The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Face, Back, and Arm Acne developing at age 25
Hi...I'm new here and need help! I'm 25, and have had only occasional acne, nothing severe, until now. About three months ago, I started developing a lot of acne on my back, arms, and face. My back is also very itchy. I try my hardest not to touch and irritate any area. I have tried and multitude of natural creams and washes.Two weeks ago, I cut dairy our of my diet on a reccomendation. I was always kind of a vegetarian, eating 90% organic or more. The non-dairy thing doesn't seem to be helping at all!
The acne is not very pussy, just red bumps that occasionally come to a white head, but not often. They are all over my back, upper arms, and face mostly on my temples and forhead.
I can't afford an allergist, or a dermatologist.
I run a modern dance company for a living and perform once or twice a month, and I teach dance's really effecting my self-esteem.....
I need some advice, any is greatly appreciated!
carrie9 on 2008-01-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please try (Solicea-30c) 2pills daily for week only then stop and after month report me back,Ok
Good luck
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
do u notice any trend of the eruption with any biological changes, food changes, life style changes, bowel movements, weather changes etc.
since when, trends of distribution, sensations, appearance etc?
if you are female, how smooth are your periods?
since when, trends of distribution, sensations, appearance etc?
if you are female, how smooth are your periods?
♡ rishimba last decade
My menstrual cycle is very normal....
No biological changes or major food changes prior to the acne, once sonce then have I cut dairy and eggs out of my diet, no life style changes, no change in bowel movements.
Weather on the other hand is tricky, living in Alaska, the winters here are incredibly dry, cold, and dark, but I've been here for 11 years. This would be the first year if my skin is reacting to the weather....
My menstrual cycle is very normal....
No biological changes or major food changes prior to the acne, once sonce then have I cut dairy and eggs out of my diet, no life style changes, no change in bowel movements.
Weather on the other hand is tricky, living in Alaska, the winters here are incredibly dry, cold, and dark, but I've been here for 11 years. This would be the first year if my skin is reacting to the weather....
carrie9 last decade
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