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control your high blood pressure
dear readers:As every body knows that Hypertention is silient enemy.I would like to share my experience/knowledge with you on this topic as under:
I have taken this prescription from a monthly Homoeopathic Magzine published from Lahore in its journal perhaps in May 2007. I have tried more than 20 patients who were continuously taking Alopathic medicines since long, now they have abandoned all the the medcine.
Please get the advantage of this Presciption, a natural and unique one:
1) Take 30 uncovered planks of Desi Garlic
2) Add 3 desserts spoons of sugar Can ( Desi Shakkir )in a bottle.
3) Now Put the above No.1 and Two in a bottle and pure Apple cedar in it until these are dipped completely in it.
4) Tight the cap of the bottle and put it in a moderate weather for three days and shake it once a day.
5) On the forth day empty stomach take One plank out of them + one teaspoon of the its mixture and have breakfast after a hour. Do it for about 15 days and check your B.P. You will be Inshallah cured. This is a permanent solution of Hypertention.
Wish you good luck
dr. mahfooz
wish you good luck
♥ Mahfoozurrehman on 2007-10-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Thank you Dr.Mahfoozurrehman for your valuable threads.In this connection i like to know whether in absence of apple cider the garlic plank with sugar as instructed can be dipped in vinegar made of acetic acid glacial (mainly used to prepare brand vinegar) or i can take apple juice crushing local apple of Bhutan or India.Your clarification is needed or how can we prepare apple cider vinegar may also be mentioned.Im in great hope and expectation that this method will surely be capable to keep high bp in normal range specially essential hypertension.Thank you and wishes you the best.Malaker
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dear dr. Haran ch, AOA,
Thank you very much for taking interest to read this thread.
As regards your querry I may submit that vinegar (Sirka white) can also be used in it in place of apple cedar.
dr. mahfooz
Thank you very much for taking interest to read this thread.
As regards your querry I may submit that vinegar (Sirka white) can also be used in it in place of apple cedar.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you once and again for your quick reply.The white vinegar (sada sirka) is also made of acetic acid glacial whether this will undo the good effect of garlic plank.White sirka is too sour while taking one teaspooful in the morning is practically not hard, to lessens its soury strength some water can be mixed or not may please be clarified again.Beging pardon to disturb you and your valuable time.Malaker
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
No not at all I always accept good suggestions and you are ever welcome.
Non of the patient have reported its sourness or any other complaint, therefore, I think there is no need of water to mix in.
dr. mahfooz
Non of the patient have reported its sourness or any other complaint, therefore, I think there is no need of water to mix in.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
As per Ohio State University, Apple Cidar Vinegar cures for allergies, sinus infection acne, high cholesterol, flu, chronic fatigue, candida, acid reflux, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, and gout. Apple Cidar Vinegar also breaks down fat and is widely used to lose weight. A daily dose of apple cider vinegar in water has high blood pressure under control in two weeks.
Apple Cidar Vinegar is one of the natural remedies in healing the body. As a wounderful side effect of drinking apple cidar vinegar every day, that it brings a healthy, rosy glow to one's complexion.
Garlic is one of the best home remedies for HBP. I, myself using it daily for over one year. My HBP is now under control. I am using four capsuls in the mornings and 3 -4 clovers, cooked in micro oven for 30 seconds, in the evenings.
Apple Cidar Vinegar is one of the natural remedies in healing the body. As a wounderful side effect of drinking apple cidar vinegar every day, that it brings a healthy, rosy glow to one's complexion.
Garlic is one of the best home remedies for HBP. I, myself using it daily for over one year. My HBP is now under control. I am using four capsuls in the mornings and 3 -4 clovers, cooked in micro oven for 30 seconds, in the evenings.
sthillaiyah last decade
A quick question - IS sugar can mentioned in item 2 is just normal white sugar or something else.
Please respond.
Please respond.
VAISHDW2 last decade
Dr Mahfooz,
I have put garlic and shakir in apple cider vinegar yesterday. There is a green color on all the 30 garlic pieces in just one day. Please let me know whether this is usual.
Thanks in advance.
I have put garlic and shakir in apple cider vinegar yesterday. There is a green color on all the 30 garlic pieces in just one day. Please let me know whether this is usual.
Thanks in advance.
VAISHDW2 last decade
Dear sthillaiyah,
I really appreciate your throwing the light on Apple Cedre and garlic. It is a nice information for me as well as for others.
Sugar mean white sugar whereas I have mentioned Sugar Cane(Shakir) mean brown sugar.
I do not know what kind of garlic you used in this formaula. If it is sample garlic then there would be no big change in colour of garlic. If it is not mature garlic then it might be like yours. Kindly get mature uncovered garlic planks (white colour) and try.
dr. mahfooz
I really appreciate your throwing the light on Apple Cedre and garlic. It is a nice information for me as well as for others.
Sugar mean white sugar whereas I have mentioned Sugar Cane(Shakir) mean brown sugar.
I do not know what kind of garlic you used in this formaula. If it is sample garlic then there would be no big change in colour of garlic. If it is not mature garlic then it might be like yours. Kindly get mature uncovered garlic planks (white colour) and try.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Dear Dr.Mahfozzurrehman,thank you once and again.I already adviced my patient to follow your method.He put 30 planks of uncovered garllic with 3 tablespooful of sugar i mean desi white sugar completely made of sugar can.He also poured white sirka in that container for well absorption of planks.After 4days he comes to me and show me the container i look it and eat one plank with syrup of sugar and sirka.Its taste nice but one thing is confusing me as the plank is hard like b4.No softness has come,whether it is natural or not or it may take more time to become soft.Please make me light to inform the matter.One more thing after 15 days it should be stopped or to be continued.Thanks malaker
♡ Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dear Haran ch. AOA,
Thanks for call me.
The plank of garlic shall remain hard but not so soft. do not bother about it. ok.
After 15 days use, get BP checked if it is okay then stop it for a week and then start for a week and finish it. Hope the patient will be cured permanently. If he need in future then there is no harm in using it for long time.
dr. mahfooz
Thanks for call me.
The plank of garlic shall remain hard but not so soft. do not bother about it. ok.
After 15 days use, get BP checked if it is okay then stop it for a week and then start for a week and finish it. Hope the patient will be cured permanently. If he need in future then there is no harm in using it for long time.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Another effective way to make Garlic Vinegar extract is here:
In a jar, soak garlic cloves with water. Do not close the lid because garlic will expand.
In about a month, garlics will become liquefy. Pulp will stay down and then, water and on the top, beautiful colored golden garlic oil. Oil has high ph value so it will never rot. Oil can be removed and other mixture can be used in cooking.
Now add vinegar and sugar as per suggestion by Mahfoozurrehman.
In a jar, soak garlic cloves with water. Do not close the lid because garlic will expand.
In about a month, garlics will become liquefy. Pulp will stay down and then, water and on the top, beautiful colored golden garlic oil. Oil has high ph value so it will never rot. Oil can be removed and other mixture can be used in cooking.
Now add vinegar and sugar as per suggestion by Mahfoozurrehman.
♡ girilal last decade
Dear Sir, I have HBP as well as diabetes. As such I dont think I can take any sugar, What can I take to control both??
maya_hari last decade
Does the sugar serve to turn it into vinager?
After it turns into vinager will there NOT be any sugar left?
After it turns into vinager will there NOT be any sugar left?
allergic last decade
Dear readers,
While studying I found the following prescriptions in monthly homoepathic magzine for herpetention. I would like to share this knowledge to my colleagues as well as the readers of this forum:
Homoeopathic tip:
Five drops each per dose thrice a day.
I myself have found it very effective particularly in Hyersensitivity cases.
dr. mahfooz
While studying I found the following prescriptions in monthly homoepathic magzine for herpetention. I would like to share this knowledge to my colleagues as well as the readers of this forum:
Homoeopathic tip:
Five drops each per dose thrice a day.
I myself have found it very effective particularly in Hyersensitivity cases.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Salaam Dr. Mahfooz,
I would still like the clarification on one of the question one the reader raised.
I used fully matured white uncovered garlic, apple cider, and brown sugar as suggested, but end up running green color on almost all the planks on the very first day.
I still tried to eat one plank but the tase also was horrible, so I end up omitting everything, but the tase of syrup was still managable.
Just for your info. I am eating raw garlic plank doing 10 sec. microwave, which is quite good, it means my tolorence for garlic is some how there, but I was not able to keep that green color plank in the stomac for more than a minute.
I am runing 160/105 HBP, and desprately looking for the homepathic answer, rather than going to allopethic way.
Would really really appreciate your quick response, as my doctor is somehow forcing me to start medication, but I am a firm beliver in god & nature, so hope I will get some cure this way, inshaallah.
I live in Toronto and do regular walks and eat a very balanced diet.
Allah Hafiz
I would still like the clarification on one of the question one the reader raised.
I used fully matured white uncovered garlic, apple cider, and brown sugar as suggested, but end up running green color on almost all the planks on the very first day.
I still tried to eat one plank but the tase also was horrible, so I end up omitting everything, but the tase of syrup was still managable.
Just for your info. I am eating raw garlic plank doing 10 sec. microwave, which is quite good, it means my tolorence for garlic is some how there, but I was not able to keep that green color plank in the stomac for more than a minute.
I am runing 160/105 HBP, and desprately looking for the homepathic answer, rather than going to allopethic way.
Would really really appreciate your quick response, as my doctor is somehow forcing me to start medication, but I am a firm beliver in god & nature, so hope I will get some cure this way, inshaallah.
I live in Toronto and do regular walks and eat a very balanced diet.
Allah Hafiz
mansuri12 last decade
from europe ;what is 'uncovered planks of desi garlic'?
sugar can is the same as brown sugar?
in advance
sugar can is the same as brown sugar?
in advance
vankelst last decade
I am in India and it is difficult to find apple cider vinegar.If anyone can shed light on it as to how to get it and from what address..ijai kapoor...
theshoeman last decade
Can somebody tell me what 'uncovered planks of desi garlic' is? I can buy cloves of garlic but do not understand what is meant by planks
Can somebody tell me what 'uncovered planks of desi garlic' is? I can buy cloves of garlic but do not understand what is meant by planks
Adam.T last decade
I have treated 12 patients so far who presented Hypertension with a remedy that is not recorded in the Homeopathic texts for this ailment.
The remedy I have used is Nat Mur 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily.
I have also added Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as this too helps to reduce Blood Pressure by filtering the blood.
I am simply amazed at how this simple and safe remedy can bring down the Blood Pressure of 10 of these 12 patients overnight.
I would recommend that you use this remedy and report your response.
It is understood of course that you will also actively participate in helping your body to resolve this problem by exercising daily and not eating too much.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
The remedy I have used is Nat Mur 6x dose 2 tablets taken thrice daily.
I have also added Arnica 30c in the Wet dose as this too helps to reduce Blood Pressure by filtering the blood.
I am simply amazed at how this simple and safe remedy can bring down the Blood Pressure of 10 of these 12 patients overnight.
I would recommend that you use this remedy and report your response.
It is understood of course that you will also actively participate in helping your body to resolve this problem by exercising daily and not eating too much.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also referred to as Liquid Dilution in a bottle preferably with a dropper arrangement.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake the bottle hard before you sip a capfull of the bottle or a large teaspoonful which is the dose.
Shaking the bottle hard is homeopathic succussion and this shaking must be done every time before sipping a capful of the bottle twice daily.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Here are some links to articles discussing homoeopathic treatment of hypertension.
♡ brisbanehomoeopath last decade
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