The ABC Homeopathy Forum
overdose effects
dear all,I took following medicine by reading matetria medica in aug 1999 to dec 2000 : Lycopodium ( 30x to 1M), Argentum Metalicum(30x to 1M), Chelidonium, Staphysagria. From December 2000 onwards I started having vomitting, gas, acidity, anxiety etc till 2003. Afterwards I was getting these symptoms at a regual interval. But now for last 25 days I am having gas, anxiety and insomnia problem continuously. I want to ask that how long homeopathic medicines will effect my body?
alokvarshney52 on 2007-02-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
hi, alokvarshney52:
the duration of remedies is aprox. this:
'table of the approximate minimum duration of action of remedies by weeks.
aco. * agar. (3) * ag-c. (1) * alu. (4) * amb. (4) * am-c. (4) * am-m. (2) * anac. (3) * ang. (2) * ant-c. (5) * ant-t. (2) * arg-m. (2) * arn. (2) * ars. (4) * asaf. (4) * asar. (1) * aur. (4) * bar-c. (5) * bell. (3) * bism. (3) * bor. (2) * bov. (4) * brom. (2) * bry. (2) * calad. (4) * calc-c. (5) * cam. (1) * cann. (1) * canth. (2) * caps. (2) * carb-an. (4) * carb-v. (4) * caust. (5) * cham. (1) * chel. (1) * chin. (3) * chi-s. (2) * cic. (4) * cina. (2) * clem. (4) * coccl. (2) * cof. * colch. (3) * coloc. (4) * con. (3) * croc. (1) * crot-h.(3) * cup. (3) * cyc. (2) * dig. (3) * dros. (2) * dulc. (4) * euphr. (2) * euphor. (4) * fer. (5) * flu-ac. (3) * grap. (5) * guai. (3) * hell. (3) * hep. (6) * hyos. (1) * ign. (1) * iod. (4) * ip. * kali-c. (6) * kali-n. (4) * kre. (1) * lach. (3) * laur. * led. (4) * lyc. (5) * mag-c. (5) * mag-m. (4) * mang. (4) * mar-v. (2) * men. (2) * merc. (2) * mez. (4) * mos. * mur-ac. (3) * nat-c. (4) * nat-m. (4) * nit-ac. (4) * nux-m. (1) * nux-v. (2) * old. (3) * op. * par. * petr. (5) * pho. (5) * pho-ac. (4) * plat. (4) * plb. (3) * pru-s. (3) * pul. (1) * ran-b. (3) * ran-sc. (4) * rhe. * rhod. (4) * rhus-t. (4) * rut. (1) * saba. (3) * sabi. (4) * samb. * sars. (3) * sec-c. (2) * sele. (4) * seneg. (3) * sep. (6) * sil. (6) * spi. (2) * spo. (3) * squ. (2) * stan. (4) * stap. (3) * stram. * stron. (4) * sul. (5) * sul-ac. (3) * tarax. * thu. (3) * valer. (1) * ver-a. (2) * verb. (1) * vio-o. (1) * vio-t. (1) * zin. (4)' (extract from
the duration of the remedies depends too on the potentization you used. clearly is different the duration of lycopodium 30ch and lycopodium 1m. and the duration is different between an mineral remedy and a vegetable remedy. as higher potency, longer duration. mineral longer than vegetal.
your symptoms -in my opinion- indicate to lycopodium or argentum metalicum.
you can antidote them. look on your materia medica.
good luck
the duration of remedies is aprox. this:
'table of the approximate minimum duration of action of remedies by weeks.
aco. * agar. (3) * ag-c. (1) * alu. (4) * amb. (4) * am-c. (4) * am-m. (2) * anac. (3) * ang. (2) * ant-c. (5) * ant-t. (2) * arg-m. (2) * arn. (2) * ars. (4) * asaf. (4) * asar. (1) * aur. (4) * bar-c. (5) * bell. (3) * bism. (3) * bor. (2) * bov. (4) * brom. (2) * bry. (2) * calad. (4) * calc-c. (5) * cam. (1) * cann. (1) * canth. (2) * caps. (2) * carb-an. (4) * carb-v. (4) * caust. (5) * cham. (1) * chel. (1) * chin. (3) * chi-s. (2) * cic. (4) * cina. (2) * clem. (4) * coccl. (2) * cof. * colch. (3) * coloc. (4) * con. (3) * croc. (1) * crot-h.(3) * cup. (3) * cyc. (2) * dig. (3) * dros. (2) * dulc. (4) * euphr. (2) * euphor. (4) * fer. (5) * flu-ac. (3) * grap. (5) * guai. (3) * hell. (3) * hep. (6) * hyos. (1) * ign. (1) * iod. (4) * ip. * kali-c. (6) * kali-n. (4) * kre. (1) * lach. (3) * laur. * led. (4) * lyc. (5) * mag-c. (5) * mag-m. (4) * mang. (4) * mar-v. (2) * men. (2) * merc. (2) * mez. (4) * mos. * mur-ac. (3) * nat-c. (4) * nat-m. (4) * nit-ac. (4) * nux-m. (1) * nux-v. (2) * old. (3) * op. * par. * petr. (5) * pho. (5) * pho-ac. (4) * plat. (4) * plb. (3) * pru-s. (3) * pul. (1) * ran-b. (3) * ran-sc. (4) * rhe. * rhod. (4) * rhus-t. (4) * rut. (1) * saba. (3) * sabi. (4) * samb. * sars. (3) * sec-c. (2) * sele. (4) * seneg. (3) * sep. (6) * sil. (6) * spi. (2) * spo. (3) * squ. (2) * stan. (4) * stap. (3) * stram. * stron. (4) * sul. (5) * sul-ac. (3) * tarax. * thu. (3) * valer. (1) * ver-a. (2) * verb. (1) * vio-o. (1) * vio-t. (1) * zin. (4)' (extract from
the duration of the remedies depends too on the potentization you used. clearly is different the duration of lycopodium 30ch and lycopodium 1m. and the duration is different between an mineral remedy and a vegetable remedy. as higher potency, longer duration. mineral longer than vegetal.
your symptoms -in my opinion- indicate to lycopodium or argentum metalicum.
you can antidote them. look on your materia medica.
good luck
andres last decade
Dear Andres,
I got baldness after 2000. few more symptoms are : Presently these symptoms are more pronounced during 4pm-8pm. My mouth become dry and tounge taste gets bitter. Pl. tell me the name of antidote and the potency & dose. How long I should take the antidote.
I got baldness after 2000. few more symptoms are : Presently these symptoms are more pronounced during 4pm-8pm. My mouth become dry and tounge taste gets bitter. Pl. tell me the name of antidote and the potency & dose. How long I should take the antidote.
alokvarshney52 last decade
Dear alokvarshney52.
As I am sure you are now aware, self prescribing is not a good idea.
From the symptoms you have given it could be either Lyc, Arg-nit, or Chelidonium which is causing the problems, possibly even all three.
Once you have had a bad reaction to an improperley prescribed remedy, which would be termed a proving, the guidelines for remedy duration do not really apply, as these can last for years as your case proves.
The first step is to try to remember your reactions to the remedies at the time they were given. Which do YOU think is causng the most problems?
As I am sure you are now aware, self prescribing is not a good idea.
From the symptoms you have given it could be either Lyc, Arg-nit, or Chelidonium which is causing the problems, possibly even all three.
Once you have had a bad reaction to an improperley prescribed remedy, which would be termed a proving, the guidelines for remedy duration do not really apply, as these can last for years as your case proves.
The first step is to try to remember your reactions to the remedies at the time they were given. Which do YOU think is causng the most problems?
JCS2006 last decade
Dear alokvarshney52, aggrevation between 4-8pm is a bold-type keynote of Lyc.
starnet last decade
Heh, thanks starnet, I thought this was the case, and was just repertorizing to make sure. The other symptoms also seem to match Lyc wouldn't you agree?
JCS2006 last decade
somebody pl. tell me the antidote for lyco and how to take it. I mean the potency and no. of times a day. Pl help me.....
alokvarshney52 last decade
starnet last decade
starnet last decade
JCS2006 last decade
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