The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Women's Hair Loss
I have a fit body, strong nails, and very healthy skin, yet my hair is weak, thinning (you can see my scalp), and cannot grow any longer than shoulder length before it starts to break off. I am in my early 30's and am very self conscious about this. Can you recommend a product for this?msnemp on 2008-03-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have been tested for everything but all doctors say is 'must run in the family' and prescribe Rogaine.
I have normal levels of Iron, normal thyroid, etc. I've never been in the hospital, I am not on any prescribed medication of any sort. I eat very healthy - organic when possible. Drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly. I get a deep tissue massage once a week. I get normal sleep. I take all the normal vitamins. I take vitamins rich in things good for hair.
My nails are beautiful and look like I have a french manicure without actually having one. My manicurist just buffs and cleans them. My skin glows, has no issues. Might be a bit dry but I have no acne problems.
My mother has fine hair but she doesn't do anything to diagnose it. I would like to try.
I've tried all sorts of shampoos and conditioners and nothing. I am taking orally, Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day. I hear adding baking soda will balance out the PH in my body.
I'll try anything other than Rogaine and extensions :)
Thanks for your help
I have normal levels of Iron, normal thyroid, etc. I've never been in the hospital, I am not on any prescribed medication of any sort. I eat very healthy - organic when possible. Drink plenty of water. Exercise regularly. I get a deep tissue massage once a week. I get normal sleep. I take all the normal vitamins. I take vitamins rich in things good for hair.
My nails are beautiful and look like I have a french manicure without actually having one. My manicurist just buffs and cleans them. My skin glows, has no issues. Might be a bit dry but I have no acne problems.
My mother has fine hair but she doesn't do anything to diagnose it. I would like to try.
I've tried all sorts of shampoos and conditioners and nothing. I am taking orally, Apple Cider Vinegar twice a day. I hear adding baking soda will balance out the PH in my body.
I'll try anything other than Rogaine and extensions :)
Thanks for your help
msnemp last decade
please try (Thuja-200c) 2pills daily for week only then stop and after 6 weeks report me back ,ok
Good luck
Good luck
faisal qureshi last decade
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