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sharp pain under right shoulder blade

Hi, I have had this problem since March 2006. Was checked by a chiropractor who said that I have no muscular problem, was checked by my doctor who has not found any problems yet and wants to do exploratory colonoscopy and endoscopy to investigate.

The pain comes and goes but can last days and weeks before it goes. I have gas and bilious stools and bloating about 3-4 hours after I eat. The burning is intense in the middle of the night. It is specifically under my right shoulder blade. It sometimes radiates towards my neck and then I have trouble rotating the neck because it feels like the spinal cord is being twisted.

My past history has been a pituitary adenoma that I had for 17 years and it left January of 2006. Right now, I struggle with emotions, with digestion problems(I can hardly eat meat and I have to eat lowfat but it restricts me with dressings on my salads).

I also have insomnia where I easily fall asleep but can wake up suddenly two hours later in a panic, then fall asleep - maybe- to wake up about 3 hours later for the day. This has gone on for 35 years. Right now, with this constant pain in my back, it is getting worse and worse. It burns me constantly.

Have chelidonium 200 and I take 4 granules 4-5 times a day with Sulfur 30C. Last night, I tried to add pulsatilla 30C and slept better. At least I was able to fall asleep again.

Anyhow, can you professionals please guide me because so far, the medical doctors cannot find the source and the chiropractor guesses I have cancer. I think it is a swollen liver myself.

Thank you so much!
  Johanne on 2007-11-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sangunaria 200c one dose daily for 7 days chelidonium q 10 drops in a one fourth cup of water at bed time j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you for your kindness!

Johanne last decade
good you are cured j k mohla
akshaymohl last decade
I need to understand what is going on please.

I just woke up for the day here and during the night, I have had terrible pains in my lower stomach area on the right side.

I am taking sanguinaria and today is the last day of the 7 day-suggestion.

I still have mild pain under my right shoulder blade. It comes and goes. I ate salad, meat and some fat the other day and it did not affect the pain like it usually does.

My appetite has come back which is good.

I still struggle with moments of pain in that region.

Should I always take the chelidonium?

I found that taking it only once a day was not enough to keep the pain at bay. I take it in the morning but found that I have to take 4 granules of chelidium 200c after lunch and after dinner as well.

I also have to take arnica 200c to bear this pain.

I feel the pain as I turn my head to the right as well and when I sleep on the right, it is uncomfortable.

I have had this problem since March 2006. I know that healing takes time.

There is a history of primary biliary cirrhosis in my family. My father has this condition. I have not been diagnosed with this condition yet because I don't want to go to the doctor and follow their suggestion of colonoscopy and endoscopy first. They simply will not help me until I get that. I also have a lipoma or a duodenal hernia (the doctor has not decided which it is yet).

Anyway, can you guys give me direction as to how to use the chelidonium and how long?

How long with the sanguinaria?

I am also taking sulphur 30C and in combination with the chelidonium and the sanguinaria, the acne on my face that I have had for a year now is beginning to subside. I am very thankful for this.

Thank you for you help!
Johanne last decade
why you are taking sulphur pl follow advise of chelidonium q mother tincture sangunaria to be repeated as weekly dose only
akshaymohl last decade
dr. akshaymohl is right please follow him.

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I did not mean disrespect. I misunderstood. Since it is my first time doing homeopathy, I did not know that I needed the chelidonium mother tincture. I thought it was a 200c dosage.

I apologize. I will order what I need and do what you say.

Thank you.

I am seeing some results. I thank you for this.

Johanne last decade
Yes Chelidonium mother tincture is good for you.
Your liver is weak...so eat stuff that is easily digestible and don't overload your stomach.

Keep away from liqour, reduce on coffee and tea.

You will improve faster.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade

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