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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


Please help.How long can an aggravation last for a chronic complaint? I have taken sepia 30c for my hot flashes. I had taken it before and it worked for a month then they started to come back. I was told by homeopath to switch to lycopodium. This produced no change of any kind after 10 days so I took 1 dose of nux and also some camphor on the pulse points and then after a week I went back to 1 dose of sepia 30c. In the meantime I had posted here and been told to up the dose but I had already taken the 30c. I have been waiting, I seem to have a very bad aggravation, 9 days now, but no new symptoms. I did have aggravation the first time I took it but not for so long.
Before trying homeopathy I tried acupuncture. An hour after my first session I was far worse, much hotter and with sweat which I hadn't had before. I was told this would go away in 48 hours, it didn't. Three weeks later I was as bad as ever.
What I am trying to decide is if I have over dosed myself or if the 'aggravation' that I have now just the remedy working through my previous 'bad patch'. can anyone help. What should I do now? Can't get to professional for 10 days because of vacation.
  winnieandco on 2008-03-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I tried the online Remedy Finder but the options never seem to match right. Here are my details if any one would like to retake my case:
Shy personality except with people I know when I like to talk. Generally insecure since childhood. Moody, sometimes depressed, previously had bouts of crying for no reason but not so bad at the moment. Need affection from my partner but I have no interest in sex any more. Don’t want to go out, would rather stay home just the two of us.
Hot flashes regular as clockwork (every 50 mins), for past two days with extra flashes from moving about. Heat starts around my middle and moves in all directions to back, face, legs, and genitals. Flushing in face. Scanty sweat. Feels worse in the afternoon and evening. Worse from warm bed. Better from cold air or cold wet flannel but I generally feel cold in between flashes unless there is a source of warmth close by. In the evening I am sitting under a blanket sometimes with a hot water bottle but the room temp. is 73.
My nose, hands and feet are most often cold. I feel better for fresh air as long as it’s warm outside.
I had mastoiditis (left ear) as a child and have quite profound deafness (both ears, possible result of childhood medications). This has some effect on my personality as I often cannot hear with many people about and this makes me nervous, I’m much better on one to one. I do find it frustrating; I would really like to join in more. I also have tinnitus from about 30 years ago and this does seem to be a bit worse at the moment although it often is if I am stressed. (The sound is like a lot of birds chirping).
I periodically have low back pain. I had a recent bout last week, the first for a long time, it lasted for two days, it has now gone. I get headaches usually from stress; the pain is not always in the same place, sometimes neck, sometimes behind eyes, or top of head. I haven’t managed to identify any general preference for left or right side. I also occasionally get a shooting kind of pain go through my head, it doesn’t actually hurt, it is just a jolt or shock but it’s right inside my head and it kind of screeches. I have vaginal dryness and loss of libido. Sometimes pain with intercourse (left side). Frequent desire for urination, no pain but feel like I don’t empty my bladder completely.
Complexion dull, pale. Tongue pale with white coating. Skin is dry but we live in the desert! A bit overweight with flabby stomach and bloating. Crave chocolate and cookies.
winnieandco last decade
Please, has anyone got a suggestion / opinion ? It has got no better, maybe even worse or that could just be because of my constantly disturbed sleep. I am going to try Diane's antidote for aggravation today.
winnieandco last decade
PLease help! I have tried Diane's antidote to 24th dilution, still with no relief. Although the highest dose I took before was 30c I did on one occasion try the remedy in water, however, not fully understanding the meaning of succussion I know that I rather overdid it. Could this be why I am having such a problem now? What can I do? Should I take a 6c dose?
winnieandco last decade

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