The ABC Homeopathy Forum
homeopathic medicines for common infant ailments!
what are some homeopathic medicines for common infant ailments?nono2083 on 2007-07-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
acon all-c apis arg-n arn
ars bell bry calc calc-p
canth carb-v caust cham cocc
coloc eupat euph ferr-p gels
graph hepar hyp ign ipec
kali-b kali-c kali-s lach led
lyc merc nat-m nat-s nit-ac
nux-v phos podo puls rhus-t
rumex ruta sars sep sil
spong staph stram sulph thuja
have a look at this also.
ars bell bry calc calc-p
canth carb-v caust cham cocc
coloc eupat euph ferr-p gels
graph hepar hyp ign ipec
kali-b kali-c kali-s lach led
lyc merc nat-m nat-s nit-ac
nux-v phos podo puls rhus-t
rumex ruta sars sep sil
spong staph stram sulph thuja
have a look at this also.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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