The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Retractable Testes
My son is 10 years plus and have right testes retractable. He says that it is little smaller than the other one. There is no pain at all but the matter came to light when he had stomach ache for almost a week, three months back. Ultrasound result showed that right testes has gone upward and doctor advised a surgical treatment.Sometimes it does come down but mostly it remains up. I wish if this ailment get treated up without an operation. Please note that he also had right hernia operated back in 2001 and had hyrocele problem since childhood that probably ended up with hernia's surgery in 2001. I need forum's advice that which remedy can I try on him to avoid surgery. Please note that the previous surgery wasn't related to testes related issue but simply the swelling on the right side. Otherwise, his overall health is OK.I hope that forum members shall give their valuable advices.
Thanks for attention!
tariq_a on 2007-01-13
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