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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Causticum for acne

Hi, I want to order this. I have sever acne, and the remedy said this is the most likely choice for my symptoms. I chose a 30x potancy since I've had acne for a long time. However, should I order it in form of cream or pillules?

  hassan on 2007-03-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear hassan:
Homeopaths used to treat skin and endocrine problems with internal remedies rather than surface remedies. But in your case -and in some others- you can take the remedia via sublingual, and you can applicate a cream on your acne. You have to consider this last application as one dosis.
For instance, if you have decided to take three dosis every day, then take two in pillules or pellets and one in as a cream dosis on your skin.
Best regards
andres last decade

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