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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

spinal pain at back neck

In December 2006 i worked continued 10 to 12 hours at my office chair and after one month i had been suffered pain in my neck. I got check up from orthopedic doctor. he suggest me for an x-ray. I am very upset now as my service is table work continusouly and i deal with a huge bundle of files to check and had to finish work on same day. my x-ray report is as under: Posterior kissing with slight reduction of disc space between C5-C6, kindly help me i alreay used arnica 200 along with calc phos 200.
  dilljan on 2007-03-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi dilljan,

I have had chronic cervical spondylosis for the past two years and it is getting worse, i.e. permanent pains in head,neck,shoulders,arms,hands and now I can feel the pain in my legs. My problem is at c5,c6and c7 of my cervical spine.

I have tried various pain killers and find that 'Remedeine' 30/500, which is a very strong pain killer does help.(This is prescribed by my doctor).Although this pain killer does help with the pains in my head, it does not help very much with the pains in the rest of my body.I find myself becoming quite irritable and aggitated every day. Therefore I tried a herbal remedy in addition to the pain killers.This herbal remedy does help calm me down although I can still feel the pains.

My herbalist told me to try 'Passiflora Complex', the tincture version. The fresh 'Avena Sativa' contained within the tincture has the calming effect. I may also puchase 'Avena Sativa' seperately to add to the calming effect. I find this extremely good as I now feel much calmer everyday and more able to deal with the pains.The only reason for not taking this is if you are on anti-depressants.

However,I do know that doctors sometimes prescribe anti-depressants to help numb the pain but they can be quite addictive. I have kept off them and gone herbal.

I too had to sit at a desk all day long but now I am unable to work. Important thing is to avoid lifting and make certain your posture and sitting position are correct and comfortable. Have the correct chair to sit on with good back, lumber support. Try not to sit at your desk for long periods, walk about. Tell your boss about your needs. Ask your doctor to be referred to a physiotherapist for exercise instruction on head movement, sittin at your desk and what you should avoid doing. This is very important because if you do the wrong things your condition may get worse.

I hope this helps. Best to consult your own doctor before taking additional medication.

Take Care

Buckaroo last decade

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