals, female, pain, labour pains, weak;
Menses irregular, copious, dark, Continuous oozing of watery blood until next period
genitals, female, period, copious;
genitals, female, period, dark;
genitals, female, period, fluid blood containing clots;
genitals, female, period, irregular;
genitals, female, period, protracted;
Cold, dry hands and feet of excessive smokers with feeling of fuzziness in fingers
Trembling, staggering gait
Formication, pain and spasmodic movements
Fingers and feet bluish, shriveled, Spread apart or bent backwards, numb
Violent cramps
icy coldness of extremities
Violent pain in finger-tips, tingling in toes.
extremities, limbs, coldness;
extremities, limbs, coldness, yet warm bed unbearable;
extremities, limbs, coldness, upper limbs, hands;
extremities, limbs, coldness, upper limbs, hands, during chill;
extremities, limbs, coldness, lower limbs, leg, uncovering;
extremities, limbs, contraction of muscles and tendons;
extremities, limbs, cramps, calf;
extremities, limbs, pulling up limbs;
extremities, limbs, sensation of fuzziness;
extremities, limbs, gangrene;
extremities, limbs, gangrene, foot;
extremities, limbs, gangrene, foot, with burning, tearing pains;
extremities, limbs, gangrene, toes;
extremities, limbs, gangrene, toes, in aged persons;
extremities, limbs, heat, foot, burning;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, convulsion, rapid muscle spasm;
extremities, limbs, movements and positions, limbs spread, fingers spread spasmodically;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling);
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), fingers;
extremities, limbs, numbness (see tingling), toes;
extremities, limbs, pain, cold applications;
extremities, limbs, pain, rheumatic, cold;
extremities, limbs, pain, warmth;
extremities, limbs, pain, lower limbs, cold;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, upper limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, hand;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, fingers, tips;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, thigh;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, leg;
extremities, limbs, skin, itching, like insects crawling on skin, foot;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, black base;
extremities, limbs, skin, ulcers, lower limbs, gangrenous;
extremities, limbs, swollen, hand, gangrenous;
Coldness, cold, dry skin, cold, clammy sweat, excessive thirst
Sense of internal heat.
chill, icy coldness of the body;
chill, icy coldness of the body, with desire to uncover;
chill, icy coldness of the body, with clammy sweat and blueness, cannot bear to be covered;
chill, with fever, but chill predominating;
chill, uncovering, undressing;
chill, warm room;
chill, warmth is unbearable;
fever, intense heat;
fever, internal heat, burning;
fever, desire to uncover;
Profound and long
Insomnia with restlessness, fever, anxious dreams
Insomnia of drug and liquor habitues.
sleep, sleeplessness, insomnia, coverings are warm though limbs are cold;
generalities, convulsions, convulsive movements;
perspiration, cold;
perspiration, desire to be uncovered;
generalities, blackness of external parts;
generalities, emaciated (extremely thin), parts affected with disease;
generalities, faintness, fainting, during labour;
generalities, formication (like insects crawling around), external parts;
generalities, haemorrhage;
generalities, inflammation, internally;
generalities, inflammation, internally, gangrenous;
generalities, lean people;
generalities, numbness, externally;
generalities, pain, burning externally, internally;
generalities, pain, pressing, internally;
generalities, paralysis, of organs;
generalities, in aged people;
generalities, pulse, frequent, accelerated, elevated, exalted, fast, innumerable, rapid;
generalities, pulse, intermittent;
generalities, pulse, irregular;
generalities, pulse, small;
generalities, symptoms not symmetrical, right;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), hot feeling, sensation of heat;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm room;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm heater;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm bed;
generalities, temperature (felt and effects of temperature), warmth, warm air;
generalities, warmth;
generalities, warmth, warm room;
generalities, warmth, warm heater;
generalities, warmth, warm bed;
generalities, warmth, warm air;
generalities, wraps;
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness);
generalities, weakness (see lethargic, weariness), after stool;