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Side Effect of Steroids

Dear Doctors,
I would like to invite your attention towards a very serious matter. All the Traditional practioners are facing this problem in their daily practice. That is
' SIDE OR BAD EFFECTS OF STEROIDS' specially in bronchial trubles like as Asthma. Please discuss it in detail and suggest any Homoeopathic Remedies to subside the side/bad effects of Steroids. It is further added that patients using steroids for long time have mixed symptopoms and I think (may be wrong) that selection of a single remedy is very difficult.
Kindly help in this regard.
Dr. Abdul Razzaq
Lahore (Pakistan)
  Razzaq on 2007-09-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kali Bichromate 30 once a day for about 3 days is good for countering the effects of steroid.
pradip007 last decade
Wow. What a simple and easy solution?

gavinimurthy last decade
i think nux vomica is anti dote for allopathic mdicine and champher is for homeopathic medicine. i don't know about you.
faisal qureshi last decade
When steroids have been taken for a long period it is almost immposible to bring back too a position of good health. Skin becomes like paper, bones brittle and easily necrose. When one symptom seems to go another takes its place, a kind of see saw effect happens, going round in circles. If anyone has patients treated successfully I would like to know.
parachute last decade
As far as I know, there is no particular remedy to remove the side affects of the Steroids, however, to solve the problems of the patient (who had used Steroids)it depends upon symptoms on case to case basis.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
plz help, how to get rid of the side effect of dexamethasone ?
Vikrant kaushik 6 years ago

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