The ABC Homeopathy Forum
right sided acute trigeminal neuralgia
my husband traveled to Sweden, on his way back after a long journey, complaining of hyperasthesias in rt. side of cheek, ear , scalp . vertex. sensitive to touch, aggravates with swallowing .pain radiating to Rt. ear.electric shocks like pain.boring & digging like pain
pain is all in the tract of trigeminal nerve .
dr. sally on 2007-09-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi, look up belladonna, Lachesis, Pulsatilla and verbena. One of these will fit. R side Pulsatilla. Take 200c once or twice in 12 hrs, then wait for a reaction.
parachute last decade
Dr Sally
you can try (Sangunaria-30) one dose daily only 3 days then stop and after 1 week cantact me back please ,OK
Good luck
you can try (Sangunaria-30) one dose daily only 3 days then stop and after 1 week cantact me back please ,OK
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
Of course BELLADONNA (right side, acute pain, ext to ears, worse on touch and swllowng - only bell is everywhere in Murphy!)verbascum also looks good but mosty left side, and so is lachesis (but lach is not as sensitive to motion as verb.; puls. is also not that sensitive, neither is sang.)
i also would recommend single dry doseof 200, BUT just one, (is he taking any allopathic medicines?) and if the seecond dose is necesary I would increase the potency a little by dissolving fw pellets in water and succussing it.
i also would recommend single dry doseof 200, BUT just one, (is he taking any allopathic medicines?) and if the seecond dose is necesary I would increase the potency a little by dissolving fw pellets in water and succussing it.
Astra2012 last decade
In respect of Dr. Pankaj Varma.Here are details.
I am 50 years old healthy south asian lady .A year ago I have amenorrhea.
My sleep is disturbed.I get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like
pinching needles and sometime dull.I have no family history.I am not sensitive
to light.My pain does not go away with heat or cold colour is white.I have one daughter.
I have been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia on right side of my head with severe
pain.The pain started right after my Dentist did deep clean of my teeth inside on right.
Have been using medicines like Ibuprofen,asprin,acetaminophen but it is temporary tretment.
I heard that there is a good permanant long term treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in Homeopathy.
I never used any homeopathic medicine before.I donot have any disease in childhood.never have headache sleep is disturbed.i get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like pinching needles and sometime dull.
.I am not sensitive to light. pain does not go away with heat or cold application.My colour
is white. all reports on Head, MRI,CT scan,X rays,Hormone assay ,blood testing are normal. .She have NO Hypertension,
Diabetes,cancer and allergies .
Have never used any homeopathic medicine befor
e.Please give me the name of best
homeopathic medicine with dosage and precautions.
I am 50 years old healthy south asian lady .A year ago I have amenorrhea.
My sleep is disturbed.I get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like
pinching needles and sometime dull.I have no family history.I am not sensitive
to light.My pain does not go away with heat or cold colour is white.I have one daughter.
I have been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia on right side of my head with severe
pain.The pain started right after my Dentist did deep clean of my teeth inside on right.
Have been using medicines like Ibuprofen,asprin,acetaminophen but it is temporary tretment.
I heard that there is a good permanant long term treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in Homeopathy.
I never used any homeopathic medicine before.I donot have any disease in childhood.never have headache sleep is disturbed.i get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like pinching needles and sometime dull.
.I am not sensitive to light. pain does not go away with heat or cold application.My colour
is white. all reports on Head, MRI,CT scan,X rays,Hormone assay ,blood testing are normal. .She have NO Hypertension,
Diabetes,cancer and allergies .
Have never used any homeopathic medicine befor
e.Please give me the name of best
homeopathic medicine with dosage and precautions.
mdmm55 last decade
To All Brothers and sisters.
I am 50 years old healthy south asian lady .A year ago I have amenorrhea.
My sleep is disturbed.I get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like
pinching needles and sometime dull.I have no family history.I am not sensitive
to light.My pain does not go away with heat or cold colour is white.I have one daughter.
I have been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia on right side of my head with severe
pain.The pain started right after my Dentist did deep clean of my teeth inside on right.
Have been using medicines like Ibuprofen,asprin,acetaminophen but it is temporary tretment.
I heard that there is a good permanant long term treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in Homeopathy.
I never used any homeopathic medicine before.I donot have any disease in childhood.never have headache sleep is disturbed.i get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like pinching needles and sometime dull.
.I am not sensitive to light. pain does not go away with heat or cold application.My colour
is white. all reports on Head, MRI,CT scan,X rays,Hormone assay ,blood testing are normal. .She have NO Hypertension,
Diabetes,cancer and allergies .
Have never used any homeopathic medicine before.Please give me the name of best homeopathic medicine with dosage and precautions.
I am 50 years old healthy south asian lady .A year ago I have amenorrhea.
My sleep is disturbed.I get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like
pinching needles and sometime dull.I have no family history.I am not sensitive
to light.My pain does not go away with heat or cold colour is white.I have one daughter.
I have been diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia on right side of my head with severe
pain.The pain started right after my Dentist did deep clean of my teeth inside on right.
Have been using medicines like Ibuprofen,asprin,acetaminophen but it is temporary tretment.
I heard that there is a good permanant long term treatment for Trigeminal Neuralgia in Homeopathy.
I never used any homeopathic medicine before.I donot have any disease in childhood.never have headache sleep is disturbed.i get this pain any time of longer duration.It is like pinching needles and sometime dull.
.I am not sensitive to light. pain does not go away with heat or cold application.My colour
is white. all reports on Head, MRI,CT scan,X rays,Hormone assay ,blood testing are normal. .She have NO Hypertension,
Diabetes,cancer and allergies .
Have never used any homeopathic medicine before.Please give me the name of best homeopathic medicine with dosage and precautions.
mdmm55 last decade
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