The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Child with bedwetting, emotional issues
Hallo,I have a child that I am very worried about. I have tried to fill in the questionnaire and hope that someone can help us to choose some remedy for him. Thankyou Pia
Child's First Name: John
Age: 6,5 years
Height: 116 cm
Weight: 22 kg (european size)
He looks very thin and is quite small. He grows very slowly.
Birth weight: 3990 g (european size)
Hair color: light hair, a little brownish
Race/nationality: Swedish boy
1. What is the chief complaint? Include information about the side of the body that's affected; the color, odor and consistency of any discharges that may be present; whether the complaint came on gradually or suddenly; and all changes from the normal state, including mental/emotional changes, body temperature changes (colder or hotter than usual), appetite and food and drink desires that may have changed; and try to be specific in describing the sensations involved in the complaint, for instance, 'pain as if a splinter in the throat', etc.
-Repeating infections, colds and bedwetting. Very sensitive for cold weather, windy. Difficult to hold the right body temperature, colder than normal. When the weather is cold and windy he often catches a cold with rinny nose, hot and red face, it happens very quick. This includes mental/emotional changes, he gets very angry and irritated. When this happens I have given him Aconitum 30c and several times this has helped very quickly. But sometimes It doesnt help and he gets a longtermed infection that is hard to get rid off. It often ends up with several weeks with respiratory problems such as a sound when breathing and a lot of phlegm, slime. He doesn´t want to eat when this happens. Bedwetting also happens every week. Within one or two hours after sleep.
There are mentally problems like he says he´d better die or there is no use for him. He is very angry with his friends in school sometimes. He wants to kill them, and he tells us that he will fight and hit them the next day. Sometimes there are conflicts in school too.
Allergy to milkprotein. After eliminated this in his diet two months ago he is getting better emotionally(mentally. But there is still problems
His stool/stomach is a little bit better after the diet changes but still he has diarrhea some days and hard stool some days.
He is often very shy with new people. It is often difficult to get an answer from him. It´s almost like he is not hearing what we say to him, as if he is in another world. Sometimes it´s hard to get his attention. When he is playing or watching TV he doesn´t answer when talking to him.
2. When did this problem start? What happened in the child's life around that time? What do you think caused it?
He is a anxious child and has always been. One big issue in our family is that his big brother has ADHD and there had been a lot of conflicts within the family with his brother. John is very worried and anxious about this, like we all are. When stressful situations happens in the family or outside he responds with overactivity, irritability, angry behaviour. We try so hard to avoid conflict and to create stability and a calm environment around the children, but its difficult with his big brothers problem to manifest this. His big brother is often very jealous and they fight a lot.
There is another big issue. 2004 we were in Thailand when the tsunami came and this was very traumatic for the hole family. John was very upset after that for several months. He was more frequently bedwetting and very emotionally affected like I described above.
3. What aggravates the chief complaint (certain foods, weather, movement, light, noise, touch, pressure, music, heat, cold, open windows, closed windows, being at the sea shore, sympathy or anything else you can think of)? Milk, cold weather, windy, infection, conflicts, stressful situations,
4. What makes the chief complaint better? (See examples above.) Sympathy, touch, massage, a lot of physical affection, sleep tight to us, love, calmness, peace,
5. What time of day is the worst for your child (try to specify a time)? 4-5pm
6. What symptoms accompany the chief complaint? Examples might be headache with runny nose or runny eyes, stomach pains with irritability, and so on. See above
7. What was the mother's and father's state of health at time of conception? How did the mother feel during pregnancy physically and mentally? Did she suffer any shocks or traumas while pregnant?
Mother: During pregnancy and also later on I was very frustrated, angry, irritated, stressed, exhausted. There was a lot o f conflicts with his elder brother and a lot of screaming in the family. Nowadays this is much better because both me and my elder son has got help. But I think John still suffers from this.
8. Did the mother have any unusual or memorable dreams while pregnant? Don´t remember
9. Did the mother take any drugs while pregnant? No
10. Were there any complications at birth? No
11. At what age did the child: crawl, walk, talk, teethe, toilet train, wean? Crawl at 8 months, walk at 12 months, talk at 1,5-2 years, toilet train 2 ,5 years
12. How did the child react to the following situations: vaccinations, birth of younger sibling, starting day care, starting school, spending night with a friend, going away to camp, traveling with the family? I´m sorry that I have not noticed how the vaccines affected him. But he has been vaccined. I don´t know the names in English of the vaccines. Starting day care were no problem. Traveling with the family 2004 for three monts in Thailand were very difficult with him. He was very upset, angry, frustrated. Both our boys were very upset with the new situations in another country and so on. They were very overactive and fought with each other a lot. The journey were meant to be a good time for the family but it was a difficult time with the boys and as I wrote it ended up with the tsunami .
Starting school last autumn was very difficult. He was very upset and anxious for 3-4 months before he calmed down. He was very angry and talked a lot about that he would hit the other children in school the next day and so on. He was very worried about his big brother in school, he wanted to protect him. He was very shy in school. Didn´t answer when an adult talked to him and didn´t look in the eyes. Now he likes school better and he is not so shy anymore.
13. How many rounds of antibiotics has the child had and for what conditions? I think two times. When 7 months for ear inflammation and when 4,5 years for impetigo.
14. Any skin conditions treated with cortisone-type cream? No
15. Did the child have an especially severe childhood illness--measles, mumps, croup, etc.? A lot of cold symptoms very frequently. With asthma related symptoms. He was treated with cortisone-inhalation for long periods around 1-3 years old. And also Bricanyl.
16. When ill or upset does the child want to cling or be left alone, or something else altogether? He wants to cling, and often hits me. Irritated and angry. He is hard to contact, doesn´t answer questions.
17. How would you describe the child's behavior when playing with other children? The behaviour is most of the time very good but when his unbalanced due to cold or something else his very frustrated, angry and irritated.
18. What feedback do you get from the child's teachers? They say that he is shy, they don´t hear or see a lot of him. He just do what they say all the time. Sometimes he is in conflicts with other children but it is not often. He plays and have fun with the friends.
19. How does your child treat animals? He can be a little bit careless but no big deal.
20. What foods and drinks does your child crave? What foods is he or she averse to? Are there any foods he or she reacts badly to and in what way? Do the drinks have to be cold (or with ice) or can they be any temperature? Reacts to milk.
21. What fears does your child have? After the tsunami he was terrified of dogs. Fobia. But after treatened with some energy therapy this seems to be healed.
22. Is the child chilly or warm? Is there excessive perspiration anywhere?
He is very, very chilly.
23. How affectionate is the child when not sick? Very affectionate, loving, warm.
24. How sympathetic is the child (concerned with the suffering of others)? Very much
25. How is the child affected by music and dancing? Loves it
26. What emotion tends to predominate with the child? Loving emotion
27. Is the child fastidious? Please explain. Never when not sick. But when he is sick he can be very fastidious. He blames his brother for everything. He cries and says he wants things. He clings a lot.
28. Is the child sensitive to criticism and reprimand? Give examples. Yes, very much. Sometimes he gets very angry and says swearwords and hits me. But sometimes he gets very sad and cries with big tears if criticised.
29. Describe the child's eating habits, for example: picks at his food, or eats voraciously, or is full after 2 bites, or can't sit still to eat, or must be fed or he won't calm down, and so on. He can´sit still, must run away and do things, needs a long time to eat, picks at his food, gets very messy around him and on his clothes as if he was 1 year old.
30. Are there any digestive complaints--waking with stomach pains, or a lot of gas and bloating or burping, or constipation, etc.? Sometimes diarrhea and sometimes hard stool.
31. Are there any problems associated with sleep? What position does he sleep in? Does he throw the covers off? Does he sweat during sleep? On which part of the body? Trouble falling asleep? Nightmares, etc.? Bedwetting, trouble to calm down sometimes. Gets very chilly we need to put very warm clothes on him.
32. Any skin symptoms or anything note-worthy about the skin, the complexion, etc.? When he is ill he gets dry, itching skin on the body.
33. Is there anything striking, or characterizing about your child, for example: attatchments, unusual desires and abilities, preferences in clothing, etc.?
34. How cooperative is the child?
35. What's standing in his way of getting what he wants or needs?
36. How often does the child get sick? Does he tend toward certain illnesses?
37. What illnesses run in the family, including the grandparents? Mother: CFS(cronichal fatigue syndrom), joints pain Father: allergy, asthma Grandmother: fibromyalgia
38. What does the child really love to do?
39. It's important for us to know what may have been the cause for the complaints you have mentioned. To this end, please make a list, in order of occurence, of the major events in the child's life, including such things as physical and emotional traumas, major illnesses, losses, deaths in the family, surgeries, etc. and the child's age at the time. If he or she had a notable reaction to these events, please describe.
Tintintin on 2007-04-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Try the follwoing prescription
1. Cina 10M weekly once early in the morning empty stomach i.e. every sunday morning.
2. Tarentula H 200 daily one dose except sunday
go on continue at least 3-6 month for cure.
dr.deoshlok sharma
Try the follwoing prescription
1. Cina 10M weekly once early in the morning empty stomach i.e. every sunday morning.
2. Tarentula H 200 daily one dose except sunday
go on continue at least 3-6 month for cure.
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
Thankyou very much for your quick answer. I will buy the remedies tomorrow and return to you with report on possible progresses.
Best regards Pia
Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Thankyou againfor your prescription. I have another question. Here in Sweden they only sell following potencys: Cina CM and Tarentula H D200
Is it okey to give these to my boy? I am not sure about the difference between your names of potencies.
I also got confused when I came to the emedyshop because the homeopath there told me to buy Chamomilla instead. So I did not buy anything I wanted to ask you first. What do you think about our Swedish potencies and about Chamomilla?
Thankyou very, very much for your time and effort.
Best regards Pia
Is it okey to give these to my boy? I am not sure about the difference between your names of potencies.
I also got confused when I came to the emedyshop because the homeopath there told me to buy Chamomilla instead. So I did not buy anything I wanted to ask you first. What do you think about our Swedish potencies and about Chamomilla?
Thankyou very, very much for your time and effort.
Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
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