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There is so much controversy about the acute shortage of flu vaccine over here in the US. How can Homeopathy step in and help people in this situation and help it self.faqir on 2004-10-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1st determine exact symptomology of those whom have reportedly goten this flu--place all symptoms together --find most common---use theses symptoms to find all remedies that are homoeopathic to theses symptoms----note individual's idiosyncratic tendencies --note where overlap with flu symptomology obtained---most homoeopathic to all data taken--administer remedy in 30c potency--repeat dose twice daily --no more than 3 days in a row----do this when observed flu has hit area ---
but best protection is to remain calm --good feelings--good food--positive -creative life style----and prescribe when /if flu symptoms appear....use coffea cruda 12c twice daily no more than 3 days --at very first sign of flu--stop use after any sign of change or at end of 3 days--whatever occur first..
but best protection is to remain calm --good feelings--good food--positive -creative life style----and prescribe when /if flu symptoms appear....use coffea cruda 12c twice daily no more than 3 days --at very first sign of flu--stop use after any sign of change or at end of 3 days--whatever occur first..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
when/if cfeea cruda 12c does not abate--then prescribe upon symptoms which occur--using most homoeopathic remedy to symptoms...
my personal choice is to allow flu its full blown course and only interrupt if symptomology becomes too severe---there are reasons why nature creates theses natural innoculations..
my personal choice is to allow flu its full blown course and only interrupt if symptomology becomes too severe---there are reasons why nature creates theses natural innoculations..
♡ John Stanton 2 decades ago
I am copying an advertisment that appeared in today's issue of the New York Times which may be of interest.
" Influenzinum 30C is a homeopathic remedy made from the actual flu vaccine prepared for the upcoming flu season. However, as opposed to the possible side effects of getting the actual vaccine, using influenzinum offers no possible risk of getting the flu or other side effects. It is safe for use regardless of your age, your over-all health, any allergies you may have or any prescription medicines that you may take. Influenzinum may be used for prevention and treatment of flu-like symptoms. It also is more specific to each year's flu than the remedy known as Oscillococcinum. As a preventative: Take 3 tablets under the tongue** at the beginning of each month throughout the flu season (November to March). In our families, we routinely make the 1st of each month our ìInfluenzinum day. The great thing about this is that 1 bottle is enough to treat the entire family, and some of the neighbors too! As a treatment for flu symptoms: Take 3 tablets under the tongue** every 4 hours while the symptoms persist. Starting this at the very first sign of getting the flu will give the best results. **You should not eat or drink anything, chew gum, eat mints, or brush your teeth 15 minutes either way of using any homeopathic remedy under the tongue. Also, try not to touch the pills with your hands; pour them into the bottle cap and then dump them under your tongue! "
" Influenzinum 30C is a homeopathic remedy made from the actual flu vaccine prepared for the upcoming flu season. However, as opposed to the possible side effects of getting the actual vaccine, using influenzinum offers no possible risk of getting the flu or other side effects. It is safe for use regardless of your age, your over-all health, any allergies you may have or any prescription medicines that you may take. Influenzinum may be used for prevention and treatment of flu-like symptoms. It also is more specific to each year's flu than the remedy known as Oscillococcinum. As a preventative: Take 3 tablets under the tongue** at the beginning of each month throughout the flu season (November to March). In our families, we routinely make the 1st of each month our ìInfluenzinum day. The great thing about this is that 1 bottle is enough to treat the entire family, and some of the neighbors too! As a treatment for flu symptoms: Take 3 tablets under the tongue** every 4 hours while the symptoms persist. Starting this at the very first sign of getting the flu will give the best results. **You should not eat or drink anything, chew gum, eat mints, or brush your teeth 15 minutes either way of using any homeopathic remedy under the tongue. Also, try not to touch the pills with your hands; pour them into the bottle cap and then dump them under your tongue! "
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Joe !
You dug out something very useful.
Influenzinum is the medicine for flu. Can be used as a preventive.
Pankaj Varma
You dug out something very useful.
Influenzinum is the medicine for flu. Can be used as a preventive.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
I have been using Influenzinum for many years as a prophylactic but was warned by another Homeopathic BB that posting the use of any remedy as a prophylactic was not acceptable according to the laws of Homeopathy in spite of the fact that I had personal evidence that it really worked. This is the reason why I posted a direct copy of the advertisment in today's N Y Times just in case I was treading on any sensitive toes.
I must record that I have been successful in avoiding the flu with Influenzinum and have also used Occilococinum for others who have succumbed to it. I have also used Bacillinum as a prophylactic against the common cold and use and recommend its use every 6 months. I have observed that Bacillinum really helps in the case of persons who are in enclosed surroundings like airconditioned offices where colds can be transmitted from one person to another easily.
I would like to have your thoughts on using Homeopathic remedies as prophylactics although this usage is frowned upon in the classical Homeopathic circles.
I have been using Influenzinum for many years as a prophylactic but was warned by another Homeopathic BB that posting the use of any remedy as a prophylactic was not acceptable according to the laws of Homeopathy in spite of the fact that I had personal evidence that it really worked. This is the reason why I posted a direct copy of the advertisment in today's N Y Times just in case I was treading on any sensitive toes.
I must record that I have been successful in avoiding the flu with Influenzinum and have also used Occilococinum for others who have succumbed to it. I have also used Bacillinum as a prophylactic against the common cold and use and recommend its use every 6 months. I have observed that Bacillinum really helps in the case of persons who are in enclosed surroundings like airconditioned offices where colds can be transmitted from one person to another easily.
I would like to have your thoughts on using Homeopathic remedies as prophylactics although this usage is frowned upon in the classical Homeopathic circles.
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Dear Joe
Prophylactics were used since Hannemann's time.They are a part of classical homeopathy.
When any epidemic is on the rampage,all the people are exposed to the same morbific influence,and hence depending on the suceptability of the person,some may get it quickly,and some later.
But,all are already exposed to the morbid influence,and hence,the frequency of the vital force has already changed.Symptoms may not be still evident.
Now,if you give a suitable medicine,as a prophylactic,the frequencies match,and as long as the resonance is there,the person will not be effected.
But,one word of caution is that the same medicine may not work out in the epidemic of next year.The correct prophylactic can be ascertained only after the first cases break out,and the symptoms are known,across a cross section of people.
Hope this will clarify your doubts.
Prophylactics were used since Hannemann's time.They are a part of classical homeopathy.
When any epidemic is on the rampage,all the people are exposed to the same morbific influence,and hence depending on the suceptability of the person,some may get it quickly,and some later.
But,all are already exposed to the morbid influence,and hence,the frequency of the vital force has already changed.Symptoms may not be still evident.
Now,if you give a suitable medicine,as a prophylactic,the frequencies match,and as long as the resonance is there,the person will not be effected.
But,one word of caution is that the same medicine may not work out in the epidemic of next year.The correct prophylactic can be ascertained only after the first cases break out,and the symptoms are known,across a cross section of people.
Hope this will clarify your doubts.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thank you for indicating the website on Homeoprophylaxis
I found it very informative
Thank you for indicating the website on Homeoprophylaxis
I found it very informative
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Dear Joe !
Like you, I believe in practical ways and not mere thoery.
If the "Flu" is in the "Air" ...better to use a preventive.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Pankaj Varma
Like you, I believe in practical ways and not mere thoery.
If the "Flu" is in the "Air" ...better to use a preventive.
Thanks so much for sharing.
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
Dear Pankaj
Theory also supports the use of 'preventives.'Tha is what I have been trying to expalin above.
Theory also supports the use of 'preventives.'Tha is what I have been trying to expalin above.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
One of the problems with flu season is the year repetitive advertized horror of "Not enough Flu vaccine!!!"
Marketing sends all the "taught to be fearful people" from TV, into mass hysteria. (this in itself can make you sick!)
Wake up, people, they are playing with your minds!! TV, sales, corporations, medical reports, want you to panic and demand what they will gladly SELL to you. They do it EVERY YEAR!! Yes, some do die, but not thousands like in 1918 and before.
Yes, Homeopathy has many remedies to help. Learn in the Forum what they are. Learn to take care of yourself!! Not all remedies are listed in books. Stop living in fear, fear is the chains that shakle you. Sabra
Marketing sends all the "taught to be fearful people" from TV, into mass hysteria. (this in itself can make you sick!)
Wake up, people, they are playing with your minds!! TV, sales, corporations, medical reports, want you to panic and demand what they will gladly SELL to you. They do it EVERY YEAR!! Yes, some do die, but not thousands like in 1918 and before.
Yes, Homeopathy has many remedies to help. Learn in the Forum what they are. Learn to take care of yourself!! Not all remedies are listed in books. Stop living in fear, fear is the chains that shakle you. Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
For the information of all concerned.There is no flu vaccine in India.We don't bother about not having it,and if we get flu,we bear with it,and it subsides with a few homeopathic medicines.
I don't understand why people are so paranoid about it.
I don't understand why people are so paranoid about it.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Murthy, in USA, the general public is TAUGHT to fear and give ourselves over to the control of doctors and religion. Some religions here believe science is evil.
Since the early 1900's we have been taught to rely less on our common sense and fearfully give ourselves over to another's control.
Everyone should see the movies: "What the (bleep) Do We Know?" and "I (heart) Hucklebees." Bleep entertains with Quantum Physics and the second is more subtle about our emotional addictions as the result of our twisted culture. Sabra
Since the early 1900's we have been taught to rely less on our common sense and fearfully give ourselves over to another's control.
Everyone should see the movies: "What the (bleep) Do We Know?" and "I (heart) Hucklebees." Bleep entertains with Quantum Physics and the second is more subtle about our emotional addictions as the result of our twisted culture. Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
I wouid like to copy an article that I read on WebMD which refers to the use of Occillococcinum as a prophylactic against the flu which may be of interest.
The address is:
"The hottest remedy this year is called oscillococcinum (os-sill-oh-cox-sin-um). This is a homeopathic remedy, in which vanishingly small amounts of a disease cause are given to make the body turn against the cause. Sometimes such preparations are so diluted not a single molecule remains. Recently, it was at the top of's list of top sellers."
I have used this remedy Oscillo 200 to treat cases of Flu and have found it very effective but have not used it as a prophylactic.
I would like to have the comments of Pankaj and Murthy on this matter.
The address is:
"The hottest remedy this year is called oscillococcinum (os-sill-oh-cox-sin-um). This is a homeopathic remedy, in which vanishingly small amounts of a disease cause are given to make the body turn against the cause. Sometimes such preparations are so diluted not a single molecule remains. Recently, it was at the top of's list of top sellers."
I have used this remedy Oscillo 200 to treat cases of Flu and have found it very effective but have not used it as a prophylactic.
I would like to have the comments of Pankaj and Murthy on this matter.
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Dear Joe
I read that article.
I still feel there is no universal prophylactic which works,year after year.
The first few cases and the common symptoms among those only will lead us to the correct remedy,which then can be given to the entire population of that area.
Ther are many instances in the literature,where the medicine which worked this year for mass infections,miserably failing next year.
I still wonder why people are so paranoid about it.At the worst they suffer for a few days,and then it is all over.
May be,they will become more immune afterwards.
As John said earlier,may be there is a reason,why we get flu,and it may be better to let it go through on its own.
I read that article.
I still feel there is no universal prophylactic which works,year after year.
The first few cases and the common symptoms among those only will lead us to the correct remedy,which then can be given to the entire population of that area.
Ther are many instances in the literature,where the medicine which worked this year for mass infections,miserably failing next year.
I still wonder why people are so paranoid about it.At the worst they suffer for a few days,and then it is all over.
May be,they will become more immune afterwards.
As John said earlier,may be there is a reason,why we get flu,and it may be better to let it go through on its own.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Each time the Flu invades, have to see what common symptoms are being thrown up by the patients.
Then select the medicine.
Use same med for treatment as well as a preventive ...during that time.
That would be my approach.
Appreciate your each post is bringing in new knowledge.
Good luck to all,
Pankaj Varma
Then select the medicine.
Use same med for treatment as well as a preventive ...during that time.
That would be my approach.
Appreciate your each post is bringing in new knowledge.
Good luck to all,
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
The allopath :
Your Flu will run for five days....whether you take the medicine or you don't.
Not so in homeopathy.....with the use of an appropriate homeopathic medicine you can cut it short to one day or two days. Have done it many times with many people.
You can also prevent it! With the use of the medicine.
After the flu phase is over, to help regain strength and vigour:
Carbo Veg.
Acid Phos
Your Flu will run for five days....whether you take the medicine or you don't.
Not so in homeopathy.....with the use of an appropriate homeopathic medicine you can cut it short to one day or two days. Have done it many times with many people.
You can also prevent it! With the use of the medicine.
After the flu phase is over, to help regain strength and vigour:
Carbo Veg.
Acid Phos
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
The point that I was trying to make is that in the website that I quoted, they seem to be using Oscillo as a prophylactic for the Flu. I have used Influenzinum and also Gels 30 as a prophylactic and have successfully evaded the Flu which usually reaches epidemic proportions from December to end January in Sri Lanka when over 75% of the population go around sneezing and coughing.
Throughout the past years I have taken a daily dose of Gels 6 at night during this period and have found that it gives me protection against the flu as I am the only one without the flu in office. I also use Influenzinum 200 once weekly and it is interesting to record in this connection that the pharmacy who were advertising this remedy informed me that the demand was for the 30c in preference to the 200c as a prophylactic.
I have no experience with the use of Oscillo as a prophylactic till I saw it on another website and throught that I should mention it to you as a matter of interest. I have used it myself about a year ago when I was feeling the flu coming on with body aches and a slight temperature and it put me back to normal with just 2 doses. Oscillo is the ultimate flu remedy and it would be interesting to see if it works as a prophylactic.
The lack of the Flu Shot is causing panic in the US where I am informed a dose is now going for $1000 in Detroit and it is also given on a lottery basis at the normal price.
There is no doubt that they are paranoid about this flu shot which in some cases has caused more distress than otherwise as some senior citizens have got pneumonia shortly after taking it.
They are also giving it now intradermally as they can then stretch the original single dose for 3 persons. There is no record however on how it will react intradermally and we can only wish them luck.
That is presuming that the Flu Shot when taken either Intra - Muscularly or Dermally actually works !
The point that I was trying to make is that in the website that I quoted, they seem to be using Oscillo as a prophylactic for the Flu. I have used Influenzinum and also Gels 30 as a prophylactic and have successfully evaded the Flu which usually reaches epidemic proportions from December to end January in Sri Lanka when over 75% of the population go around sneezing and coughing.
Throughout the past years I have taken a daily dose of Gels 6 at night during this period and have found that it gives me protection against the flu as I am the only one without the flu in office. I also use Influenzinum 200 once weekly and it is interesting to record in this connection that the pharmacy who were advertising this remedy informed me that the demand was for the 30c in preference to the 200c as a prophylactic.
I have no experience with the use of Oscillo as a prophylactic till I saw it on another website and throught that I should mention it to you as a matter of interest. I have used it myself about a year ago when I was feeling the flu coming on with body aches and a slight temperature and it put me back to normal with just 2 doses. Oscillo is the ultimate flu remedy and it would be interesting to see if it works as a prophylactic.
The lack of the Flu Shot is causing panic in the US where I am informed a dose is now going for $1000 in Detroit and it is also given on a lottery basis at the normal price.
There is no doubt that they are paranoid about this flu shot which in some cases has caused more distress than otherwise as some senior citizens have got pneumonia shortly after taking it.
They are also giving it now intradermally as they can then stretch the original single dose for 3 persons. There is no record however on how it will react intradermally and we can only wish them luck.
That is presuming that the Flu Shot when taken either Intra - Muscularly or Dermally actually works !
♡ Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Dear Joe,
It is very good of you to post useful information here for all to see.
I saw another site where they said someting like:
The most dififcult name to pronounce "Oscill.......m", yet turning out to be the best medicine for flu.
In France they have been using it for decades. In America they just started excellent results in case of flu.
Great of you !
Pankaj Varma
It is very good of you to post useful information here for all to see.
I saw another site where they said someting like:
The most dififcult name to pronounce "Oscill.......m", yet turning out to be the best medicine for flu.
In France they have been using it for decades. In America they just started excellent results in case of flu.
Great of you !
Pankaj Varma
♡ PANKAJ VARMA 2 decades ago
OK, one more bit of info. Both these products come in matched vials, with instruction to take the entire vial as one dose.
This is a complete falsehood.
One KNOWS, if you are familiar with Homeopathy at all, that a FEW of the grains is one dose. One can eat a whole bottle and it is STILL one dose!
The manufacturer wants you to buy more! The major concept of Homeopathy is THE SMALL DOSE.
Be knowledgeable, use what you know to be true. Sabra
This is a complete falsehood.
One KNOWS, if you are familiar with Homeopathy at all, that a FEW of the grains is one dose. One can eat a whole bottle and it is STILL one dose!
The manufacturer wants you to buy more! The major concept of Homeopathy is THE SMALL DOSE.
Be knowledgeable, use what you know to be true. Sabra
♡ sabra 2 decades ago
Hi everybody! I'm a garlic fan and I've found that aged garlic is perhaps the best form for getting all the goodness from garlic against COLD , FLU etc.. WITHOUT BAD BREATH!
Is this true? What about garlic products like Extracts, pills, capsules...?
Is this true? What about garlic products like Extracts, pills, capsules...?
Kelsey 2 decades ago
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