The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Reduce your Triglyceride and Cholesterol permanently- Try it now - Dr Deoshlok Sharma
Previously It was very difficult to treat the heart patients in homeopathy. Because there is no such dependable drugs for heart patient. there were medicines which was not satisfactory ,so people were not dependable on homeopathy. General people who recommend medicine for the heart patient has made just joke .. But now a day homeopathic is the only solution for the heart patients insipte going for Allopathiy ;but now homeopathic is not only trustable but also dependable, But after the arrival of Commiphora mukul 3x , now patients will not take any chance with their lifeCommiphora mukul 3x
It brings down the LDL components which clog the arteries and raises the HDL. It also reduces blood triglycerides which are known to contribute to atherosclerosis and heart attack.
It has also been shown to bring down levels of artery-clogging LDL cholesterol while raising the good HDL cholesterol. Plus, it reduces blood triglycerides - the fatty substances that contribute to plaque creation and to heart attack risk. In other words, it reduces plaque already present in arteries
Doses 5- 10 drops twice in a day morning and night with ½ cup of water
Dr. Deoshlok Sharma
♥ deoshlok on 2007-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Dear Dr Deoshlok Sharma,
Please let me know the company that makes Commiphora mukul 3x as I am unable to find it in homeopathic stores.
Please let me know the company that makes Commiphora mukul 3x as I am unable to find it in homeopathic stores.
rajeevdass last decade
Dear Raj,
This is the homeopathic version of guggulu- used in
It seems ( read this other link) that Deoshlok
has made this into a homeopathic potency himself,
and it is not available except thru him. He generally
does not answer questions on this forum anymore. Mostly
he posts information threads. If you want to purchase
this from him, click his name and Call his office to
ask, as you probably will not get an answer from emailing.
harma From sajjadakram635 on 2007-06-16
'what a crude guggulu can do, a 3x may not do.'MURTHY.
If prescribed on the secondary symptoms then 3x is the best potency but where is the homeopathic proving of GUGGULU.?
This is the homeopathic version of guggulu- used in
It seems ( read this other link) that Deoshlok
has made this into a homeopathic potency himself,
and it is not available except thru him. He generally
does not answer questions on this forum anymore. Mostly
he posts information threads. If you want to purchase
this from him, click his name and Call his office to
ask, as you probably will not get an answer from emailing.
harma From sajjadakram635 on 2007-06-16
'what a crude guggulu can do, a 3x may not do.'MURTHY.
If prescribed on the secondary symptoms then 3x is the best potency but where is the homeopathic proving of GUGGULU.?
♡ simone717 last decade
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