The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Doctor's Testosterone Gel
A powerful remedy for relief of diminished sexual desire and impotence. Remedy for strength, muscular development and lean muscle gain. Prevents excess lactic acid and other acid buildup in muscle tissue during muscle exhaustion and over-exertion. Effectively acts on muscles and joints to offer relief from pain and stiffness caused by tearing, pulling and overlifting.has anyone every dealt with this stuff? seems to have a lot of homeopathics in it.
Homeopathic Active Ingredients: Adrenalinum, Alfalfa, Avena Sativa, Baryta Carbonica, Baryta Iodata, Baryta Muriatica, Calcarea Carbonica, Calcarea Fluorica, Calcarea Phosphorica, Lycopodium Clavatum, Thuja Occidentalis.
Each Ingredient in equal volumes of 10x, 30x, and 100x potency.
thanks, Adam
adamhank on 2007-08-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
adamhank last decade
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