The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Discussion: Mother Tincture Dosing
I have known homeopaths who prescribe mother tincture drops in water for treatment. Even drops direct on tongue. At times for direct external application.Are these good methods? Under what circumstances? What implications?
srisri on 2007-11-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
all medicine cannot be used as mother tincture thuza calendulla arnica cantharis can also be used externally and use of mother tincture in specific cases as per symptoms j k mohla
♡ akshaymohl last decade
How about Cretagus Q?
I know of heart enlargement cases getting cured when they were on cretagus Q drops in water daily doses.
I know of heart enlargement cases getting cured when they were on cretagus Q drops in water daily doses.
srisri last decade
there are so many others like damiana fraxican
♡ akshaymohl last decade
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