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Blind Fistula Page 2 of 2

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dr i have taken causticum200 butnot that much relief .i want to tell you that their is a small hole inside my rectum .so after bm some itching in my anus after some time pus used to come.i an very much irritated please help me
[message edited by priyasep123 on Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:06:38 BST]
priyasep123 last decade
Please take Hepar Sulph 30 in the evening for 10 days and report back.
kadwa last decade
Hello Drs. rishimba and kadwa,

I had perianal pain for one year (2015 to 16) and nohting was found on clinical exam. Finally I saw a bump behind the anus and was diagnosed with fistula. I had fistulectomy in one week. My post operative course was fine. I started taking calendula 30, which I am still taking. I had recurrence of pain 2 months later and got MRI done. There was a tiny 3 mm collection deep to the scar. Nothing was done. Pain subsided in 2-3 weeks and next 2 months went fine.

Again the pain recurred in end of November and its still on. The pain is not there while an asleep. It starts after few minutes after bowel movement. It stays all throughout the day. I tool antibiotics with minimal to no relief. I am stressed our now. Cant get MRI too after. On exam, no outside swelling. No swelling or significant tenderness on rectal exam. I read about acid nitricum and above posts from you.

Summarizing post fistulectomy superficial fistula, no new fistula or dicernable abscess on exam.Pain (possibly recurrence of small collection deep to the scar causing irritation of the sphincter).

Kindly suggest and oblige.


drpuneetkochar 8 years ago

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