The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Request for Help w Hashimoto's Thyroiditis
Anyone have any ideas what homeopathic remedies a thin, tall pale female with dark blonde/light brown hair, gluten and milk intolerences, weak adrenals, congested liver, mental fog, frequent candida issues, Hashimoto's auto-immune Thyroiditis (but thyroxine intolerance--which causes great nausea, diarrhea, insomnia) might try? Personality: gentle, bright intravert who tends toward seriousness and lots of studying. All online help greatly appreciated!yuanshen on 2008-03-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
asthma and pneumonia a number of times as a child. boils a few times during the past few years. occassional anxiety and insomnia. anemia recently. bloodshot eyes for 2 years (doesn't respond to eye drops). photophobia for past 3 years. red spots (prickly heat?) when go in sun the past 3 years.
Mother & her 3 sisters all had thyoid issues as I do. Grandmother has diabetes and high blood pressure. Grandfather died of colon cancer in his 40s. Adopted, so don't know about father's side of family.
Thank you so much for your help! Best Wishes to you!!!
Mother & her 3 sisters all had thyoid issues as I do. Grandmother has diabetes and high blood pressure. Grandfather died of colon cancer in his 40s. Adopted, so don't know about father's side of family.
Thank you so much for your help! Best Wishes to you!!!
yuanshen last decade
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