The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Permanency of Remedies
Forgive me for rehashing this subject, but I've never found a definitive answer. Is it possible for a proving to last permanently? Thanks in advance.thekind78 on 2007-11-04
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parachute last decade
I took several doses of Nux V. At different potencies - 2 1M doses, followed 2 weeks after by a 30C dose, followed 3 weeks after by another 1m dose, thereafter by a 200c dose, and finally a 3c dose about 40 days ago. This sounds crazy I know, but after taking the 2nd 1M dose I experienced a hell of an aggravation and spent the remainder of the last 8 months trying to ameliorate it. I haven't taken any homeopathic remedies in over 40 days. However, I am still experiencing Nux aggravations - mainly, angina pains and irregular peristaltic activity which causes ineffectual bowel movements. I am sure this is caused by Nux as I never have had angina before. THat being said, 8 months seems like a long time to be suffering an aggravation. I am wondering if I have done any permanent damange. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
thekind78 last decade
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