The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Arnica for Exzema
I have started Joe De Livera's Arnica treatment and have a few questions.What happens if the dose is not exact?
For example if there are more than 2-3 drops Arnica 30c in a 500ml bottle.
If I get more than a teaspoonful daily.
I keep the bottle in my room and simply pour a liitle bit directly into my mouth without touching the bottle.
I have exzema for several months and have stopped all other homeopathic medication and started the Arinica Treatment. My palms are scaly and get cuts if I do not put vasalene. My two forearms are red/dry and itchy.
I have used Rhus Tox 30 and a few other treatments but none seem to work.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
johnja on 2008-01-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is advisable for your to follow the method of dr. joe de livera which he descibe in its thread.
♡ Mahfoozurrehman last decade
johnja last decade
I have been using the Arnica Treatment for about 11 days.
At present there has been some noticible change in my forearms and palms. But the right foot remains almost the same.
Most of the changes happened within 3-4 days of starting. Then almost stopped.
How long should I continue?
Any help would be much appreciated.
At present there has been some noticible change in my forearms and palms. But the right foot remains almost the same.
Most of the changes happened within 3-4 days of starting. Then almost stopped.
How long should I continue?
Any help would be much appreciated.
johnja last decade
Dr. Mahfooz
I used the Arnica treatment for two weeks. Then started two doses per day of Rhus Tox 200 (since I did not have Rhus Tox 30. A drop in teaspoon of water)
So far there is no improvement. Only improvement was after the first few days of the arnica treatment.
My right foot still has reddness. And forearms look good in the morning but there is more itching at night.
What should I do now?
Thank you
I used the Arnica treatment for two weeks. Then started two doses per day of Rhus Tox 200 (since I did not have Rhus Tox 30. A drop in teaspoon of water)
So far there is no improvement. Only improvement was after the first few days of the arnica treatment.
My right foot still has reddness. And forearms look good in the morning but there is more itching at night.
What should I do now?
Thank you
johnja last decade
End of last year I suddenly developed a severe Eczema type condition. My palms became scaly with cuts, forearms became brown and right foot front part only became reddish brown.
Initially on the forearms chickenpox like red spots appeared and then the whole forearm became brown. It started with the right forearm and then spread to the left.
Dermatologists just wanted to prescribe steroid creams which I did not apply.
I found your Arnica remedy on the Homeopathy forum and within a week the severe condition was reduced. But after more than six months I still have some dryness on the palms for which I need to use Vasaline. Not as much as before maybe a small amount once or twice a day. My right foot is still a little reddish brown and under the toes is dry and a bit scaly.
What else should I try? Any comments and suggestions would be much appreciated.
Initially on the forearms chickenpox like red spots appeared and then the whole forearm became brown. It started with the right forearm and then spread to the left.
Dermatologists just wanted to prescribe steroid creams which I did not apply.
I found your Arnica remedy on the Homeopathy forum and within a week the severe condition was reduced. But after more than six months I still have some dryness on the palms for which I need to use Vasaline. Not as much as before maybe a small amount once or twice a day. My right foot is still a little reddish brown and under the toes is dry and a bit scaly.
What else should I try? Any comments and suggestions would be much appreciated.
johnja last decade
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