The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Attn: Faisal Qureshi - EXCESS HAIR - removal! (any tips, anyone? plz- desperate)
Mr. Faisal Qureshi,I tried what you had recommend, but was unsuccessful. I took the recommened dose of Thuja two 1M, each week, for 6 weeks, and waited 2.5 weeks, but all the fuzz is still there, and nothing happened. What can I do? Pleasee any further advice would be greatly cherished and appreciated!!!
MY PREVIOUS QUESTION: Excess Hair - removal
Hello, I am a female that has been suffering with much unwanted hair for years - its all over my body; arms, legs, chest, and fuzz all over my back and stomach and all that.
Even if i wanted to do laser, it would cost me a fortune, but i cant even afford that now.
i cant wax my back and stomach, but i try with my arms and legs; unsuccessful due to the extent at which it grows (fast and a lot!)
PLEASEEE RECOMMEND SOMWTHING THAT CAN HELP WITH somewhat permanent removal over time or whatnot. thank you so much!!
Reply: any medical history like gyneocological problem ???
Reply: No sir, I dont have any history with any type of problems like that. (No PCOS either)...
Reply: (Thuja-1M) 2pills weekly for 6 weeks only then stop and after 2 weeks report me back,ok thanks
nbco1 on 2008-05-07
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