The ABC Homeopathy Forum
staphysagria and sex drive
Hi,My homeopath prescribed Staphysagria for me several months ago. It has helped me a lot in my daily life, the only problem is I seem to be much less sexual than I used to, and this bothers me a lot in my relationship with my husband and is really depressing me and making me touchy to the point of tears. Will this go away in time or do I need to try a different remedy?
zarifa on 2007-04-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
In absence of libido and neurasthenia,you can use DAMIANA Q 5to10 drops mixed with plain drinking water and take 2 times daily morning and night before half an hour of meal and continue for 7days.I expect your problem will be over.Try to take more fruits.Thanks
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
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