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Choronic Pain in Testicles

I'm feeling pain in both testicles for last two years. It starts from Testicles and moves to spermatic cords and sometimes to abdomen area.
Also I feel inflammation in inner thies.

Physically there is no abnormal thing. Two years ago it started with pain during urinating, but later it turned to testicular pain.
Now no pain or infection like feeling during urinating.

I tried PULSATELLA and RHODO from 6X to 200C, pain was agravated but no relief at all.
Anyone with same experience or some better suggestion. Thanks!
  faiz on 2003-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
more info needed but from what you write ; spongia 200c 1 dose only.
better post more info- any seemingly unrelated symptoms??

John Stanton
John Stanton 2 decades ago
Other symptoms include inflammation, driness between scrotum and inner thies, and heaviness in testicles and abdomen area while standing.
Also I feel sourness in legs.

Left testicle seams like hanged little longer than right one, and left spermatic cord seams longer and thick as well.
Sometime I also feel both tests are hardened.

That's all I know. Will this be more clearer now?

I appreciate your suggestions.

buddy 2 decades ago
===Choronic Pain in Testicles===.
*** Remember, only a physician can make a positive diagnosis ***

For that matter, only a physician can make a negative diagnosis too. If you think something feels strange, go see the doctor!

Finally, embarassment is a poor excuse for not having any problem examined by a doctor. If you think there is something wrong or something has changed, please see your doctor!

The health care provider will perform a physical examination and will obtain a medical history.

please Answer the following first:

testicular pain in detail may include the following:

Time pattern
How long has the pain been present?
Did it occur suddenly or gradually?
Is the pain constant or occasional?
How severe is the pain?
Is the pain increasing?
Exactly where does it hurt?
Is the pain in one testicle or both?
Does the pain extend into the abdomen or back?
Aggravating factors
Have there been any recent injuries?
Have there been any recent infections?
What makes the pain worse?
Relieving factors: Does anything help relieve the pain?
What other symptoms are also present?
Is there swelling?
Is there redness?
Are there urine color changes?
Is there a fever?
Has there been unintentional weight loss?

Physical examination will include an examination of the groin and testicles.

Treatment may include the following best remedies in Homoeopathy:

Arnica 30
Sulphur 30
Calc Carb.30
Orchitinum 3x

Take care!

Hom. Dr. Saleem Hamid
web site: www.homeopathyNHS.com
shamid 2 decades ago
OK 1 dose phosphoric-acid 200c only. It seems something went on before painful urination.Not sure if you take medicine for this complaint;but seems possibly so;maybe veneral oriented

consume.no acids...i.e.....citrus,
nothing acidic.

.may need to adjust potency.

POST symptoms due to remedy response .Keep in touch.
MAKE.note each symptom whether new or old one returning or existing one agg.

John Stanton
John Stanton 2 decades ago
I was looking for something for m husband who has a cyst on his kidney and came across your post. Get to the dr, my husband had testicular cancer when he was 17 . How old are you
cute22980 2 decades ago
Hey everyone with pain in testicles!!!!!!!!!1 i am 23 and began to experience severe pain and pressure in both testicles along the spermatic cord, along with back pain/leg pain/ pain at tip of penis
naturally i freaked!!! after countless doctors telling me it was prostatitis, or epididimitis and having no cure i became more and more stressed and the pain got worse.....why did it get worse with stress????? its simple...when you stress you tense your pelvic floor muscles which then cuts off blood flow/ constricts nerves and just down right hurts!!! i found relief with Dr wise and Dr Anderson's book "A headache in the pelvis" please for your own sake get your hands on a copy of it...it saved my life!!!!there method involves relaxing and lengthening the pelvic floor...check it out it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
feelinbetter 2 decades ago
JOHN, Just match their symptoms with Nat.Phos. & suggest if suitable.
logical 2 decades ago
Rhododendron 30 thrice a day for one week
drsayani 2 decades ago
Time pattern - The pain lasts for 2-3 days after incidence.

How long has the pain been present? It started when i was 16, lasted for 1-2 months. Then started again at 19 lasted for 3-4 months. Now i am 23, i am having this pain since a year and a half.

Did it occur suddenly or gradually? It occured suddenly. Then i ignored it and played a while (had a lot of running to do). After that it was severe. Was getting the pain while urinating, erection, walking etc. lasted for 5-7 days then subsided. But now the pain is always there at a minimum and bearable level. But whenever i mastrubate, or run or sit for a long time i start getting the pain. Again it lasts for 2-3 days and comes down to a minimum level.

Is the pain constant or occasional? The pain is constant at the minimum level and aggravates during stress
(mastrubation, running and sitting for a long time).

Quality: How severe is the pain? pretty severe, when it happens. I find difficulty while walking too.

Is the pain increasing? Ya increases as mentioned above.

Location: Exactly where does it hurt? In the right testicles predominantly. Sometimes in the left testicles. Goes up to the abdomen, thies and buttocks.

Is the pain in one testicle or both? Predominantly in the right, sometimes in the left.
Does the pain extend into the abdomen or back? ya extends upto just below belly button on the right and then to thies and buttocks.

Aggravating factors: Running, sitting in a constrained position, mastrubation.

Have there been any recent injuries? Not recent, but i had a few when i was young, say between 10-15 years.

Have there been any recent infections? No infections.

Relieving factors: Does anything help relieve the pain? Nothing in partucular, sometimes wearing tight undies helps, sometimes removing them helps.

Other: What other symptoms are also present? Feels like a burning sensation in the testicles.

Is there swelling?: hmmm, i guess not, but the right side is slightly bigger than the left. I had been to a doctor.
Got the ultrasound scanning done. He said structurally there is no problem. There are slight incidents of varecocele and hydrocele. But those are slight variations and are normal in any person. So there is no danger as such. But the pain will be constant and nagging and there is no known solution for it. No tortion, no mumps, no cancer, no softening of testicles, no infection. So God knows what is the problem. Then i asked what might be the problem. He
said that there has been not much research in that field. so cannot diagonise the problem effectly and that i have to live with it.

So i had been to a Homeo pathic doc. He has been giving me medicines since a month, but no use. Feels better and the pain reduces quicker than before but no complete relief. So having my fingers crossed. i Am afraid. and i think i cant get married or something like that. So please help.
Is there rednes? no

Are there urine color changes? No

Is there a fever? No

Has there been unintentional weight loss? No
Nikes last decade
Sure sounds like you had some unprotected sex and have a suppressed STD. Do a search on suppressed gonorrhea and see the symptoms.
ecogenie last decade
Forgot to mention that I have been fighting the same fight and no one really has any answers for it. I know that mine came from being exposed to an STD. A gonorrhea that has been suppressed by using antibiotics. Untreated gonorrhea can also cause this. Females can get pelvic inflammation disease (PID) if not treated.
ecogenie last decade
Sure would like to know how the person is doing that started this post. Think name is Faiz. If you are still out there please let me know how you are doing and what has worked for you. Thanks so very much!!!
ecogenie last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.