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dr rishimba, dr deolok pls advise, chronical stress i need to find my constitucional remedy
I'm lILASMT, I followed your advise with my kidney that's doing fine, my hypothiroydism is better too, the t4 levels are in normal range, but the TSH and antibodies are too high. even though the T4 was ok, i began feeling the symptoms again:1-my heart starts beating very strong and i got oppression on the chest that becomes pain and makes it difficult to breathe.
2- i fell dizzy.
3- insomnia, because of the chest pain or just cause i can't fall asleep even if i take pills.
5-weakness and breathless even walking a couple of blocks or doing the minimum effort.
6-sometimes pain in all the body and muscles.
7-if i get stressed for any reason, i have difficulties to breathe,stomach symptoms, dizzyness, numb limbs etc so i got to lay down and take a pill.
i began an acupuncture treatment about a month ago that made the symptoms less strong and sometimes i fell almost 'normal'. but the improvement is only for one or two days, dr. says she finds me completely exhausted, and after an overview of my past 20 years experiences, she believes i got chronical stress.
i updated the questionare you asked me to fill-in so i hope you can give me some advise to help the acu threatment.
lilasmt on 2007-07-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
1.NAME Lila ,2.AGE: 43 , 3.SEX: Female ,4.MARRIED ETC: separated 3 1/2 years ago, now have a couple (not living togheter) ,5 WEIGHT: around 58 ,6. HEIGHT : 1.60 mts. , 7.COUNTRY Barcelona, Spain ,8.CLIMATE: mediterranean, wet (by the sea) not extreme temperatures, winter not below cero, summer 35*C maximum.
NATURE OF WORKING: Now I got my own little factory of musical instruments building, relaxed as I work with a partner at home. Have some fears over the future, if we are going to keep work running properly and make grow the proyect.
1-my heart starts beating very strong and i got oppression on the chest that becomes pain and makes it difficult to breathe.
2- i fell dizzy.
3- insomnia, because of the chest pain or just cause i can't fall asleep even if i take pills.
5-weakness and breathless even walking a couple of blocks or doing the minimum effort.
6-sometimes pain in all the body and muscles.
7-if i get stressed for any reason, i have difficulties to breathe,stomach symptoms, dizzyness, numb limbs etc so i got to lay down and take a pill.
hypothyroidism that is controlled as my T4 levels are in normal range after taking thyroidinum.
a kidney stone that i'm treating with sarsaparilla as dr rishimba advised and stopped aching since then.
I had deppression since i was a teenager on different levels,very strong in the past, mild in the present with stronger episodes before mense,or when i got problems from 'outside'.
5. WHEN DID IT ALL START? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
i think the separation of my mother when i was born and i went to an incubator for a week or two, made me fell emocionally weak,lonely and abbandonned. (lonelyness and abbandon are very repetitive in my life and very painful)
my family was not very supportive at all.
the economical an social situation in my country was always uncertain along my life.even i got a degree i past long periods without work or working in bad conditions, i had lots of economical adversities that affected me a lot.(i lost my home twice)
I've been having emotional or external stress almost all the time since i was 20 or earlier. stress questionaries results are always near 300 points (for one reason or another) when average is between 100-150 points.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
sometimes i get up fine and during the day i feel weaker, other times i feel weak and exhausted all the day and waking up is very difficult.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
get stressed, physical effort, sometimes to walk a couple of blocks, sometimes i can do more.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
in mense times i feel more tired and anguished and the and of course the stress.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
mild temperature, not excesive sun, open air.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc
Very sensible and sensitive, almost everything affects me, even the other people humour. Easy impressionability-Feeling of powerlessness - Guilty and self-blame -
Fears about my economic future, my health, and my couple -Different levels of depression throught the years since teenager.
deppressed, now very anxious and impatient - a bit Hopelessness- lack of mental tranquility - low self-confidence
-rather shy, social life is not very natural for me I got to do an effort.
-Very loving and caring with people I connect to, animals and plants. Got lots of interests and love nature.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
sometimes very uncofortable till it begins to rain
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
sometimes i think it would be better to stay alone but the best to feel better is to get consolated especially physically with hugs and love.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
yes very sensitive to all of them.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
i weep easily. is my way of cleaning my inside.
i bite my upper lip without knowing, i sigh a lot.
-How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
my couple and a close friend are very supportive and it is my best help and joy,
about my parental family: my dad died in very painfull circunstances and my mother that is in argentina was sent to a residence cause she's got alzheimer,those facts make me feel very sad and guilty in some way, the relationship with my only brother is very difficult specially now that we got to reach an agreement about my mother's future and economical subjects related to that situation.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
In a word fear of the future: not have enough love, money, healht
I have nightmares very often or dreams with an anguish oppressive feeling.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
i crave to eat when i get frustrated or depressed. more salad food than sweets but chocolate is a craving sometimes.
got no strong aversions but prefer natural fresh food, simple dishes, chocolate, ice creams, but not fats or frieds or aggressive tastes.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Normal, more at night.
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Sometimes excessive specially cause of anxiety I guess.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Excesive fats or frieds, and very sharp food (in small amounts i like them)
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? When I was younger I has difficulties to sweat even with high fever, but my hands and feet were always wet, now is less strong, but sometimes I got my feet very wet and very very cold in winter
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
a bit difficult specially since i got that shymptoms, to get a normal stool i always had to wake up with time to be calm and have breakfast , if I wake up in a hurry is probably that this day nothing happens.
now that's not enough sometimes, more irregular.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I always had insomnia or light sleep now that the insomnia is worst i take lorazepan 1 pill now to sleep,or when i feel really bad, or have anxiety crisis.(i usually took only 1/4 pill per day in the past)I cant leave the pills even though I tried several times.
I sleep face down or by one side, if I do face up that is not common, I put my arms in my head most of the times
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Yes, and with my actual couple completely satisfied.
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others? I got a lot of freckes and spots, I got strabism in one eye(has 3 surgerys at 2,4 and 8 y. old to correct it but is wasnt enough)
Im more sensitive that the average, i got a big creativity I cant express completely.
i tend to isolate, i feel i don't 'fit'. i prefer alternative people or activities.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Homeo: last 6 months:
Had Nat Mur, Lyllium(helped for lonelyness and kidney pain), Phosphorus (help me with anxiety but not more), Mercurius Solubilis(had a tooth infection) ,Cantharys(urinary infection), Nat Mur again (Nat Mur was good for me mentally and emotionally even with the cold. But not for weakness.THYROIDINUM, iodium, pulsatilla,staphisagra,ignatia,
alopathic: lorazepan 5mg 1 pill,
22. What major diseases are running in your family? My dad had good health but was addicted to cigarettes and coffe, he tried to suicide after a big economic break. My mon had a good health, being older she began with high blood pressure and now the alzheimer she is 82 y old. Dont know much about my grandads, they died before I was born.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females) i.m 1.60 mts., pale thin, transparent skin, italian apearance, light brown hear, always watching my weight cause I tend to get fatter, now I got 7 kg up.
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
I got retention , I mean I began having signs of mense but it only comes properly 5 -7 days after , I got humor changes and angs crisis 10-8 days before and some pain and anguish-depression the previous and fist days.
NATURE OF WORKING: Now I got my own little factory of musical instruments building, relaxed as I work with a partner at home. Have some fears over the future, if we are going to keep work running properly and make grow the proyect.
1-my heart starts beating very strong and i got oppression on the chest that becomes pain and makes it difficult to breathe.
2- i fell dizzy.
3- insomnia, because of the chest pain or just cause i can't fall asleep even if i take pills.
5-weakness and breathless even walking a couple of blocks or doing the minimum effort.
6-sometimes pain in all the body and muscles.
7-if i get stressed for any reason, i have difficulties to breathe,stomach symptoms, dizzyness, numb limbs etc so i got to lay down and take a pill.
hypothyroidism that is controlled as my T4 levels are in normal range after taking thyroidinum.
a kidney stone that i'm treating with sarsaparilla as dr rishimba advised and stopped aching since then.
I had deppression since i was a teenager on different levels,very strong in the past, mild in the present with stronger episodes before mense,or when i got problems from 'outside'.
5. WHEN DID IT ALL START? Can you connect it to any past event or disease?
i think the separation of my mother when i was born and i went to an incubator for a week or two, made me fell emocionally weak,lonely and abbandonned. (lonelyness and abbandon are very repetitive in my life and very painful)
my family was not very supportive at all.
the economical an social situation in my country was always uncertain along my life.even i got a degree i past long periods without work or working in bad conditions, i had lots of economical adversities that affected me a lot.(i lost my home twice)
I've been having emotional or external stress almost all the time since i was 20 or earlier. stress questionaries results are always near 300 points (for one reason or another) when average is between 100-150 points.
6. Which time of the day you are worst?
sometimes i get up fine and during the day i feel weaker, other times i feel weak and exhausted all the day and waking up is very difficult.
7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same? Example- time, temperature, pressure, rubbing, washing, eating, tight clothing etc.
get stressed, physical effort, sometimes to walk a couple of blocks, sometimes i can do more.
8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
in mense times i feel more tired and anguished and the and of course the stress.
9. When do you feel better, during hot weather or cold weather, humid or dry weather?
mild temperature, not excesive sun, open air.
10. Describe your general mental set up? Are you Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Lazy etc
Very sensible and sensitive, almost everything affects me, even the other people humour. Easy impressionability-Feeling of powerlessness - Guilty and self-blame -
Fears about my economic future, my health, and my couple -Different levels of depression throught the years since teenager.
deppressed, now very anxious and impatient - a bit Hopelessness- lack of mental tranquility - low self-confidence
-rather shy, social life is not very natural for me I got to do an effort.
-Very loving and caring with people I connect to, animals and plants. Got lots of interests and love nature.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
sometimes very uncofortable till it begins to rain
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
sometimes i think it would be better to stay alone but the best to feel better is to get consolated especially physically with hugs and love.
- Are you sensitive to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
yes very sensitive to all of them.
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
Weeping, talking to one self etc?
i weep easily. is my way of cleaning my inside.
i bite my upper lip without knowing, i sigh a lot.
-How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
my couple and a close friend are very supportive and it is my best help and joy,
about my parental family: my dad died in very painfull circunstances and my mother that is in argentina was sent to a residence cause she's got alzheimer,those facts make me feel very sad and guilty in some way, the relationship with my only brother is very difficult specially now that we got to reach an agreement about my mother's future and economical subjects related to that situation.
11. What are your fears and do you dream of any situation repeatedly?
In a word fear of the future: not have enough love, money, healht
I have nightmares very often or dreams with an anguish oppressive feeling.
12. What do you crave for in food items and what are your aversions?
i crave to eat when i get frustrated or depressed. more salad food than sweets but chocolate is a craving sometimes.
got no strong aversions but prefer natural fresh food, simple dishes, chocolate, ice creams, but not fats or frieds or aggressive tastes.
13. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Normal, more at night.
14. How is your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Sometimes excessive specially cause of anxiety I guess.
15. Is there any kind of food which your body cant stand?
Excesive fats or frieds, and very sharp food (in small amounts i like them)
16. Is your sweat normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs? When I was younger I has difficulties to sweat even with high fever, but my hands and feet were always wet, now is less strong, but sometimes I got my feet very wet and very very cold in winter
17. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
a bit difficult specially since i got that shymptoms, to get a normal stool i always had to wake up with time to be calm and have breakfast , if I wake up in a hurry is probably that this day nothing happens.
now that's not enough sometimes, more irregular.
18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
I always had insomnia or light sleep now that the insomnia is worst i take lorazepan 1 pill now to sleep,or when i feel really bad, or have anxiety crisis.(i usually took only 1/4 pill per day in the past)I cant leave the pills even though I tried several times.
I sleep face down or by one side, if I do face up that is not common, I put my arms in my head most of the times
19. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?
Yes, and with my actual couple completely satisfied.
20. Do you have any strange, peculiar or unusual symptom or feelings? How are you different from others? I got a lot of freckes and spots, I got strabism in one eye(has 3 surgerys at 2,4 and 8 y. old to correct it but is wasnt enough)
Im more sensitive that the average, i got a big creativity I cant express completely.
i tend to isolate, i feel i don't 'fit'. i prefer alternative people or activities.
21. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
Homeo: last 6 months:
Had Nat Mur, Lyllium(helped for lonelyness and kidney pain), Phosphorus (help me with anxiety but not more), Mercurius Solubilis(had a tooth infection) ,Cantharys(urinary infection), Nat Mur again (Nat Mur was good for me mentally and emotionally even with the cold. But not for weakness.THYROIDINUM, iodium, pulsatilla,staphisagra,ignatia,
alopathic: lorazepan 5mg 1 pill,
22. What major diseases are running in your family? My dad had good health but was addicted to cigarettes and coffe, he tried to suicide after a big economic break. My mon had a good health, being older she began with high blood pressure and now the alzheimer she is 82 y old. Dont know much about my grandads, they died before I was born.
23. Describe, how do you look like? Describe your overall appearance.
(For Females) i.m 1.60 mts., pale thin, transparent skin, italian apearance, light brown hear, always watching my weight cause I tend to get fatter, now I got 7 kg up.
24. If your menstrual cycles are not normal, please describe the irregularities, like pains, moods, flow type, clots etc.
I got retention , I mean I began having signs of mense but it only comes properly 5 -7 days after , I got humor changes and angs crisis 10-8 days before and some pain and anguish-depression the previous and fist days.
lilasmt last decade
lilasmt last decade
i would suggest you as under :-
1st day 'lycopodium 200c' (2 drops in one spoon of water) at bed time after washing your mouth with plain water.
after 48 hrs. of interval please take r-3 (homeo medicine by dr. reckeweg) 15 drops in one spoon of water three times a day.
report back after 3 days.
1st day 'lycopodium 200c' (2 drops in one spoon of water) at bed time after washing your mouth with plain water.
after 48 hrs. of interval please take r-3 (homeo medicine by dr. reckeweg) 15 drops in one spoon of water three times a day.
report back after 3 days.
Rajendra last decade
Hi again
well i followed Rajendra advise, (i had to wait that the pharmacy brings me the Reckeweg R 3, so i began last week) meanwhile i took lycopodium 200c once a day.that seems to make more stronger.After a week of lycopodium and then 5 days of R3:
1-it seems that i feel stronger, not so weak and dizzy-
2-i'm better from my stomach pain too, i almost have no symptoms.
3- insomnia is better, I can sleep easily but still got nighmares very often.
4- Im taking less lorazepan than when I began with the palpitation, it calms down with less medication.
1-PALPITATION , my heart starts beating very strong and i got oppression on the chest that becomes pain and makes it difficult to breathe.
2-several days I got one of these pains: in all the body and muscles, headaches, pain in my left side of the body beginning on the left eye zone.
3- I gained more weight, very anxious , cant stop eating sometimes, specially at night or when I feel worried cause of the sympthoms.
4- I got a low level of bearing stressing situations, I began to have palpitation and get very nervous.
5- the last mense I had almost a week of retention, during this period. Strong abdominal pain depressive anguished mood
5-my mood in general varies a lot, specially because I fell sick.
well i followed Rajendra advise, (i had to wait that the pharmacy brings me the Reckeweg R 3, so i began last week) meanwhile i took lycopodium 200c once a day.that seems to make more stronger.After a week of lycopodium and then 5 days of R3:
1-it seems that i feel stronger, not so weak and dizzy-
2-i'm better from my stomach pain too, i almost have no symptoms.
3- insomnia is better, I can sleep easily but still got nighmares very often.
4- Im taking less lorazepan than when I began with the palpitation, it calms down with less medication.
1-PALPITATION , my heart starts beating very strong and i got oppression on the chest that becomes pain and makes it difficult to breathe.
2-several days I got one of these pains: in all the body and muscles, headaches, pain in my left side of the body beginning on the left eye zone.
3- I gained more weight, very anxious , cant stop eating sometimes, specially at night or when I feel worried cause of the sympthoms.
4- I got a low level of bearing stressing situations, I began to have palpitation and get very nervous.
5- the last mense I had almost a week of retention, during this period. Strong abdominal pain depressive anguished mood
5-my mood in general varies a lot, specially because I fell sick.
lilasmt last decade
your constitutional remedy is PULSATILLA and so, it would be better for you to first take pulsatilla 200c for a week at 4 to 6 hours interval.
after about a week, if the symptoms still persist, you should go for CACTUS GRANDIOFLORUS 3C or 6C every 4 to 6 hours for some days.
i am hopeful that CACTUS would benifite you in the long run, but in case you dont find much improvement with cactus, you can also try DIGITALIS 30C or CRATEAGUS-Q taken every 4 to 6 hours.
please keep me posted once a week.
your constitutional remedy is PULSATILLA and so, it would be better for you to first take pulsatilla 200c for a week at 4 to 6 hours interval.
after about a week, if the symptoms still persist, you should go for CACTUS GRANDIOFLORUS 3C or 6C every 4 to 6 hours for some days.
i am hopeful that CACTUS would benifite you in the long run, but in case you dont find much improvement with cactus, you can also try DIGITALIS 30C or CRATEAGUS-Q taken every 4 to 6 hours.
please keep me posted once a week.
♡ rishimba last decade
creatageus, cactus and digitalis all are there in the r-3 combination. since you are feeling better after lycopodium, suggest don't interfere for some time.
Rajendra last decade
Pl. note Lycopodium is not to be repeated till we discuss.
Rajendra last decade
Don't use any combination medicines. There is no way to follow them up, in case they fail to relieve, after some time.
Where as a single medicine at a time therapy gives lot of options to the prescriber for follow up.
read this thread for more information.
Where as a single medicine at a time therapy gives lot of options to the prescriber for follow up.
read this thread for more information.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Thanx a lot to Rajendra and Gavinimurthy for your replies and advise.
Dr Rishimba: i wanted to remember you that i already used Pulsatilla 1LM once a day and didn't relieve my sympthoms.
Do you think i should take Puls 200c anyway?
thanx a lot
Dr Rishimba: i wanted to remember you that i already used Pulsatilla 1LM once a day and didn't relieve my sympthoms.
Do you think i should take Puls 200c anyway?
thanx a lot
lilasmt last decade
yes, you need to take PULSATILLA 200C for some days.
after a week, you may start other remedy for palpitation if required.
after a week, you may start other remedy for palpitation if required.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba:
Im reporting my situation as you asked me to:
I have been taking Puls. 200c for 9 days now, I began with it while I was on holiday and besides, I was on my pre-mestrual period I mean that weren't the 'normal' circumstances.
During the 7 days of holidays:
1-I still feel stronger, (not so weak and dizzy)-
2-Still better from my stomach pain too, i have no symptoms.
3- I slept really easy, the nature, and sea baths made me real good, even thought I still had nighmares very often.
4-Still taking less lorazepan than when I began with the palpitation, it calms down with less medication..
5-PALPITATION: their frecuency and strengh are less, but still got them and the chest pain.
6- the Pre mesntrual pain was not as strong as last month.
1-the body pains: in all the body and muscles, headaches, pain in my left side of the body beginning on the left eye zone.
2- I still cant lose weight or even control myself: very anxious , cant stop eating sometimes, specially at night or when I feel worried cause of the sympthoms.
3- I got a low level of bearing stressing situations, I began to have palpitation and get very nervous. Even I cant breathe sometimes.
4- the 10 days of pre- menstrual period, depressive anguished mood. Very fatigued and tired,
Again a week of retention (I had 3 pearls of Onagra Oil and it worked, yesterday I began having the mense). As I explained before, less pain than last month.
5--my mood still varies a lot.
Since I came back home I got more palpitations again (not as strong as before pulsatilla), the pain in my body and fatigue continue but they can be caused for the SPM.
Maybe after I have my mense I could have a better view of the pulsatilla effects. What do you think?
(I really know that living in a city affects me,in adition, during the hollidays I was living with my boyfriend, the separation after that affected me, we continue in a very good relationship but living in separate houses)
Thanx a lot in advance
Im reporting my situation as you asked me to:
I have been taking Puls. 200c for 9 days now, I began with it while I was on holiday and besides, I was on my pre-mestrual period I mean that weren't the 'normal' circumstances.
During the 7 days of holidays:
1-I still feel stronger, (not so weak and dizzy)-
2-Still better from my stomach pain too, i have no symptoms.
3- I slept really easy, the nature, and sea baths made me real good, even thought I still had nighmares very often.
4-Still taking less lorazepan than when I began with the palpitation, it calms down with less medication..
5-PALPITATION: their frecuency and strengh are less, but still got them and the chest pain.
6- the Pre mesntrual pain was not as strong as last month.
1-the body pains: in all the body and muscles, headaches, pain in my left side of the body beginning on the left eye zone.
2- I still cant lose weight or even control myself: very anxious , cant stop eating sometimes, specially at night or when I feel worried cause of the sympthoms.
3- I got a low level of bearing stressing situations, I began to have palpitation and get very nervous. Even I cant breathe sometimes.
4- the 10 days of pre- menstrual period, depressive anguished mood. Very fatigued and tired,
Again a week of retention (I had 3 pearls of Onagra Oil and it worked, yesterday I began having the mense). As I explained before, less pain than last month.
5--my mood still varies a lot.
Since I came back home I got more palpitations again (not as strong as before pulsatilla), the pain in my body and fatigue continue but they can be caused for the SPM.
Maybe after I have my mense I could have a better view of the pulsatilla effects. What do you think?
(I really know that living in a city affects me,in adition, during the hollidays I was living with my boyfriend, the separation after that affected me, we continue in a very good relationship but living in separate houses)
Thanx a lot in advance
lilasmt last decade
please continue PULSATILLA 1M one dose every 3 to 4 days for some more days.
♡ rishimba last decade
Thanx a lot Dr. Rishimba, 'll report my improvements in ten days more, is it ok for you?
kind regards
kind regards
lilasmt last decade
dear dr. rishimba:
im reporting my situation as you asked me to:
since i began with puls 1m one dose every 3 days, unfortunately the main symptoms became worse.
still better:
1- not so weak and dizzy-
2-still better from my stomach pain too
3- i sleep better i still have nightmares maybe not that often than before..
symptoms that got worse:
1- palpitation: very strong again, at any time and a strong chest pain.
2- the spm symptoms begin since ovulation more or less.(pain, humor changes, etc)
3- im more depressed
4- im very fatigued and tired, can only walk short distances, cant exercise cause i get complete exhausted, and the heart seems to go out of my chest and aches.
5- im taking more lorazepan again to bear the palpitations and heart pain.
still got
1-the body pains: in all the body and muscles, headaches, pain in my left side of the body beginning on the left eye zone.
2- i still cant lose weight or even control myself: very anxious , cant stop eating sometimes, specially at night or when i feel worried cause of the sympthoms.
3- i got a low level of bearing stressing situations, i began to have palpitation and get very nervous. even i cant breathe sometimes.
wait with hope your wise advise
regards and thanx
im reporting my situation as you asked me to:
since i began with puls 1m one dose every 3 days, unfortunately the main symptoms became worse.
still better:
1- not so weak and dizzy-
2-still better from my stomach pain too
3- i sleep better i still have nightmares maybe not that often than before..
symptoms that got worse:
1- palpitation: very strong again, at any time and a strong chest pain.
2- the spm symptoms begin since ovulation more or less.(pain, humor changes, etc)
3- im more depressed
4- im very fatigued and tired, can only walk short distances, cant exercise cause i get complete exhausted, and the heart seems to go out of my chest and aches.
5- im taking more lorazepan again to bear the palpitations and heart pain.
still got
1-the body pains: in all the body and muscles, headaches, pain in my left side of the body beginning on the left eye zone.
2- i still cant lose weight or even control myself: very anxious , cant stop eating sometimes, specially at night or when i feel worried cause of the sympthoms.
3- i got a low level of bearing stressing situations, i began to have palpitation and get very nervous. even i cant breathe sometimes.
wait with hope your wise advise
regards and thanx
lilasmt last decade
Dear Dr. Rishimba:
Ive taken Puls 200c for about 8 days, it had the same benefic effects that before (less palpitacion and fatigue), but since 3 days ago, the palpitations and chest pain got stronger again.
Besides, last week I had my control thyroid test: my thyroid level is lower than before but still on normal levels, but what worries me a lot is that the TSH rised a lot:: I had around 15 since I began with Hashimoto (normal top level is 4), but this last test shows a level of 25, Im really afraid of the inmunologic system will finally destroy the thyroid..
If you need more exact data of the thyroid test just let me know
I wait for your advise and thank you a lot in advance.
Ive taken Puls 200c for about 8 days, it had the same benefic effects that before (less palpitacion and fatigue), but since 3 days ago, the palpitations and chest pain got stronger again.
Besides, last week I had my control thyroid test: my thyroid level is lower than before but still on normal levels, but what worries me a lot is that the TSH rised a lot:: I had around 15 since I began with Hashimoto (normal top level is 4), but this last test shows a level of 25, Im really afraid of the inmunologic system will finally destroy the thyroid..
If you need more exact data of the thyroid test just let me know
I wait for your advise and thank you a lot in advance.
lilasmt last decade
The concept of potency is as under :-
'Really high potencies, such as 200C, are normally taken in very low doses (typically once per week) whereas lower potencies are taken every few hours for a few days. It is generally considered to be a bad idea to take high potencies often.'
Over dosing sometimes creates problems.
For doses pl. follow the above formula.
Unless otherwise specifically required 1M potency is normally repeated in a fortnight.
'Really high potencies, such as 200C, are normally taken in very low doses (typically once per week) whereas lower potencies are taken every few hours for a few days. It is generally considered to be a bad idea to take high potencies often.'
Over dosing sometimes creates problems.
For doses pl. follow the above formula.
Unless otherwise specifically required 1M potency is normally repeated in a fortnight.
Rajendra last decade
there is no specific rule regarding dosing. all these rules are general and emperical.
some remedies need to be repeated more frequently than the others.
its the experience of a homeopath which tells him which remedy needs repetition and which one doesnt need to be repeated.
bookish knowledge on dosing will not help much.
some remedies need to be repeated more frequently than the others.
its the experience of a homeopath which tells him which remedy needs repetition and which one doesnt need to be repeated.
bookish knowledge on dosing will not help much.
♡ rishimba last decade
Dr. rishimba!
I gave the above extract from the guiding factors on this site only. Refer Guide & Potency of the following site :-
What I mentioned is normally. It is not the question of only Bookish knowledge but it has been practised by many and the results are mostly on the basis of the above link.
I have seen many cases on this Forum as well which are spoiled due to over dosing.
So pl. be careful.
Rest is for you to decide.
I gave the above extract from the guiding factors on this site only. Refer Guide & Potency of the following site :-
What I mentioned is normally. It is not the question of only Bookish knowledge but it has been practised by many and the results are mostly on the basis of the above link.
I have seen many cases on this Forum as well which are spoiled due to over dosing.
So pl. be careful.
Rest is for you to decide.
Rajendra last decade
This is what 'ABC' says.
Not all homeopaths agree on dosage and potency, but as a general rule, Chronic illnesses (i.e. those that you've had for a long time) should be treated with high potencies (i.e. 30x - 200c.) and Acute conditions (i.e. those that are relatively new) with low potencies (i.e. 6x or 6C) There are exceptions, particularly where an accident started off the symptoms and you might give the body a kick start with a high potency dose such as Arnica 200c first and then follow with a lower potency remedy.
Other factors are also relevant for choosing a potency, such as the homeopathic sensitivity of the patient (more sensitive patients take lower potencies), and the particular remedy being taken; if in doubt, see your homeopath.
If you are not 100% sure which remedy to take, usually a low potency, such as 6X, should be taken before a high potency and the patient observed carefully. If symptoms improve, but not fully, the same remedy should be taken in a higher potency (such as 30C). If, after taking the low potency remedy, relief is not felt, or the condition changes, a different remedy should be taken in a low potency.
Really high potencies, such as 200C, are normally taken in very low doses (typically once per week) whereas lower potencies are taken every few hours for a few days. It is generally considered to be a bad idea to take high potencies often.
Homeopathic remedies should be taken on a clean pallet. Strong flavors, such as coffee or toothpaste can disrupt the working of a remedy. Once relief from the symptoms is felt, stop taking the homeopathic medicine. Only take it again if exactly the same symptoms come back.
The exact meaning of the potency notation is explained on our potency scales page.
If symptoms worsen or persist, consult your doctor.
The above advice is for people, who want to try the medicines on their own, who select the medicine based on the Remedy Finder.It gives the general guidelines which are considered safe for the patient, who wants to try homeopathy on his own.
There are as many views regarding potency selection and reptetion pattern as there are homeopaths.
There is no hard and fast rule.
The often heard view, that stands to logic is this.
Go as high as you can, in case you are hundred percent sure of the remedy, and if the remedy is covering ALL the prominent symptoms of the patient, and if there are no CONTRA INDICATIONS.This is applicable to both acute and chronic cases.
If you are unsure about a remedy, or if the remedy seems to be indicated partially only, go for lower potencies.
Now a days 200c is not considerd to be a high potency. It is viewd as of medium range, and is often bracketed with 30C.
The second point to note is not to prejudge the repetetion pattern required. Give a test dose first, assess the reaction of the patient.
Once you are sure of the nature of the patient, the rpetetions of once a week etc, can be advised, to suit the perceived sensitivity.
It is always prudent to advise the patient to stop taking the remedy if he gets any new symptoms/accessory symptoms.
Not all homeopaths agree on dosage and potency, but as a general rule, Chronic illnesses (i.e. those that you've had for a long time) should be treated with high potencies (i.e. 30x - 200c.) and Acute conditions (i.e. those that are relatively new) with low potencies (i.e. 6x or 6C) There are exceptions, particularly where an accident started off the symptoms and you might give the body a kick start with a high potency dose such as Arnica 200c first and then follow with a lower potency remedy.
Other factors are also relevant for choosing a potency, such as the homeopathic sensitivity of the patient (more sensitive patients take lower potencies), and the particular remedy being taken; if in doubt, see your homeopath.
If you are not 100% sure which remedy to take, usually a low potency, such as 6X, should be taken before a high potency and the patient observed carefully. If symptoms improve, but not fully, the same remedy should be taken in a higher potency (such as 30C). If, after taking the low potency remedy, relief is not felt, or the condition changes, a different remedy should be taken in a low potency.
Really high potencies, such as 200C, are normally taken in very low doses (typically once per week) whereas lower potencies are taken every few hours for a few days. It is generally considered to be a bad idea to take high potencies often.
Homeopathic remedies should be taken on a clean pallet. Strong flavors, such as coffee or toothpaste can disrupt the working of a remedy. Once relief from the symptoms is felt, stop taking the homeopathic medicine. Only take it again if exactly the same symptoms come back.
The exact meaning of the potency notation is explained on our potency scales page.
If symptoms worsen or persist, consult your doctor.
The above advice is for people, who want to try the medicines on their own, who select the medicine based on the Remedy Finder.It gives the general guidelines which are considered safe for the patient, who wants to try homeopathy on his own.
There are as many views regarding potency selection and reptetion pattern as there are homeopaths.
There is no hard and fast rule.
The often heard view, that stands to logic is this.
Go as high as you can, in case you are hundred percent sure of the remedy, and if the remedy is covering ALL the prominent symptoms of the patient, and if there are no CONTRA INDICATIONS.This is applicable to both acute and chronic cases.
If you are unsure about a remedy, or if the remedy seems to be indicated partially only, go for lower potencies.
Now a days 200c is not considerd to be a high potency. It is viewd as of medium range, and is often bracketed with 30C.
The second point to note is not to prejudge the repetetion pattern required. Give a test dose first, assess the reaction of the patient.
Once you are sure of the nature of the patient, the rpetetions of once a week etc, can be advised, to suit the perceived sensitivity.
It is always prudent to advise the patient to stop taking the remedy if he gets any new symptoms/accessory symptoms.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Extract from the above:-
'Really high potencies, such as 200C, are normally taken in very low doses (typically once per week) whereas lower potencies are taken every few hours for a few days. It is generally considered to be a bad idea to take high potencies often.
'The often heard view, that stands to logic is this.
'Go as high as you can, in case you are hundred percent sure of the remedy, and if the remedy is covering ALL the prominent symptoms of the patient, and if there are no CONTRA INDICATIONS.This is applicable to both acute and chronic cases.
'If you are unsure about a remedy, or if the remedy seems to be indicated partially only, go for lower potencies.
'Now a days 200c is not considerd to be a high potency. It is viewd as of medium range, and is often bracketed with 30C.
'The second point to note is not to prejudge the repetetion pattern required. Give a test dose first, assess the reaction of the patient'
Dr. Murthy - Your below mentioned sugestion in the above noting:-
'Give a test dose first, assess the reaction of the patient'
I have found most of the time it is not followed on this Forum.
Further you mentioned as :-
'Now a days 200c is not considerd to be a high potency. It is viewd as of medium range, and is often bracketed with 30C. '
Is there any reference for this finding? Pl. enlighten me.
I have however found that often when a patient go to the retail outlet for a 200 potency medicine , is is given the 30, by levelling it as 200 or even higher whatever is demanded.
Is it because of this reason the modern trend is to recommend higher potency remedy in repeat doses?
'Really high potencies, such as 200C, are normally taken in very low doses (typically once per week) whereas lower potencies are taken every few hours for a few days. It is generally considered to be a bad idea to take high potencies often.
'The often heard view, that stands to logic is this.
'Go as high as you can, in case you are hundred percent sure of the remedy, and if the remedy is covering ALL the prominent symptoms of the patient, and if there are no CONTRA INDICATIONS.This is applicable to both acute and chronic cases.
'If you are unsure about a remedy, or if the remedy seems to be indicated partially only, go for lower potencies.
'Now a days 200c is not considerd to be a high potency. It is viewd as of medium range, and is often bracketed with 30C.
'The second point to note is not to prejudge the repetetion pattern required. Give a test dose first, assess the reaction of the patient'
Dr. Murthy - Your below mentioned sugestion in the above noting:-
'Give a test dose first, assess the reaction of the patient'
I have found most of the time it is not followed on this Forum.
Further you mentioned as :-
'Now a days 200c is not considerd to be a high potency. It is viewd as of medium range, and is often bracketed with 30C. '
Is there any reference for this finding? Pl. enlighten me.
I have however found that often when a patient go to the retail outlet for a 200 potency medicine , is is given the 30, by levelling it as 200 or even higher whatever is demanded.
Is it because of this reason the modern trend is to recommend higher potency remedy in repeat doses?
Rajendra last decade
I agree with you that the concept of a test dose is yet to pick up on this forum.
'Potencies can be broadly classified as low, medium, and high. Low potency designates anything from Q to 12C, medium from 12C up to 200C and high from 200C upwards to DM, MM, DMM.'
Read this comprehesive article on potencies. It is the best I have come across so far.
'Potencies can be broadly classified as low, medium, and high. Low potency designates anything from Q to 12C, medium from 12C up to 200C and high from 200C upwards to DM, MM, DMM.'
Read this comprehesive article on potencies. It is the best I have come across so far.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.