The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Health & weight issue
Hi;I have a daughter of 2 and half years old, though she eats moderately & enough, still she looks weak, her weight is 9 kgs, many tonics we gave her as per prescription haven't helped her gain weight, what could be the problem?
Please help!
shaikh47 on 2007-05-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
how is her stomach, stools
any tomnsils or mums
how was her birth, any abnormailties during birth or pregnancy
how is her mind symptoms, like anger, irritation, crying etc
and now tell me that which tonic u used earlier
have u ever used nay homeopathic medicine or tonics
take care
Dr. Hasnat
any tomnsils or mums
how was her birth, any abnormailties during birth or pregnancy
how is her mind symptoms, like anger, irritation, crying etc
and now tell me that which tonic u used earlier
have u ever used nay homeopathic medicine or tonics
take care
Dr. Hasnat
Hasnat last decade
Respected Ma'am;
As requested by you i am herewith submitting the details according to your questions.
Her stomach, stools - Normal
Tomnsils or mums - None
Her birth - Normal.
Abnormailties during birth or pregnancy - None
Her mind symptoms, like anger, irritation, crying etc. - had breath holding problem when she was 1 years old, does have sometimes when she demands angrily, anger not much but also sometimes.
Tonics used earlier - Orofer Xt syrup, Vitcofol syrup, & currently in use Zentop multivitamin syrup.
Used homeopathic medicine / tonics - Yes, commonly available teething pills, cold & cough remedy, and once for heat stroke prevention.
As requested by you i am herewith submitting the details according to your questions.
Her stomach, stools - Normal
Tomnsils or mums - None
Her birth - Normal.
Abnormailties during birth or pregnancy - None
Her mind symptoms, like anger, irritation, crying etc. - had breath holding problem when she was 1 years old, does have sometimes when she demands angrily, anger not much but also sometimes.
Tonics used earlier - Orofer Xt syrup, Vitcofol syrup, & currently in use Zentop multivitamin syrup.
Used homeopathic medicine / tonics - Yes, commonly available teething pills, cold & cough remedy, and once for heat stroke prevention.
shaikh47 last decade
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