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hair loss in 27 year old guy
im 27 year old indian guy working n living in usa for the past 4 years, im suffering from hair loss for around 3-4 years, its effecting me emotionaly a lot n im shunning people. i tried Dr.batra's homeopathy treatment (indian doctor) two years back for 4 months n found good results but after some time the problem started n i lost all the hair gained during the treatment.I am by natured very sensitive n emotional person,whenever ppl make comment about my hair i feel depressed n lost, please someone advice me to rectify my hair problem, my hair loss is difuse on the top of my head.sujith_i on 2007-09-03
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pl send complete detail of your self disease if any taste dandruff oily skin of head itching burning sensation j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Hey thanks for responding to my query, im giving out more personal details here.I dont have any serious illness, i stand 5'11 n weigh 165 lbs , currently i am not taking any medication.I do have dandruff problem but its in control right now. my skin type is combination type so i guess my scalp is also the same, i used to sweat a lot on my scalp when i was in india but after moving to abroad i dont see that problem here coz of humidity factor. When my hair fall started 4 years before i had lot of itching, i used to wake up in my sleep n have to scratch my scalp, also i get pain sometimes on the parts of the scalp where the hair is thin or lost.
sujith_i last decade
graphites 200 two doses twice daily for five days and report after 7 days j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
Sure i am going to order 200C pillets of 60, but i would like to know how many pillets i have to take with each dose.
sujith_i last decade
there can be one another cause in hairfall which is when water is changed ...i have experienced that like if someone moves to another place starts living there the hair either gets better or worse...or in some cases remains as it gulf states water is not that clean which quickens baldness process...a number of other places eg USA too...
i dont know if there is homeopathic remedy where hairfall is aggravated by change in water
i dont know if there is homeopathic remedy where hairfall is aggravated by change in water
hisam last decade
Dear JK Mohla,
i have started taking graphites 200c twice a day from yesterday, i felt little agitated n annoyed when i took it first and im also having light migraine on the right side of my forehead near temples area. The agitation is not there from my second dose, i will keep posting here my reactions to the medicine.
i have started taking graphites 200c twice a day from yesterday, i felt little agitated n annoyed when i took it first and im also having light migraine on the right side of my forehead near temples area. The agitation is not there from my second dose, i will keep posting here my reactions to the medicine.
sujith_i last decade
hello doctor,
i have taken graphite pills for 5 days, with two doses oer day. As i said before there was agitation on the first day, after that i dont had any side effects.I am still getting light pain on the areas where my hair is thin, around the vertex n frontal area. So advice me on my next course of medicine.
i have taken graphite pills for 5 days, with two doses oer day. As i said before there was agitation on the first day, after that i dont had any side effects.I am still getting light pain on the areas where my hair is thin, around the vertex n frontal area. So advice me on my next course of medicine.
sujith_i last decade
you have asked me about dandruff before, i usaually oil my hair at night n wash it off in the morning, if i miss washing my hair just one day i can see flakes forming n my scalp feels itchy, but it wont appear when i have done gym or played some sports, basically when i have sweated, flakes wont form so quickly.
sujith_i last decade
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