The ABC Homeopathy Forum
bronchial asthma & itching
hi!I,m suffering from bronchial asthma since the day i was 13 days old.also developed sinusitis/rhinitis in late thirties.I'm allergic to many items food like urad , rajmah and old dust,pesticides smell strong perfumes etc.I was put on steroids for a very long time.I feel now they dont help me.
i started taking SUMBUCUS NIG.30 after reading a similar case at this forum.but the problem is ihave developed itching and dryness on my legs between ankle and knee,on the back of knee, on hands as well around elbow.its very intense and sort of pleasurable.kindly help me
emjos on 2008-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give some more detail of your own showing the benefits of sumbucus Nig.
In the mean times you may take Ars. Alb.30 (3 drops per dose) morning and evening and report after a week.
dr. mahfooz
In the mean times you may take Ars. Alb.30 (3 drops per dose) morning and evening and report after a week.
dr. mahfooz
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
thanks dr. mehfooz. after taking sumbucus nig.30 black coloured thick jelly like sputum stated coming out from deep inside the chest & this relieved me a lot.I'm - age-50,weight-76,on the whole a happy person,likes spicy and sweets,suffer from hyperacidity-a result of prolonged use of steroids. daily take 2capsules of OCID20mg. after taking sumbucus nig30 both the nostrils are open can take a walk easily now.sometimes thick sputum is expelled from the nose light in colour.nostrils had also opened on taking Antim Crud30.usually the tongue remains coated and constipation is a regular feature. anti amoebic medicines allopathic give some relief but the amoebiosis symptoms recur very fast . clear rectum keeps me healthy but this is seldom.dr. now should i take ars.alb.30 drops as suggested by you along with sumbucus nig. or in what fashion.kindly help. and thanks a lot.
emjos last decade
If sumbucus give you relief do not abondoned it However, Take one does of Ars.Alb at night and report after a week.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
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