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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe scalp irritation and hair loss

hello my name is Brian,
I'm 17 years old,I'm a senior in High School and I have quite the situation. For the past 2 years i have been losing hair at an increasing rate. i no longer have hair on the left and right sides of the top of my head until about an inch from the very back of my head. my hairline takes a V shape and the front of the V is about 3 inches off my browline now and its completely transparent. (i'm a blondie, like whitish gold) also the hair on my temples has receded back about an inch and a half and has gotten extremely thin all the way to the back of my head; its now completely see through. The hair i have is coarse, thin, weak, and brittle. i can now see all the individual hair roots on top of my head, its gotten so thin. it is very sore at the root as well and i have intense burning and scaling on my scalp. a gust of wind causes my hair roots alot of pain and i can watch hairs fall out of my head and land on my shirt all day. my scalp is also extremely red and sore. i saw a dermatologist about 4 months ago and he said my hair loss was just me becoming a man and gave me some fluocinonide for the irritation. but my hair volume has about halved itself since then and receded about an inch. my father has always had good thick blonde hair and so does my 22 year old brother. my grandfathers on both sides have full heads of white hair. thanks for reading my sob story and know that i haven't been too school in 3 days because on sunday it thinned overnight and i'm so embarrased.
  skatesforcandy on 2008-05-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Brian, Would you be under a lot of anxiety and stress? Have you been exposed to any chemicals that your family has not? Have you been smoking dope, Weed in particular? If so Arsenicum Alb in a 200c liquid dose might help to relieve it and stop the hair loss.
parachute last decade
I ordered the Arsenicum album 200c in the liquid form but how should i take it? i'm new to the homeopathic world.
skatesforcandy last decade
A few (5-6) drops on the tongue is a dose. Take one dose in the morning then another at night, then NO MORE. Wait for a reaction , should expect something within a week if the remedy is going to help you.
parachute last decade
the bottle says that i should take 10 drops with 1 oz of water 3 times daily. also it says diarrhea with frequent burning stools. what does this mean? these definitly arent what i'm trying to treat.
skatesforcandy last decade
Right, without me sounding too large headed, the company is in business to make a profit, if you took Ars as per bottle suggests you would probably end up with diahorrea among other things, and it is not the way to practice hpathy for the best results. If you do as I suggest and then wait for the effects to work you may get what your after in time, and thats something no one can predict. The right remedy brings everything into balance not just for hair falling out.
parachute last decade
well its been like 3 weeks since i took 6 drops on my tongue twice in one day. i don't believe i had a reaction but i'm not really sure what i was expecting. while my hair shafts have not thickened i think there may have been a slight pause in shrinkag, but that might be just wishful thinking. i wish i knew what my problem was i'm only 17 and everyone says my hair is creepy. LIFE man i'm tellin you.
skatesforcandy last decade
Well rats Ars didnt work. I have aweb site with a questionaire to help find the proper remedy, been up a week only how about helping me to see if things are working OK. Ignore the expense part I'll try to figure you out gratis. the site is dub dub dub homoeopath dot com dot au, email is on site OK.
parachute last decade

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