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Nux Vomica:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Urticaria in child - Nux Vomica connection ?

My sons who is 3 yrs 7 months old had urticaria about a fortnight back.

He was given cetzine & atarax - both anti-allergic syrups & mebendazole syrup for deworming.

He was cured completely. About two days ago he had a little stomach upset & loose stools. Its a very hot summer in delhi(India) .. So i gave him Nux vom 30 two doses that day.

However the next day he had the Hives (urticaria) again.

My concern is whether the urticaria this time has got anything to do with Nux vom?

If yes.. what homeopathic medicine should I give him now?

Please advise .

Thanks & Regards,

  Gautam on 2008-05-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Urticaria has a tendency to recur. Nux.v may not have any connection with it.

Give more details..

Where are the hives?

what size aare they and how many?

Are they itching/burning/any other sensation?

Did you try cold water application? If so what is the result.

Medicines like Cetzine will help temporarily but won't go to the root cause.

Try to recollect the possible causes for these uricaria. Any new food item? any exposure to pollen etc? Something else?

gavinimurthy last decade

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