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Seborrheic Dermatitis or Alopecia with extensive hair loss (Needs Help Urgently)
2. Age:223. Sex:Male
4. Unmarried
5. weight:66 kgs
6. Height :5ft.6inch .
7. country India-mumbai
8. climate: Hot and Humid
9. Family History: Herieditary baldness after 40 yrs, high BP, less hair on chest,hands and legs
10. Qualification of patient:College student
11. Nature of working:moderately active but a fast walker
12. Complexion: Wheatish
13. Constitution: Well built
14. non veg
15. History of taking Alcohol/Tobacco/coffee/Tea/any drugs addiction:none except tea n coffee occassionally
16. List of your complain first 1.Seborrheic dermatitis/Alopecia 2.excessive hair loss on frontal area of the scalp(very scanty can see the whole scalp) and partial hair loss on top of my head
17. Since how long you are suffering for each complain 1: 14 years
18. current medicine you are taking for each complain 2: 7 years
19. non Diabetic
20. Desire sweets/sour/salt :: 1:Salts 2:Sweets
21. Thirst Small quantity/short interval/long interval/large Quantity :Small quantity/short interval
22. Tongue color :Whitish Pink
23. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) : Normal
24. What exactly is happening ? i have Seborrheic dermatitis or alopecia, dont know for sure bcos both the doctors told me different names.Had it for the past 14 years, i have tried aryuvedic treatment but it it only worsened, i then tried allopathy by the use of sebowash shampoo which is a fluocinolone acetonide shampoo caused all the white thick scaling to go away but as is a recurring disease it keeps coming back and by the use of this shampoo i regularly i used to not get the white scaling at all but in the process i started loosing considerable amounts of hair to the effect i have almost lost all my hair in the front part of my scalp and the bad part is i have just turned 22, i have gone to the extent to even consider doing hair transplant but due to the pain and the money involed in doing it had to abort from doing it. i have also gone for treatment to dr. batra''s clinic for 1 year and then another homeopathy dr. praful Vijaykar but i found no improvement at all just more n more loss of hair, thats whe n i lost faith in homeopathy bcos allopathy used to give me much better results, so i decieded to give homeopathy 1 last a try before taking up any major step-I am being treated with sulphur till date, for the first 2 months i noticed growth in the frontal area of my scalp but after that the growth was nil and i started loosing hair again.I was then put on another homepathic medicne which starts with r(dont know the full name) but it did not show any results so i was put back again to sulphur. i would like you to tell me some home made remidies that i can try out or any kind of solution that i can use to promote growth of hair as well as see to it that the dandruff does not come back.I was told by another doctor that the pores are blocked by the dandruff and thats why you are not getting proper hair growth and the hair id coming in patches but the funny thing is that i do not have any dandruff in the frontal region of my scalp and had very bad dandruff on the centre of my scalp still there was more hair g rowth or very little hair loss in those regions, presently i am not using any thing for my hair just normal shampoo n the dr. said that u will get a lot of dandruff initially bcos the medicine will increase the dandruff and then it will gradually go away.I have hair loss only on my scalp and no other part of my body is affected.I have shaved my head repeatedly and maintained a army cut of just a few centimeters but the hair on my forehead is very scanty and very brittle and falls of easily. At the same time there has been no growth or very minimal growth to report any improvements.I want to know what should i do to regain all my hair back and also please tell me where i will get the medicines in mumbai and also if its a homeopathy shop can u list a few names for me.
Currently if i take a hair bath after every 2 days i dont get the dandruff back. If i dont my scalp becomes greasy and i start getting the white greasy dandruff back again..
25. How do you feel ? No Improvement but the greasy whitish dandruff has gone.
26. How does this affect you ? Mentally and causes a lot of stress and also puts me very low in confidence(i am sufferring from extreme hair loss and full forehead baldness from the time i was 16 years old. If u were in my place and had to go through your whole youth tring to hide your scalp from your friends so that they dont make fun of you and wearing a cap 24/7 u would know how i feel)
27. How does it feel like ? Sh*t.Cant go for parties, no girls,no friends.
29. One situation that had a big effect on you ? Nothing as big as the hair problem that i am going through right now
32. Prefer Hot or cold Enviroment: Cold
33. Palms: cold but gets sweaty when anxious
36. desire or like and dislike of food : like salty, oily, sweet foods. dislike sour, bitter foods
33. Name of foods which increase your problem :dont know
34. Body odor ,/sweating/- yes/yes
35. moderatively active
How is your appetite?average
Under line the right word for you ----
Hasty, Anxious, Despairing, Sad, Hopeful, Fearful, Restless, Calm, dullness, Anger, Being overwhelmed, Depression , Despondency from overwork, Doubt or Discouragement, Fear and Shyness, Fear of losing mental balance, Feeling of powerlessness, Hopelessness, Immaturity of Mind/Emotions, failure to learn from mistakes, impatience,boredom Intolerance, longing for past happiness,low self-confidence, Mental Fatigue, Mental torture or worry, Mental/emotional and physical weariness,bitterness, Sadness, greif, Self-distrust, Shame, jealousy, Whether you can able to give public speech: no
sheldon365 on 2007-10-19
You are advise to take one dose of arsenic alb 10M one dose early in the morning of 2 drops in 1/2 cup of water..
report me after one week....
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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