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Tuberculinum: Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Tuberculinum questions- to all Homeopaths

My eczema suffering daughter - 10 years old, head to toe e - is using Tuberculinum LM1 6 glasses dilution twice a day (1 in the morning, 1 at night). This is the second remedy prescribed by our homeopath for her eczema. The 1st one is Carcinosin LM1 with which we had had to dilute to 7 glasses of water but still had bad aggravations.
She is having a bad Staph infection, using orthodox antibiotic together with Tuber LM1.
The homeopath said that if there is aggravation after taking the remedy (for example increased itchiness), we can dilute it furthermore and give that diluted dose to her straight away and dont have to wait for 12 hours. Following that instruction, we can keep diluting the remedy and give it to her until she shows some improvement, up to 6 doses a day (every 4 hours). This process is to find out her baseline.
She's taken 2 doses so far - 12 hours apart, diluted in 5 then 6 glasses. Soon after the 2nd dose, she had either a minor nervous attack (to bathing) or a reaction to the infection (slightly shaking, bluey lips and fingers/toes' nail, felt chilly, thirsty, pulse increased to 140) but after some sleep, has calmed down. At the moment, she is tired and has a fever. I am not sure it is due to the infection or a reaction to the Tuber.

My questions are:
- Is her instruction (diluting furthermore and giving it to her continuously until getting some improvement) a safe practice?
- Is the dose prescribed for her safe?
- Is there an antidote for Tuber?

My questions are because I read some old Tuberculinum related posts back in 2005 and hereunder is an extract from a thread:


Take the miasmatic nosodes in potencies below 12c .

I normally use 30c as bottom limit!!
With plants and materials it is ok to use 3x - it acts as a ¨¨broad band ¨¨ .

BUT the point is that there may be molecules of the original substance in the remedy.

If you use that potency as a nosode then you can be getting a dose of the disease
- not really a good idea”

I don't know much abt homeopathy let alone nosodes potency, dosage or how to use the remedy...But knowing what Tuberculinum is and after reading all those posts, I am worry for my daughter.

Thank you in advance for all responses and hope to hear from you soon.
  CAKmum on 2007-01-09
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.

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