The ABC Homeopathy Forum
skin whitening
Hello,I want to have pale white skin.What can I do ?
My skin is not dark , but I'd like to be white in a safe way.
I've used l-glutathione pills for 3 months.However I've seen no effects.
waiting for suggestions!!
angelica2 on 2007-09-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Unless your vital force is out of balance (and your post does not suggest that to me), it isn't something that homeopathy can help you with.
Good luck.
Good luck.
Daisy43 last decade
Dear angelica
l-glutathione is very nice anti oxident, what dosage u have taken.
the most advisable dosage is 10-20mg/kg BodyWeight to use glutathione as an anti-oxidant and for whitening it has to be 20-40mg/kg/BW. example: 50kg x 20mg = 1000mg. you have to take it with vitamin c in ascorbic acid form to be able to maximize its whitening effect (vitamin e can also be taken for better results although i dont really encourage you to do so because ive learned that there are forms of vitamin e which are not water-soluble and it may harm our body in prolonged use). it means that you are just taking dosage of glutathione as an anti-oxidant and not as skin whitener (because i assume that all in all, you are taking 400 mg of )
l-glutathione is very nice anti oxident, what dosage u have taken.
the most advisable dosage is 10-20mg/kg BodyWeight to use glutathione as an anti-oxidant and for whitening it has to be 20-40mg/kg/BW. example: 50kg x 20mg = 1000mg. you have to take it with vitamin c in ascorbic acid form to be able to maximize its whitening effect (vitamin e can also be taken for better results although i dont really encourage you to do so because ive learned that there are forms of vitamin e which are not water-soluble and it may harm our body in prolonged use). it means that you are just taking dosage of glutathione as an anti-oxidant and not as skin whitener (because i assume that all in all, you are taking 400 mg of )
shanskool last decade
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