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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair loss in a small patch in the front


I am from india.
I have thick hair used to be quite long but cut it short now.

When I take a center part I have some hair loss in the front. The problem started several years back when I had some itiching and acne kind of thing in that small patch.

Also now I do not get the itch that frequently but what I see is that there is a tube like white formation near the root of the hair. This can be pulled out like an lice egg.
Not sure what it is. I do not have this any where in my head except in that portion

I am 35 years old.I tried several remidies but nothing worked to grow back hair in that area like my rest of the head.

Pl help.

  1234temp on 2007-09-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls take Acidum Flouricum 200
1 dose after 4 days
Hasnat last decade
as you have dandruff so pl start with dr advise for graphites first j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
Thanks for the response. But I do not have dandruff.
Is graphite for dandruff?
1234temp last decade

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