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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



Silicea or silica , chemically an unimportant substance. It is non toxic, non reactive substance.Chemistry do not explain any curative property in crude form. But homoeopathy only claims its therapeutic importance after 12x trituration It is one of the most important polychrest medicine in homoeopathic Materia Medica . It is being used for the absorption of scar tissue (Keloids) , effective in boils , carbuncles and for the expulsion of foreign bodies if pierced through skin. It is effective in healing abscesses, sarcoma, lipoma and acute breast tumers. It is one of the most important remedy to be thought of when there is a lingering cold and when even well selected remedy fail to cure a cold or coryza .In children there is open fontanels, and slow growth.
1. It should not be used in tubercular patients.
2. It should not be repeated too frequently
3. It need 9 days to express its action in a normal person.

Reference: Homoeopathic Materia Medica. William Boericke M.D

Homeopathic material medica by E.B.Nash.
  mazharmhm on 2007-06-29
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