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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

genital warts - thuja didn't work

I have several single ones and small groups. They're around the base, on the penis, and even a couple on my lower abdomen. They are flesh colored/pink. I took 3 doses per day of thuja 30C for 10 days, to no avail. Any ideas?
  nitley on 2008-04-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Now that you have inundated yourself with Thuja, give it sometime to work.

You have not given your body time to respond to the medicine by giving so many doses continuously.

Wait for 2-3 weeks now, and then see if there is some change or not.
sameervermani last decade
I guess I should have mentioned I've been off of the thuja for about two weeks now. No change.
nitley last decade
Okay , we would need much more information to arrive to the right medicine.

Tell us about your temperament and your behaviour. Any anxieties/fears should be mentioned as well.

Also, tell us about any food cravings/aversions.

And, tell us about your weather/temeperature preferences.
sameervermani last decade
Pretty hard to just sum up my temperament. I'm always inside of me, you know? I seem a bit more erratic than I am I guess. I think I have things in perspective pretty well. Haven't gotten really depressed since my teens. Overall...pretty easy going. Hasn't changed really.

And that's the thing about the anxieties question. I have traces of the wanting people to like me and fear of death left over from childhood, but nothing overwhelming. I try to maintain a picture of the world that does not lead me to blowing things out of proportion or worrying too much. I'm sorry I can't be more specific or helpful. Ask more questions if you need.

I don't eat meat or mayonnaise. I do eat a lot of bread and pasta. If I get a craving it is usually for tomato sauces, broccoli, or indian food.

I completely hate cold weather. Mid-70s is ideal (of course), but I don't mind it hotter.

Thanks for reading. Any help will be very much appreciated.
nitley last decade
How are you with your family ? Are you very caring with your family ?

How responsible are you ?

How is your confidence level ?

Do you have inertia ?

Are you revengeful ?

sameervermani last decade
My family only consists of my mom and dad. I love them very much but I keep a distance. We're all just a little uncomfortable with each other.

I am very responsible in situations that concern other people. As far as my own stuff goes, I'll let it slide until I need to deal with it, but I usually get it taken care of.

Confidence fluctuates from day to day based on recent events. It is usually not my strong point.

I assume by having inertia you mean do I stick with things, see them through to their conclusion. So I suppose the answer is no. Kind of like with my confidence, I'll feel differently about the importance of any given thing from day to day.

Revenge? No. I can not hold a grudge, even when I swear I want to. I understand that people have weaknesses and fears and are trying to deal with life just like I am.
nitley last decade
Okay then, a TOTAL of 3 doses of Calcarea Carb 30C evenly spaced on a single day.

No eating/drinking/brushing of teeth for 1 hr on either side of each dose.

After this, wait for 3 weeks, and then post back your status here.
sameervermani last decade
I will try it. Thank you very much.

Does it matter if I take a tablet or use liquid?
nitley last decade
Does not matter .
sameervermani last decade
Remember , just 3 doses and then stop.
sameervermani last decade
it's been more than 4 weeks. no change.

any thoughts?
nitley last decade
I guess I shouldn't say no change. I acually have a few more.
nitley last decade
There are some itchy ones on the back side now. Ones on the front don't itch. I've tried several remedies to no avail. Seriously. It's been like a year and a half. I need help. Please.
nitley last decade

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