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Thuja Occidentalis: Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need for antidote for medorrhinum and thuja

Dear doctors,

Last several months I had been using homeopathic medicine for the treatment of my austic son. I have used several medicines such as Bryta Carb, Cal Carb, Arnica, Natrum Muricam, Medorhinum and Thuja.

I have followed suggestions from Mr Joe, Dr Walkin and Rishimba. Mostly I have followed the instructions of Dr Rishimba.

After using Bryta Carb, Cal Carb, and Natrum Muricam Dr Rishimba has suggested me to use MEDORRHIUM and THUJA to destroy/reduce the ill effect of vaccination or some thing else.

But after using using MEDORRHIUM and THUJA I have experienced that my autistic son's condition detoriated than before.

He has lost those few words that he has learned after a long strugle of five years. He is behaving more fullish and exposed himself in lots of unusual activities that he has not done before. His tantrum has increased. It is around 2-3 months since he has taken medorrhinum and Thuja.

Therefore, are thre any doctors who could tell me what sorts of medicine I should use to neutralize the effects of medorrhinum and Thuja.

Looking forward for your kind suggestions.


  Nitish on 2007-03-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In this connection my humble submission is that Dr.rishimba has correctly selected the Miasmatic medicines which will benfit in the future to your child. Because aggravtion with the Medh. and Thuja is a healthy sign in accordance with the homeopathy law. However you should wait the advise of Dr.Rishimba and wait to work these remedies also.

Dr. Mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr Mahfooz,

Thanks for your reply. But unfortunately, Dr Rishimba stopped prescribing any further medicine after this episode. This was extremely shocking to me. He said he did not see any medicine that will match the symptoms. A irresponsible comment and attitude.

My question is how did he prescribed medicines before when my children have similar symptoms. I have got no idea why did he prescribed medorrhium and Thuja and why did he stopped or surrender.

Now, ultimately my children are suffer!!


Nitish last decade
Dear Nitish,
Since I am not well aware of your case,therefore. Could you please provide the following information?

Patient ID: Sex: Age: Nature of work: Habits:

Describe your main suffering and from how long?
Any cause which you feel for this ailment?
What other physical sufferings do you have in your body?
What mental sufferings / feelings do you have associated with your physical sufferings?
When did it all start?
What are the things which aggravate or ameliorate your suffering?
When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
How is your bowel movement and stool type (Constipation etc.)?
How sleep, how are your dreams?
Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings?
What medications have been taken earlier?
How do you look like (Appearance (fat, thin,smart, tall ,lean etc)?
If your are female how is your menstrual cycles and from how long(normal, irregular, painful, clotted, colour etc.)
Family history - What major diseases are running in your family?
Any other information?

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
this is the link for the thread where i had suggested nitish to go for antidoting of the vaccination after which the autism started. he never heeded to our advice and now, he has started another thread accusing the homoeopaths of irresponsible attitude.


the homoeopaths try to help the patients here for free and to the best of their abilities, working under limitations that they are not able to see the patient.

despite such selfless efforts, its unfortunate that such degrading remerks are made at the prescribers.
rishimba last decade
I have read the prescription of thuja and medorrihinum.

i think you should wait coz thuja in high potency without proper similimum can cause life long miasms which is hard to cure.

And furthermore this I am agree with Rishimba cause we Doctors really work under restrictions.

Anyway if u need any information plz contact me if u want on this forum.
drprodip last decade
Dear drprodip,

Could you please explain me a little bit clearly what I should do at this stage. I want to stop the ill effect of medorrihium and Thuja. It did not helped at all rather worsen the condition.

Nitish last decade
Dear Rishimba,

I am not accusing any homeopaths nor even you for anything. You have prescribed Meddorihium and Thuja for my sons. After several weeks when I have reported the changes to you, you wrote,

'i think mitra is right.

i dont see any specific symptom based on which a remedy can be suggested. if you can tell them which are the vaccinations they have taken and after what vaccinations the autistic symptoms have started, helios would be able to come up with a suitable vaccine antidote'.

Now what I want to tell you that, as you have prescribed medicine you should have clear vision what should be done next. You can not just simply quote some one's recommendation, and the worst part was that you stopped commenting even after six months of prescription. I think this is some sort of irresponsibility or surrender.

But I can tell you that I am not accusing you rather seeking remedies from the forum as his condition gets worst.

Nitish last decade
drprodip and nitish,

as per my experience, one dose of MEDORHHINUM and one dose of THUJA separated by three weeks cannot have a long term proving.

its a very common practice to prescribe a dose of MED to counter the ill effects of strong sycotic miasms in the family which could be a reason for the abnormality.

i have done this to many of my patients and the response was always better. i have never had complaints that the symptoms aggravated after 2 months of taking the remedies.

further, THUJA was prescribed to counter the vaccination effects.

after the above no changes have been seen in the symptoms, thus further suggestion was stopped.

nitish had admitted in one of his earlier posts that autism was observed in his children after the vaccinations, thus an antidote to the vaccination was the most logical conclusion.

because the symptoms were not converging to any specific remedy, what was the use of recommending remedies on trial and error basis. in homoeopathy, a prescriber cannot plan from the beginning as to what remedies would be given in series. it all depends what symptoms come up.

when there was no change in the symptoms or no improvement, its best to wait.

its funny that if i would have suggested remedies on trial and error, nitish would have been happy about it. as i am not able to see the kids, and the symptoms are not converging, what else an honest prescriber will do. its definitely not irresponsibility or surrender.

moreover, apparantly the aggravations which his sons are having, was not reported in the subsequent posts in the thread. now after 2 months, he tries to stress that the damage is because of MED and THUJA. its unbelievable. even if its true, just wait and watch, its going to get over.
rishimba last decade
Dear Rishimba,

As I have said before, I am not trying to accusing you. But I was in trouble when you have stopped providing suggestions. Earlier I have informed to you that my son has stopped using those few words that he was using for a long time after using the medicine. It is still there...please have a look.

At that time he has not present abnormalities such as more tantrum/restlessness so I did not inform you.

I think you should have written to me something that you are doing now then I could realize that you are still taking my case. But you did not.

I want to stop this blame game as I have no intention to do that. You are providing suggestions freely and even if I pay I should not blame any one as long as they are trying.

Like before, I am again expressing my gratitude for your nice reply. I will wait and see if this conditions subside. Also please let me know if you still feel that there are other medicines that might help


Nitish last decade
Dr. rishimba has explained the position very correctly, at that stage it was quite possible to stop any medication. However,now it is advisable that the case would be reporterized afresh with the present position of the patient.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade

please have a look at the last few posts of the subject thread.

you infact agreed that you would start a dialogue with 'helios' and you did start getting information about 'helios' from others.

at this stage, what would a prescriber do..?

obviously, i assumed that you would go for antidoting the vaccine which caused autism. thus, i did not probe further in to the case and waited for you to come out with the results of the vaccine.

finally, you did not go for 'helios' and started another thread here.

you said that mine was an irresponsible behaviour. now you are trying to tell me that you were not accusing me.. its funny.

fine, i feel dr.mahfooz and dr.prodip are quite capable to handle this case and as they have the case history in the two threads.

please fill up the questionnair of dr.mahfooz and wait for his recommendations.
rishimba last decade
Dear Nitish,

I need to talk to you directly on yahoo chat about problems of your child.

If u like come online at 11pm onwards on yahoo chat.
drprodip last decade
Dear Rishimba,

I have contacted helios and they said that they do not provide any prescription but sell medicine upon requested.

When I have informed you the symptoms of my son after administration of two medicines, you said that you do not see any symptoms that could match any medicine, then what can I do?

I have seen my sons to one homeppath in Sydney. But it did not work. She was pretty expensive though. She charged me AUD 1400 at the first appointment for two sons. I thought this international forum has access to more specialized doctor world wide!!

Nitish last decade
Dear drprodip,

Sorry, I have got problem with accessing yahoo messenger chat. Please do remember that I am living in Australia so there should be time difference. Could you please let me know your specific questions.

Nitish last decade
What is the condition of ur child exactly.... Right Now ??

Describe in details !!

And what changes u have seen before medicines and after ??
drprodip last decade
Dear Nitish
Just an observation from giving my son (not autistic) medorrhinum- his response went one way on the first dose - as if he couldn't help but be good and entirely the other way on the second dose - have a feeling another dose might bring your son's vocab back
pumar last decade
Hi Nitish,

I have a son who is benefited from cease thrapy do not waste your time with these amature so called doctors in here who know if they are qualified or not.
Try Alan freestone from uk i am also following him he is good and take resosibility for what he does.

He will also first antidote what these suggestions might have done to your son.
I am in us my son was born here huston homeopathy also prescribe cease and classical homeoathy together . I know the pain of having a kid like that i have the same he is 5 yrs now, but trust me my wife was also very skeptic you need to research yourself all this hit and trial can be done under qualified homeopath not on a forum its your son.
Hope and wish health and happiness for your family.
Homeopathy1980 8 years ago
Were you able to antidote Thuja?
What medicine antidoted it?
homepath 5 years ago

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