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5yr old hearing loss/6 wk cough

Hi there. My 5.5 yr old (born sept 17 2001 Canada) is battling a cough and hearing loss in left ear that keeps coming and going and I need help! I want to AVOID antibiotics that everyone else seems to be on in this town!!! This has been about 6 weeks and it was almost gone twice, unless we have gotten new stuff!! I too battled this bug for 4 weeks complete with a ferocious sinus infection.

He was birthed at home, no vax, no circ, carried in sling for 2 yrs, breastfed until he was 4yrs, walked and ran at 10 monts! homeschooled, we live in the country, only 1 antibiotic years ago when we got whooping cough. Always colds go to his lungs, same time each spring. Weakness of lungs on both sides of his family. He eats 95% non processed foods, no junk, pop or sugar. We use honey or syrup for sweetener and he is virtually gluten/wheat/dairy/yeast free. We juice, sprout and eat 95% organic foods and meat. His bowel movements have always been great (except for once as a toddler I think)- always 3-4 movements per day as a toddler, and now with the addition of rice crackers and things typically 1-2 per day. He is very relaxed about using the washroom and takes his time and seems to really know his body which I originally thought was strange for a child.

In the last couple months I have used oregano oil, collodial silver, homeopathics, efa's, multi vitamin, echinacea & mullein, teas and infusions, mustard plasters, cold wet sock treatments, mega dosing vitamin c, colostrum, probiotics, chiropractic, radiance reiki daily etc.

In the night last night and now this morning he is coughing hard, it is difficult to distinguish between dry and wet, almost both, nothing coming up- hurts to cough, gags sometimes at the end. His temp is only 97.9. His nose is stuffy and the left nostril is plugged. The left ear is still plugged as well. (he never had ear problems EVER until 7 months ago and again 6 weeks ago-both painful ear infections, same ear-both times hearing loss) This time hearing loss is stubborn. Have given kali mur tissue salts-no results. Have candled his ears twice and hearing retrned completely for a couple days.

Normally exceptionally agile child-much like a gazelle. However, falling and getting fingers pinched etc. the last few days-very whiney in reaction to such small occurences. Sensitive to the 'cold drafts' even though it's hitting 28 degrees lately outside! However, 'looks' for the cold spot in the bed at night to put his feet body. ALWAYS hates covers when sleeping at night. Mostly sleeps on side curled up. We co-sleep. Small for his age.

3 days ago he fell badly and smashed his cheek into the entertainment unit-big circular bruise 2.5' covering whole right cheek. Used Traumeel cream externally multiple times each day as well as Reckeweg R55 combination remedy for falls/fractures etc.

Has asked that his long hair be cut recently which I helped him with, he explained he was tired of telling people he was not a girl and now he won't have anymore tangles ;-)

Enjoys his new martial arts class but dislikes the sparring part.

Loves animals- our dogs, cat, chickens. Sweet with his 2.5 yr old sister most of the time, then they butt heads, but only wants to play his way all the time. Loves all things diggers, building, figuring stuff out. Pines over people we have met in the past camping etc. and will get all teary eyed that he misses them and that they don't write.

Was obsessing about FIRES awhile back and destraught thinking our house would burn down each night, would ask if I checked the stove before I went to bed. Had dreams about cars catching on fire etc. Very vivid dreams when he has them. Remembers them next day and beyond. Has dreams of coyotes/dogs as well.

last night he awoke with a rare nightmare, shaking, about fire again- if I recall he said our house was on fire and the animals were afraid. usually bad dreams can be traced to a food additive etc and could be left over from muffins at grandma's 2 days ago-dairy etc.-peed the bed that night-only pees the bed when consumes dairy.

He worries about the coyotes coming in and getting our cat- it almost happened one night. we do see coyotes in our fields.

Picks his nose ALOT and eats it, says it tastes yummy.

I think I've covered much of what is going on with him lately. Can anyone help me???

Over the past 5 yrs, I have noticed this about 2 remedies when they are given to him... phosphorus -whenever he takes it 30c or 200c it makes him really angry and grumpy- and as a child he would run around in circles! I have noticed hepar sulph completely changes his personality and seems to make him happy- odd!

we have used homeopath in past, but she's an hour away and has had 2 children back to back almost.

any help to point me in the right direction would greatly appreciated!!!

  wendypape on 2007-05-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
try the following presription.

1. Arnical 200C weekly one dose

2 Mephitis 30 4-6 pills twice in a day for long period.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
1. Arnica Mont 200C weekly one dose

2 Mephitis 30 4-6 pills twice in a day for long period.
deoshlok last decade
thank you Dr. Sharma.

I am not sure if this changes anything, but he

GRINDS teeth at night always.
DROOLS at night as well.

this seems to be a new bug- as his sisters been sharing his cups and had croup last night which I was able to remedy quickly.

He slept thru the night last night then coughed non stop all day (a dry hack, sometimes violent), but was in great mood- outside with father building etc. climbing, running around, still no fever, intermittent stuffy nose.

Now also coughing after fell asleep etc. Gave lachesis 30c and he slept 4 hours no cough. 1 more dose 30c not effective after midnight. Still coughing every 15-20 minutes. says throat is sore.

should remedies be in water or just pellets?

thank you very much for taking the time.

wendypape last decade
for cough I am giving you one formula i..e pls continue the arsenic alb 30 and Ipecac 30 4 hrly alternate for 3-4 days will give you the good result in your case try it with above medicine.

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
Grinding of teeth in the night is a clear sympton of 'Worms' in the entestines.

The child has to be on treatment of worms first.

I suggest 'Curprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3X' 2 pills three times a day for a week.

If Curprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3X' is not available giv e 'Cina 30C) 4 pills three times a day for a week.

After the worms other symptons be treated.

Non-Veg. food and in certain areas water is the main cause of worms.

Best of luck.
Rajendra last decade
thanks for your reply.

we had wondered about worms and since it was spring we all did Clarkia herbal tincture a few months back black walnut/clove/wormwood.

that was our herbal ladies first thought too but she dowsed and said she was surprised he did not.

However we have dogs, cat, chickens and ponds and very active children who like to dig and play outside so I can certainly see how it could apply.

the memphitis just came in the mail and I hadn't started it yet... and I have the china 30c.

Is there any chance I can do them both at once?

wendypape last decade
China is different from CINA.

I suggested you 'Curprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3X'

If not available then 'CINA 30'

Alongwith any of the above you should give 'Chamomilla 30C' ALso three times a day

Unless the worms are clear the other problems are difficult to cure.

You appears to be a Non-Veg. SO worms has to be a common problem.
Rajendra last decade
sorry... I typed that wrong. Yes I have the Cina 30c.

Is the chamomilla 30c suggested for worms as well, or the chronic cough?


wendypape last decade
Yes, Cough.
Rajendra last decade
I just wanted to say THANK YOU both for your help. Although i forgot about the chamomilla 30c, I did use the Cina 30c and THEN the mephitis 30c. It only took about 6 days for the cough to disappear. It's been weeks without cough. Of course his sisters is still there!

The hearing was a little trickier and despite a Naturopath & regular chiropractic, ear candling, and an MD we had no success- I then found a veteran chiropractor who specializes in cranial adjusting and in 10 minutes, the chronic hearing loss was FIXED and is still fine.

So thanks again. We have been helped on this forum before, and I am greatful everyday that this exists and that you people are a part of it.


wendypape last decade
Hello, I have given the arnica 200c about 5 wks in a row.

The bruise on the right cheek is still there, and it has a lump under it, smaller then a dime. He says it does not hurt.

Only other new things I have noticed during all this is that he has grown 1/2', lost 1-2lbs in weight, now PICKY about good foods we serve at home, and bruises lots on legs (loves to climb,jump, tumble etc) - I did ask for bloodwork and it 'seems' to be fine.

I also tried sulph acid 30c for 3 days with no improvement.

Can you recomend a different remedy?


wendypape last decade
What do you have animals in your house and children playing with them?

Any history of Tuberclosis in your family?

Since when the lump is isible?

Are the Worms clear now?

Pl. reply.
Rajendra last decade
What do you have animals in your house and children playing with them?

-------- yes, 2 large dogs, 1 cat, 12 chickens- animals do not sleep in bedrooms or on beds.

Any history of Tuberclosis in your family?

--------- yes, I believe my fathers father died from it. This child has been treated by a homeopath in the past for coughs that linger for many weeks after a cold. When he was about 20 months he was treated with Med 1M- it took cough away but was believed he proved this remedy as his behaviour became so erratic and out of control! It was antidoted, behaviour stopped, cough returned and eventually went away. When he was about 4yrs he was treated with Turberculinum 1m for another cough that lingered, I do not recall the outcome.

Since when the lump is isible?

---- lump is not really visible externally- small bruise is visible, lump is underneath it when you touch it. since after the swelling went down from the acute injury.

Are the Worms clear now?

---------- I never actually saw worms, just followed your advice and gave cina 30c for 4-7 days, cough went away so I stopped.

thank you.

wendypape last decade
----I should also add, when my son was 3.5 yrs old, he and his 4 month old sister and I contracted whooping cough which despite trying homeopathics, was a very bad and scary experience. It seemed to take 6 months to recover, although antibiotics were unfortunately given this 1 time in his life.
wendypape last decade


Pl. give Tuberclonium 200 (One Pill crushed in little Sugar of milk (Homeo powder)or in a spoon of water in he empty stomach once only . No eatables or drink for one hour.

Wait for 3 days and report.
Rajendra last decade

tuberculinum 1 pellet in water given at midnight while he slept. It has now been 13 days since giving the tub 200c.

- great grandfather may not have had TB- upon further prodding, info from relatives is now conflicting. However my husbandds mother's mother died from it and both my MIL and her mother have lung problems!!!

- MAIN THING SINCE Tuberculinum 200c - he and his almost 3 yr old sister NOT GETTING ALONG AT ALL. Same thing happened last year when he was given this- it was horrible. I remember this because we didn't know what to do or why it was happening. Usually they get along very well together. VERY frustating hearing them bicker and argue all the time.

- PICKING his nose ALL the time and eating it since tub. 200c

- bruise and lump faint but still there- at one point I thought was gone, but still there.

- LOVES salt HATES fat on meat. (this has always been the case)

- always has liked swimming but afraid of water so he wears lifejacket-will NOT put face under water. Hated having hair washed as a baby but ok with it now. He was sitting on side of pool when he was 3yrs old while father was in pool cleaning. Child slipped off side and into water- father caught him, but child was very scared thereafter.

- Since tuberculinum 200c he is VERY sulky, whiney when doesn't get his way. dramatic! STOMPS, easy to cry lately, tears up, more emotional, missing people, angry- some related to wheat/dairy/lots of family visiting lately but most is brand new!

- NOT listening to what I'm asking him to do etc.

- demanding and VERY bossy with sister. yelling at her, snatching things from her, all of a sudden not wanting to share. some hitting i think of her when i'm not looking/poking etc. but she is bugging him too.

- fascinated with earwig insects since tub 200c. Likes to carry them around, collect them. usually a very gentle child with all bugs. I found him piercing the earwigs with a nail!

- seems to have more independence though. bit more confident in some ways- but afraid of ME when I yell. i try not to yell often, husband hardly raises his voice, husband and I hardly ever argue- raise voices rarely, so our children don't see much yelling or people getting upset (we live in country), don't go to town often- just me when I ask 3x then I get angry and YELL- this child hides aorund the corner cowering.

- there was a big thunderstorm a week ago, this child woke up and was afraid of it- not verbal nor pronounced, but trembling awake in bed. I told stories about the thunder and lightening playing with each other and making noise etc. to try and help.

- child ADORES older children and is drawn to bullies etc. Despite his small size, he does LOVE to rough house.

- not sure what else there is.


wendypape last decade
Child is having worms.

'Curprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3X' 3 pills three times a day and also Nux Vom 30C 4 pills three times a day alternately.
Rajendra last decade
I have ordered 'Curprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3X' online here at abchomeoapthy (hahnemann only had 6c and higher)

While I am waiting for it to arrive, should I begin with Nux Vom 30c 4pills 3x a day?

then alternate days with the curprum when it arrives?

OR wait for the cuprum and then start both then.


wendypape last decade
You can give Nux Vom in the evening once for the time being.
Rajendra last decade
Hello there. I expected the cuprum oxydatum nigrum 3x in the mail but it turns out it has not been shipped yet!!!

Apparently the lowest form of this available to Canada is 6x.

Is this suitable????

thank you
wendypape last decade
Yes. You can use 6X instead of 3X in the same manner as advised earlier.
Rajendra last decade
Could I have clarification please?

do i do the curprum and the nux on different DAYS or alternate within the same day? ie. curprum monday, nux tuesday, curprum wednesday etc.???

how many days?

sorry, just want to make sure I understand.

thank you


'Curprum Oxydatum Nigrum 3X' 3 pills three times a day and also Nux Vom 30C 4 pills three times a day alternately.
wendypape last decade
yes, alternate within the same day.
Rajendra last decade

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