The ABC Homeopathy Forum
abdomal pain,flatulence,every singe day,I am tired of life
Hi,I am 52 andI suffer from flatulence,abdomal pain,diaria,last 10 years and feel so tired of life.Only very strong antibiotics help me temporary ,but when i stop it ,it starts again.I need to be on a diet,mainly rice,but can't stand a diet,while need to work hard for my family.Ten years ago,I had cancer operation and ex-ray treatment and I think this caused me these colics.Its getting worse and I became alergic to some foods.
sara52 on 2008-03-29
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pls take Carcinocin 10 M weekly one dosese i.e every sunday morning for 4 sunday only next six days you will take morning Trombodium 200 one dose and night Pulsatilla 200 followed by Mag Phos 6x 4 tab thrice in a day..
send me weekly report to me..
dr.deoshlok sharma
send me weekly report to me..
dr.deoshlok sharma
♡ deoshlok last decade
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