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please help, not sure if autism or not
Hi my daughter will be 3 this May. She has not started talking yet. She understands something we say like simple directions but doesn't seem to understand everything we say to her. But she is very intelligent and brilliant. Neurologist said she is not autistic but comes under PDD because of her language problem. She loves to cuddle with us, makes eye contact, wants us to play with her and dance with her. Loves music, plays good piano, I've never seen anyone this age playing piano very well cordinatin her fingers. Loves books. Has excellent memory, identifies all the alphabets, numbers 1 to 12, will do more if I teach her, all the shapes and colors. Just started going to a school just for couple of hours. If we dress her in the morning she cries because she knows if she has to go to school afterwards. When we call her name, mostly doesn't listen because she will be always playing with her toys. If I make firm voice or angry voice then she listens and complains why I'm calling like that. A very happy child. laughs with us. doesn't line up toys like the symptoms of autism point out. when asked she points everything correctly on books. But doesn't point to any other thing, whatever she wants, grabs us by our hand and looks at the thing. When entering a room looks at us kind of like asking to switch on the light looking at the switch. If she can reach the switch , she turns it on. With some odd behaviors, she doesn't seem like sha has autism, we are confused and seeking to have a proper diagnosis.She has been at home all the time. Didn't get a chance to mix with other kids. Now at school, doesn't play with other kids, thatr may change as she has just started going there. But I've noticed while we went to a big party, one kid was chasing her and she liked that, later she identified that kid and patted him like asking to chase her again, so it's not like that she doesn't acknoledge other kids. She is very stubborn. She had very bad day care experience with an accident when she was 17 months pld, from that day she got scared of lady figure, but goes to men. she runs when she hears the door chime when I get home from work. Her unusual behavior is she deoesn't seem to understand and not talking at all, just says maa, aaaa, and some of her own language, not proper babbling though.
Seems childish when compared to other kids her age, but definitely more intelligent than others. Eats lint out of her socks. Doesn't sit straight for long time, on the sofa also , sometimes her legs will be up, head down. These kind of behaviors make her childish as compared to other kids. Doesn't dress herself. It's like if she wants to or put her mind to, she can do something that she is supposed to do. Like the other day, she felt something uncomfortable in her pants and took out her pants by herself, which we didn't know she could do that. If we say to her, she won't do it. As if not interested in these things. But always busy with something. She started scribbling late, just 3-4 months back. Has good attention as she would sit and listen one CD at a time. Doesn't climb upsatirs without support, hold the railing. Doesn't pedal tri cycle but kids her age do that.Neurologist said she has soft neurological signs, don't kow what it means, looked up the net but didn't find much info on this. Sometimes we feel that everything is right , sometimes we feel that something is different.
Please respond and advice us, we are confused what to do.
We got the book on Einstein syndrome, Anyone wants to know, please google on Einstein syndrome. With my daughter einstein syndrome matches more than autism symptoms. By the way, she is not toilet trained but after she poops in her diaper she gets uncomfortable and puts her hand on the diaper, sometimes comes to us . We don't know how to potty train her as she doesn't understand or doesn't want t o understand us.
thank you
nandi on 2007-02-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I've had many concerns about my son over the years, but no 'professional' ever saw what we did, because he's very social (overly so). He does have verbal dyspraxia (neurological speech disorder), so his speech/tongue is off.
A speech problem doesn't make kids PDD or even PDD-NOS, but she could have a form of apraxia. You can find the diagnostic criteria online by doing a Google search for Autism diagnostic or PDD diagnostic to see what she meets and if they would consider her any of those.
My son had 5 small words at 3 and you couldn't understand much of it. We taught him PECS and signing and eventually his speech flourished. He still struggles with words, certain sounds and sounds like something is off, but he sounds pretty good. A year and a half ago, he sounded awful, so a lot chances over time.
I have a video of him at 3.5 that I made of red flag behaviors and I'm happy to report that most of those have disappeared. I'm happy to share that if you would like to compare. You would swear he was autistic watching that video, but hes normal now. Strange. Also, until recently (he'll be 5 in April), we were really, really concerned about a processing problem, because he couldn't answer a descriptive question (one that's not 'yes' or 'no.' But, that kicked in about 6 months ago and he communicates perfectly now.
So, what I'm trying to say is you'll have a lot of trouble with getting people to see what you see and chances are you'll need to be the expert and figure out what's up. She obviously has a speech issue and that can be helped by therapy. If she does have apraxia, she will need a speech therapist that specializes in that, as many have not a clue how to treat it. There is a program you can get Kaufman Praxsis treatment and treat her yourself.
She may be a late bloomer as my son is/was and it will manifest as Autistic looking stuff. I spent a few years very frustrated, because I was convinced he had it. I still think there's a possibility that there is something more than dyspraxia going on, but it may be more late blooming stuff. Time will tell.
Id be happy to help you however I can.
A speech problem doesn't make kids PDD or even PDD-NOS, but she could have a form of apraxia. You can find the diagnostic criteria online by doing a Google search for Autism diagnostic or PDD diagnostic to see what she meets and if they would consider her any of those.
My son had 5 small words at 3 and you couldn't understand much of it. We taught him PECS and signing and eventually his speech flourished. He still struggles with words, certain sounds and sounds like something is off, but he sounds pretty good. A year and a half ago, he sounded awful, so a lot chances over time.
I have a video of him at 3.5 that I made of red flag behaviors and I'm happy to report that most of those have disappeared. I'm happy to share that if you would like to compare. You would swear he was autistic watching that video, but hes normal now. Strange. Also, until recently (he'll be 5 in April), we were really, really concerned about a processing problem, because he couldn't answer a descriptive question (one that's not 'yes' or 'no.' But, that kicked in about 6 months ago and he communicates perfectly now.
So, what I'm trying to say is you'll have a lot of trouble with getting people to see what you see and chances are you'll need to be the expert and figure out what's up. She obviously has a speech issue and that can be helped by therapy. If she does have apraxia, she will need a speech therapist that specializes in that, as many have not a clue how to treat it. There is a program you can get Kaufman Praxsis treatment and treat her yourself.
She may be a late bloomer as my son is/was and it will manifest as Autistic looking stuff. I spent a few years very frustrated, because I was convinced he had it. I still think there's a possibility that there is something more than dyspraxia going on, but it may be more late blooming stuff. Time will tell.
Id be happy to help you however I can.
jkcmartin last decade
Thanks Martin for your response. In lot of things we see similar behavior as autism but they are not convincing. I hope it' sjust late blooming. I've googled on apraxia, and some of the symptoms don't match as she chews well and moves tongue well, licks her lips etc. Yes, we have to somehow find out. Neurologist said it would be better if we do a MRI to find out, but we are kind of reluctant as it involves general anaesthesia. I am glad to know that your son has come a long way and doing well. I sometimes think it might be just Einstein syndrome that they talk about which is similar to autism. In my family every one is very bright. I and my brother has had some OCD behaviors. So, not sure what's going on. Thank you again for your help and support.
nandi last decade
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