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potential tooth abcess

Please help. Bumped my front tooth by accident yesterday and my gum is slightly swollen and the area is sore with very painful shooting pain at times. I would like to prevent a root canal (or loss of the tooth). Please advise ASAP. Thank you. Karen
  sangye on 2004-11-04
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
start treatmnet single dose (3 pellets) "only" with arnica 200c---

keep us closely informed
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi. I had on hand only arnica 30c. I just got your mail so I had already taken it with 5 pellets (the tiny ones) or so. Slept through night but I took a pain killer. Area is sensitive. I am nervous. This tooth is sight of former trauma (car accident) and serves as anchor of bridge. Should I still go and get arnica 200c? thanks
sangye 2 decades ago
Forgot to say I also took Bach's 'Rescue Remedy' which provided the most effective temporary relief so far. thanks
sangye 2 decades ago
yes get arnica 200c ---arnica 30c was ok--but painkillers will not allow accurate accessment of effect of arnica---i suggest stopping painkillers and single dose of arnica 2ooc...

how much painkillers typically use in day to day living?

when was car accident?

also avoid all acidic foods and drinks for a while (coffee;tea;carbonated soft drinks;alcoholic beverages;fruits and juices;vinegar;...etc)--until get condition under stable state...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Hi. Thanks-ok I will get 200c and single dose. Do not use many painkillers in daily living. Car accident was about 25 years ago. Thanks.
sangye 2 decades ago
Follow up. Last evening took single dose (3 tiny pellets) of arnica 200c.
Noticable improvement: pain from constant dull with sharp highlights to very vague and dull. Other immediate response was that I was absolutely exhausted (within 1 hour of the dose I had to go to bed though it was quite early). Just woke up feeling still in improved state-no sharp pain, vague and dull soreness persists. I have taken list of acidic things to avoid and will do so-I would never have though of that...Next steps? Thanks, Karen
sangye 2 decades ago
just take it easy and allow things to occur as they will--good time to do gentle reflecting---follow restrictions and keep me closely informed as to changes....no repettion of arnica and no other medicines at all...
John Stanton 2 decades ago
update: great improvement after 1st dose. Some pain again after a few days and I realised I had taken very stong coffee (which I never do but it was offered), I took the same remedy, pain stopped. Many many thanks John!
sangye 2 decades ago

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