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Genital WartsWarts



Posts about Genital Warts, Warts

Having many types of warts7genital warts2Male, 31, HPV recurring Genital warts5Amount and combination of oral drops for genital warts3need advice - genital warts3genital warts3Dosage thuja capsule 1000 mg : how long and how often per day by genital warts5Genital warts16Genital warts49genital warts2


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

genital warts and thuja ointment

Hi, I am about to start using thuja cream to try and get rid of some vaginal/anal warts that appeared when i was pregnant. I wanted to know how much and how often and for how long do i apply the cream for. thanks
  minky on 2007-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Take a dose of Thuja 200 internally.... just one dose.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
hi, thanks for the reply.
Is the thuja cream not reccomended then?
minky last decade
thuja ticture can also be applied on the affected part.

for warts, thuja 30C some 3 or 4 doses per day for 3 to 4 days, till the change is noticed.
rishimba last decade
rishimba and pankaj varma

i am treating a patient with thuja 1M (3 doses gives during last 3 weeks)
he has warts on his whole body skin (tendency to grow wart and growths)
and a big fleshy mass hanging in his left underarm like a 'gobhi phool' (a vegetable)
but no bleeding from warts

what is your opinion about that patient

take care
Hasnat last decade
If the warts are spongy...then Thuja is the right med.

Has the patient responded in some way??

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

take the case fully and find out his constitutional or a remedy based on totality of his symptoms. its possible that his constitutional remedy would cover warts and so that would also be a holistic way to treat him.

just for example, remedies like causticum, Antim Crude may also be thought of if the other symptoms match.
rishimba last decade
hi Pankaj varma

happy to know that u are also an engineer like me

i am a mechanical engineer and MBA marketing and belong to pakistan
i am a homeopathy lover and student since 1990, my age is 32.

he is my office fellow and a close friend, can i send his detailed symptoms to you, pls see his case carefully

Dear rshimba, thanks for your advice too

take care
Hasnat last decade
Yes Hasnat..you can send the full case details to me for analysis.

Best wishes
Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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