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Can anyone suggest which herbal remedy can help this condition.
many thanks.
  Tickbean on 2004-11-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
"This condition" tells us we must be mind readers. How about some symptoms? we do not know even your sex. why do you think so many look but do not answer? Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
With respect, as the title of my subject was "Fibrositis?" I would have assumed my question regarding "this condition" was reasonabley obvious? However being a new user to this site, in future I will try to be a bit more explanatory in my questions.
The condition (Fibrositis) has been diagnosed by my GP but only anti inflametry tablets and pain killers seem to be his suggestion and as the fact that I suffer with Irritable bowl syndrome rules out those drugs anyway I thought that I would try any suggestion your site may give as the only time I contacted this forum regarding another issue I was supplied with information that resovled that problem with great results.
Regards Tickbean (Male)
Tickbean 2 decades ago
So, where? How does it feel? what guided you to diagnosis? How do you suffer? How does it hurt? does it bleed? does it swell? Headache? foods irritate? etc?

When there are over 30 views and no one is answering, one needs to write more. Sabra.
sabra 2 decades ago
Sabra, The pain started in my back at a point inline with my hip on the right hand side. This then moved into the muscles along side of my spine (both sides). The pain in the lower part then dissapeared as did the pain in my middle back and moved into the muscles across my shoulder blade region. Each movement of pain lasted about a day and a half recurring now and again. I do not suffer with headaches, I do not bleed anywhere and to the best of my knowledge food does not aggrevate it. The pain is best described as a sharp pain when in the lower back and when occuring in other areas it is a very bad back ache. No swelling. The diagnosis was from my own Doctor. As stated before I would much sooner be treated by herbal medicine as conventional drugs aggrevate other problems and huge success was gained from this forum in the past. I am 59 years of age.
Regards Tickbean
Tickbean 2 decades ago
Working...I just wrote a post and lost it...try again. Am writing with one hand.

Do you have any feelings like paralysis, weakness, worse lying down? Trying to choose between several.

Did you fall or bend funny, sleep odd? Have you visited a chiropractor? Got to stop, scan is interfearing. S.
sabra 2 decades ago
I keep losing posts. I am going to rest for awhile. Surgery on shoulder last week. S.
sabra 2 decades ago
Sorry to hear you are none to good, hope you feel better soon. None of the symtoms you state relate to my condition.
As the sleeping in an uncomfortable position, I can't remember.
Regards Tickbean.
Tickbean 2 decades ago
I am reminded of sciatica and how painful it is. There are areas on both sides of the tailbone in the cup of the pelvis. It is nerves that become inflamed from injury or unknown reasons. It is most painful and switches sides and areas. It is most difficult to treat.

One's spine is not connected to the pelvis and legs except by muscle, ligaments, and nerves.

Have you seen a chiropractor? A good one can tell by feel which part is affected. In sciatica an x-ray is not helpful.

I am going over several possible remedies, but will ask Q again. Do you feel or feel with hand, any swelling? Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Hi Sabra, definatley no swelling. Pain now seems to be confined to shoulder and upper back regions but not severe.
Tickbean 2 decades ago
MDs have no idea how to treat back pain. Have you seen a chiropractor? If you shift in bed is there any change? Is walking or sitting any different? S.
sabra 2 decades ago
Sabra, I have not seen a chiroprator. Shifting position has no benifit. I feel that it is more a muscular problem now. Also after the last day or two the nagging pain has reduced in it's level but still seems to move from area to area, mainly shoulder blade area.
Regards Tickbean.
Tickbean 2 decades ago

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