The ABC Homeopathy Forum
foreskin closed.
hello,i have 2 boys aged 5 and 1 and both have closed forskins.i was prescribed a cortezon cream for the bigger boy a few years ago and told to pull it down genly but it always closed there any treatment for this or has it to be surgery?thanksmollydalton on 2007-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ maheeru last decade
surgery is no doubt an option but i have seen one case in my family like this one.
his mother used mustard oil as lubricant and pulled up the foreskin a few times everyday before the daily shower.
she continued it for some months and they could avoid a surgery.
his mother used mustard oil as lubricant and pulled up the foreskin a few times everyday before the daily shower.
she continued it for some months and they could avoid a surgery.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear patient please arrange surgery and it will hardly take 20 to 30 minitues time.It is better and safe from all theories.Thank you
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
The penis and foreskin: Anatomy and Sexual Function of the Foreskin
'This directory contains academic articles and discussions about anatomy, dimensions, immunological functions, innervation, vascularity, sexual function... The articles are indexed in chronological order of publication.'
Health Benefits of the Foreskin
Today, however, the prepuce is considered to be of value to its owner and there is ever increasing interest in the preservation of this tissue. The prepuce has been demonstrated to have immunological functions and properties, which protect its owner from disease, and to be erogenous tissue with important functions in human sexual response.
Holistic treatment for phimosis, paraphimosis, and BXO (Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other reproductive issues that avoid surgery can be found with homeopathy via websites such as and
The penis and foreskin: Anatomy and Sexual Function of the Foreskin
'This directory contains academic articles and discussions about anatomy, dimensions, immunological functions, innervation, vascularity, sexual function... The articles are indexed in chronological order of publication.'
Health Benefits of the Foreskin
Today, however, the prepuce is considered to be of value to its owner and there is ever increasing interest in the preservation of this tissue. The prepuce has been demonstrated to have immunological functions and properties, which protect its owner from disease, and to be erogenous tissue with important functions in human sexual response.
Holistic treatment for phimosis, paraphimosis, and BXO (Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans), sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and other reproductive issues that avoid surgery can be found with homeopathy via websites such as and
♡ Homeopathy International 1 last decade
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