The ABC Homeopathy Forum
needs a bit dIscussion /explaination
In lesional prescribing, if the location,sesation and modalities of the one sided pathology match with the concommitant general symptoms, a remedy acting directly on the pathology can be chosen without the risk of suppression.Dr Lucs on Lesionall prescribing
hisam on 2008-03-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What it means that even for Lesional prescribing one should ensure that the generals match.
There can be more than one medicine indicated for the same pathology. The choice is easier if you see that the chosen medicine covers the generals like his thermal tendencies (Reaction to heat and cold), his desires and aversions.
The chances of the medicine suppressing instead of curing are greater if the generals don't match.
The patient will get relief in both the cases, but obviously the suppression is not desired.
There can be more than one medicine indicated for the same pathology. The choice is easier if you see that the chosen medicine covers the generals like his thermal tendencies (Reaction to heat and cold), his desires and aversions.
The chances of the medicine suppressing instead of curing are greater if the generals don't match.
The patient will get relief in both the cases, but obviously the suppression is not desired.
♡ gavinimurthy last decade
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