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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss due to chemical hair straightening(permanent)

Hi, I'm 24 year old student. I had very thick healthy hair till two months back. That's when I got my hair chemically straightened. Since then my hair has become very brittle. I've been having a lot of hairfall. I've already lost about one-third of my hair. I feel the hair is not falling from the follicles but breaking near the scalp giving an impression of falling. The hair strands which were originally thick, also bacame very thin. I'm losing all my confidence and very depressed now. It has become my biggest concern now because if I continue to lose hair at this rate..., I just can't imagine what would happen. I'd be very very grateful if someone could spare a little of their valuable time to consider my case and suggest a good remedy. Thank you in advance.
  meenu on 2007-10-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
mix one part of ARNICA-Q with three parts of pure coconut oil and prepare a mixture.

massage the mixture on the scalp every night before sleeping.

continue this everyday for a month.

the roots will become stronger and also the quality of new hair will be good. as a result, the hair will become dense.

cant do anything about the hair which have already got damaged.
rishimba last decade
I forgot to provide my details. Here they are:
1. Name - Meenu
2. Age - 24
3. Sex - female
4. Married/Unmarried -unmarried
5. weight - 60
6. Height …. - 5.6
7. country - India ( currently living in USA)
8. climate - extreme summers & winters
9. List of your complain first
1.hair falling a lot( abt 100 daily, abt 300 during/after applying oil and headbath)
2.hair breaking a lot(may be that's the reason for hairfall)
3.white dandruff, small scales……
10. Since how long you are suffering for each complain - all from 2 months
11. Diabetic or non Diabetic - non-diabetic
12. Desire sweets/sour/salt - all moderately
13. Thirst - more
14. Tongue - good
15. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) - normal(sorry,dont remember the numbers)

25. current medicine you are taking - very recently I got in touch with a homeopathis doctor in India and she suggested Natrum-mur 30 ,6 balls empty stomach in the morning. Haven't started yet.
Started taking liquid BioSil just today
26. family back ground - mom and dad have good hair, maternal grandfather bald, paternal side no balding history.
meenu last decade
Hi Dr.Rishimba, thank you very much for your response.
I'll do as you said. Along with it don't I need to take any medicine? As I said in my second post, a homeopath from India suggested(over phone)taking Natrum-mur 30 . Also please read my second post where I've given all my complaints and current medicines I'm using. Also I forgot to say, I'm using organic multivitamins once in a while. Thanks for your time and help.
meenu last decade
why has the homeopath given you NAT MUR 30C.

what other physical ailments are you having.

as you have not stated any other physical problem, i have not recommended any remedy to be taken internally.

ARNICA massage will just improve your hair growth.
rishimba last decade
Yeah, I've absolutely no other physical problem. I'm healthy and also eat good. And also do you suggest using SBL Montana shampoo or any mild organic shampoo? Thanks again.
meenu last decade
any mild shampoo is definitely better though i am not familier with sbl montana.
rishimba last decade
Okay doctor, I'll follow the regimen you suggested and keep you informed about the improvements. Thank you very much.
meenu last decade
Hi I have the same problem as described by Meenu. I never had hair loss problem till I got permanent hair straightening done 3 months back and now I am loosing a lot of hair specially after oiling and washing.

Meenu did you use Arnica? If so can you give me a feedback on the result?

Also doctor can you suggest me what would be advisable for me? I am 26 yrs old and have no other ailment. Never had hairloss problem before. I have moderate type hair.

Any suggestion to regain hair growth would be great.
anusree last decade
I think not only arnica Q,you can also mix jaborandyQ with coconut oil.That will give you dramatic result.Also you can take psorinum200c weekly single dose for 1month.I have cured few cases by the above medicines.
Zahid)2 last decade
hi where can I get to buy these products u suggested? I stay out of India so can u suggest where can I buy arnica q from?

I really want to restore my hair growth as now it has become very very thin and brittle. At the same time I am very scared about side effects of using anything.

So kindly suggest.
anusree last decade
also wanted to add that front of my scalp has very thin hair which shows the white patch of my scalp and I am really worried. Please suggest me something so that I can hv some hair growth in front mostly.
anusree last decade
You can follow my treatment.
Zahid)2 last decade
hi can u suggest me a site from where I can buy ArnicaQ or JabotandiQ? Also are the products known by these names only?
anusree last decade
I don't know.But you can contact me by the mail.I can help you.You can view my profile.
Zahid)2 last decade
hey ....can u tell me abut the resultz you hve ? is dt treatment good ?
shane dee last decade
i have got permanant hair straigtening 3 months back and now i m losing lot of hair everyday.

Hi Meenu and anushree, have u used Arnica? can u tell me the result of it?

I am 31 year old and i have no other ailment. i had very dence and thick hair. But now it is very thin and brittle.
khyati1616 last decade
hi...i m 29yr old. i had a hair straightening last year from india in april 09 before coming to US.my hair fall is increasing day by day..i had a thick hair before but now its becoming thiner day by day...my hair length is keep on increasing but its become very thin... i dont have any physical problem and i m not taking any medicine.. i had a C-section 3 year ago...pls help me to get out of this problem..i m sure its becoz of hair straightening or may be the place problem...becoz i m from india and shifted to US 2years ago...
amanpreet last decade
I never had hair loss problem and my hair were very dense till I go hair straightening done 4years back, after that front of my scalp has very thin hair which shows the white patch of my scalp and I am really worried. Please suggest me something so that they can become dense and hv some hair growth back.
did any one use Arnica? If so please give me a feedback on the result?
harry007 last decade
has anyone use arnica +_jaborandy as prescribed by zahid?
If so please give me a feedback on the result.
harry007 last decade
hi iam 20 year male i hav straighten my hair 2 years before and that started me hair fall problem and svere hair fall.i visited doctor twice once he gave me multivitamins type tablets and second time he said ur hairs are normal and iam lossing 60 to 70 hairs per day and i hav lost 50% of my hairs plz some one do something for me i will be very thankfull to u guys.i never been in such a great tensn before.so plz
dani uet last decade
hi meenu
I have exactly the same problem. have any product benefited you. if so, please tell me.
harshit last decade
I never had hair loss problem and my hair were very dense till I go hair straightening done 4years back, after that front of my scalp has very thin hair which shows the white patch of my scalp and I am really worried and i hav lost 50% of my hair. Please suggest me something so that they can become dense and hv some hair growth back.
did any one use Arnica? If so please give me a feedback on the result?
harshit last decade
Hi Meenu,
Please do reply.
I have the same severe problem.
send me ur emailid to recu.sneha at gmail dot com
This would be of great help.
I wnated to know what worked for you.

Please do reply.

Many Thanks
flowergirl123 last decade
Hi, I am 18(female) and I got my hair permanently straightened in the month of August. I have been having acute hairfall since the start of monsoon season and straightening has only aggravated it. I am also suffering from oily dandruff and the sever hairfall has left me totally worried and depressed. Please HELP!!!!! :O
[message edited by Devya_M on Sun, 18 Sep 2011 07:04:29 BST]
Devya_M last decade

[message deleted by Nikkie on Sun, 18 Sep 2011 07:04:36 BST]
Nikkie last decade

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