The ABC Homeopathy Forum
vomiting in sleep
hi my 8 yers old has had post nasal drip and coughing fits for years.shes on meds for allergies.cats,dust and dust mites.for the past month shes been coughing in her sleep and vomiting.durning the day the cough fits come all of a sudden and she starts to choke.i need to rush to her with a drink or she start to panic.does anyone have any suggestions ?babydoll on 2007-08-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
♡ deoshlok last decade
If I were to be you, I will not alternate. I will try Ars.alb first, three doses only and wait for a few days.
In case there is no change, the next medicine can be tried.
This is the safer way.
In case there is no change, the next medicine can be tried.
This is the safer way.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
I will be glad to advise the patient, not only on the medicines required ,but also on what is correct homeopathy, for futre use. :-)
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
Let the patient come back with the feedback, regarding the medicines she used and the progress or lack of it.
We can't hurry these issues.
We can't hurry these issues.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
There is no indication if the patient has taken any medicine. He must have sufficiently been confused .
Thanks for our way of providing advices.
This is the way that people go to Allopathic medicines for quick results and wants to avoid Homeopathy - one due to lack of discipline amongst ourselves and the other our raising so many queastions without waiting for the result of the medicine prescribed. Most of the ailments can be diagnosed by the patient giving first information. Only chronic cases needs to be gone thoroughly and wait for the result.
May be the medicine is not hundred percent correct but they work.
Alopathic medicines are normally cleared by WHO as soon as 51% of the persons respond to the medicine but here we want over 100% accuracy.
Patient gets confidence if either on the first prescription or within 2/3 days he/she feels some releif.
There are always more then one medicine in Homeo for the same symptom and in such situation why we interfere and confuse by giving alternatives.
I sugested in another mail, we should workout some code of disciple by creating separate mail box so that the Therapy and patients are benefitted.
Hope all concerned consider the suggestion.
Thanks for our way of providing advices.
This is the way that people go to Allopathic medicines for quick results and wants to avoid Homeopathy - one due to lack of discipline amongst ourselves and the other our raising so many queastions without waiting for the result of the medicine prescribed. Most of the ailments can be diagnosed by the patient giving first information. Only chronic cases needs to be gone thoroughly and wait for the result.
May be the medicine is not hundred percent correct but they work.
Alopathic medicines are normally cleared by WHO as soon as 51% of the persons respond to the medicine but here we want over 100% accuracy.
Patient gets confidence if either on the first prescription or within 2/3 days he/she feels some releif.
There are always more then one medicine in Homeo for the same symptom and in such situation why we interfere and confuse by giving alternatives.
I sugested in another mail, we should workout some code of disciple by creating separate mail box so that the Therapy and patients are benefitted.
Hope all concerned consider the suggestion.
Rajendra last decade
The code of conduct, if at all it can be evolved, should be based on
Similar medicine
Single medicine
Minimum dose.
The core philosophy of homeopathy recognises that the prescriber can't reach the similimum in one go,and hence the dos and don'ts are carefully evolved.
If the presribers don't flout these fundamentals of homeopathy, there will be less chaos, less intervention and more good to the patient.
Similar medicine
Single medicine
Minimum dose.
The core philosophy of homeopathy recognises that the prescriber can't reach the similimum in one go,and hence the dos and don'ts are carefully evolved.
If the presribers don't flout these fundamentals of homeopathy, there will be less chaos, less intervention and more good to the patient.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
There is no denial to this concept but it does not mean we go on searching the similarity and the patient will loose faith or the problem becomes acute and uncontrollable.
At times there has to be some first aid .
At times there has to be some first aid .
Rajendra last decade
It is much easier to select the medicine for acute problem.
The location, sensation and modality method guides us to the remedy very fast.
The problem with us, the presribers here is we tend to dish out advices on hearing a name like 'nasal polyps'.
That is what I object to. Ask for more details, choose a single medicine that covers the location, sensation, modality, concomitant aspects to your best ability, be restrained in the repetetion schedules, and don't sugest high potencies just like that.
If you take all these precautions, then the patient atleast won't become worse because of our medicine, even if it didn't work.
We can always choose the next medicine more carefully.
In our enthusiasm to bring fast relief, we should not do damage to the patient, by presrcibing alternations,combinations, high potencies like CMs, and repetetions for months together.
The location, sensation and modality method guides us to the remedy very fast.
The problem with us, the presribers here is we tend to dish out advices on hearing a name like 'nasal polyps'.
That is what I object to. Ask for more details, choose a single medicine that covers the location, sensation, modality, concomitant aspects to your best ability, be restrained in the repetetion schedules, and don't sugest high potencies just like that.
If you take all these precautions, then the patient atleast won't become worse because of our medicine, even if it didn't work.
We can always choose the next medicine more carefully.
In our enthusiasm to bring fast relief, we should not do damage to the patient, by presrcibing alternations,combinations, high potencies like CMs, and repetetions for months together.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
'In our enthusiasm to bring fast relief, we should not do damage to the patient, by presrcibing alternations,combinations, high potencies like CMs, and repetetions for months together.
Where is the high potency like CM and repetation in this case?
Pl. guide me.
Where is the high potency like CM and repetation in this case?
Pl. guide me.
Rajendra last decade
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